"""Miscellaneous utility functions and classes specific to ansible cli tools.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import json import os from .constants import ( SOFT_RLIMIT_NOFILE, ) from .util import ( common_environment, display, find_python, ApplicationError, ANSIBLE_LIB_ROOT, ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, ANSIBLE_BIN_PATH, ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT, ) from .util_common import ( create_temp_dir, run_command, ResultType, ) from .config import ( PosixIntegrationConfig, EnvironmentConfig, CommonConfig, ) from .data import ( data_context, ) CHECK_YAML_VERSIONS = {} def ansible_environment(args, color=True, ansible_config=None): """ :type args: CommonConfig :type color: bool :type ansible_config: str | None :rtype: dict[str, str] """ env = common_environment() path = env['PATH'] if not path.startswith(ANSIBLE_BIN_PATH + os.path.pathsep): path = ANSIBLE_BIN_PATH + os.path.pathsep + path if not ansible_config: # use the default empty configuration unless one has been provided ansible_config = args.get_ansible_config() if not args.explain and not os.path.exists(ansible_config): raise ApplicationError('Configuration not found: %s' % ansible_config) ansible = dict( ANSIBLE_PYTHON_MODULE_RLIMIT_NOFILE=str(SOFT_RLIMIT_NOFILE), ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR='%s' % 'true' if args.color and color else 'false', ANSIBLE_FORCE_HANDLERS='true', # allow cleanup handlers to run when tests fail ANSIBLE_HOST_PATTERN_MISMATCH='error', # prevent tests from unintentionally passing when hosts are not found ANSIBLE_INVENTORY='/dev/null', # force tests to provide inventory ANSIBLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS='false', ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING='false', ANSIBLE_RETRY_FILES_ENABLED='false', ANSIBLE_CONFIG=ansible_config, ANSIBLE_LIBRARY='/dev/null', PYTHONPATH=get_ansible_python_path(), PAGER='/bin/cat', PATH=path, ) if isinstance(args, PosixIntegrationConfig): ansible.update(dict( ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER='/set/ansible_python_interpreter/in/inventory', # force tests to set ansible_python_interpreter in inventory )) env.update(ansible) if args.debug: env.update(dict( ANSIBLE_DEBUG='true', ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=os.path.join(ResultType.LOGS.name, 'debug.log'), )) if data_context().content.collection: env.update(dict( ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS=data_context().content.collection.root, )) return env def get_ansible_python_path(): # type: () -> str """ Return a directory usable for PYTHONPATH, containing only the ansible package. If a temporary directory is required, it will be cached for the lifetime of the process and cleaned up at exit. """ if ANSIBLE_SOURCE_ROOT: # when running from source there is no need for a temporary directory to isolate the ansible package return os.path.dirname(ANSIBLE_LIB_ROOT) try: return get_ansible_python_path.python_path except AttributeError: pass python_path = create_temp_dir(prefix='ansible-test-') get_ansible_python_path.python_path = python_path os.symlink(ANSIBLE_LIB_ROOT, os.path.join(python_path, 'ansible')) return python_path def check_pyyaml(args, version): """ :type args: EnvironmentConfig :type version: str """ try: return CHECK_YAML_VERSIONS[version] except KeyError: pass python = find_python(version) stdout, _dummy = run_command(args, [python, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'yamlcheck.py')], capture=True, always=True) CHECK_YAML_VERSIONS[version] = result = json.loads(stdout) yaml = result['yaml'] cloader = result['cloader'] if not yaml: display.warning('PyYAML is not installed for interpreter: %s' % python) elif not cloader: display.warning('PyYAML will be slow due to installation without libyaml support for interpreter: %s' % python) return result