--- - name: create test staging folder win_file: path: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}' state: directory - name: download hotfix win_get_url: url: '{{test_win_hotfix_good_url}}' dest: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\good.msu' - name: download reboot hotfix win_get_url: url: '{{test_win_hotfix_reboot_url}}' dest: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\reboot.msu' - name: download bad hotfix win_get_url: url: '{{test_win_hotfix_bad_url}}' dest: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\bad.msu' - name: fail install install hotfix where kb doesn't match win_hotfix: hotfix_kb: KB0000000 source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\good.msu' state: present register: fail_install_invalid_kb failed_when: fail_install_invalid_kb.msg != 'the hotfix KB KB0000000 does not match with the source msu KB ' + test_win_hotfix_kb + ', please omit or specify the correct KB to continue' - name: fail install install hotfix where identifier doesn't match win_hotfix: hotfix_identifier: invalid source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\good.msu' state: present register: fail_install_invalid_identifier failed_when: fail_install_invalid_identifier.msg != 'the hotfix identifier invalid does not match with the source msu identifier ' + test_win_hotfix_identifier + ', please omit or specify the correct identifier to continue' - name: fail install not applicable hotfix win_hotfix: source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\bad.msu' state: present register: fail_install_not_applicable failed_when: fail_install_not_applicable.msg != 'hotfix package is not applicable for this server' - name: install hotfix check win_hotfix: source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\good.msu' state: present register: install_hotfix_check check_mode: yes - name: get result of install hotfix check win_command: powershell.exe Get-Hotfix -Id {{test_win_hotfix_kb}} register: install_hotfix_actual_check ignore_errors: True - name: assert install hotfix check assert: that: - install_hotfix_check is changed - install_hotfix_check.kb == test_win_hotfix_kb - install_hotfix_check.identifier == test_win_hotfix_identifier - install_hotfix_actual_check.rc != 0 - name: install hotfix win_hotfix: source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\good.msu' state: present register: install_hotfix - name: get result of install hotfix win_command: powershell.exe Get-Hotfix -Id {{test_win_hotfix_kb}} register: install_hotfix_actual - name: assert install hotfix assert: that: - install_hotfix is changed - install_hotfix.kb == test_win_hotfix_kb - install_hotfix.identifier == test_win_hotfix_identifier - install_hotfix.reboot_required == False - install_hotfix_actual.rc == 0 - name: install hotfix again win_hotfix: source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\good.msu' state: present register: install_hotfix_again - name: assert install hotfix again assert: that: - install_hotfix_again is not changed - install_hotfix_again.kb == test_win_hotfix_kb - install_hotfix_again.identifier == test_win_hotfix_identifier - install_hotfix_again.reboot_required == False - name: uninstall hotfix check win_hotfix: hotfix_identifier: '{{test_win_hotfix_identifier}}' state: absent register: uninstall_hotfix_check check_mode: yes - name: get result of uninstall hotfix check win_command: powershell.exe Get-Hotfix -Id {{test_win_hotfix_kb}} register: uninstall_hotfix_actual_check - name: assert uninstall hotfix check assert: that: - uninstall_hotfix_check is changed - uninstall_hotfix_check.kb == test_win_hotfix_kb - uninstall_hotfix_check.identifier == test_win_hotfix_identifier - uninstall_hotfix_actual_check.rc == 0 - name: uninstall hotfix win_hotfix: hotfix_identifier: '{{test_win_hotfix_identifier}}' state: absent register: uninstall_hotfix - name: get result of uninstall hotfix win_command: powershell.exe Get-Hotfix -Id {{test_win_hotfix_kb}} register: uninstall_hotfix_actual ignore_errors: True - name: assert uninstall hotfix assert: that: - uninstall_hotfix is changed - uninstall_hotfix.kb == test_win_hotfix_kb - uninstall_hotfix.identifier == test_win_hotfix_identifier - uninstall_hotfix.reboot_required == False - uninstall_hotfix_actual.rc != 0 - name: uninstall hotfix again win_hotfix: hotfix_identifier: '{{test_win_hotfix_identifier}}' state: absent register: uninstall_hotfix_again - name: assert uninstall hotfix again assert: that: - uninstall_hotfix_again is not changed - uninstall_hotfix_again.reboot_required == False - name: install reboot hotfix win_hotfix: hotfix_kb: '{{test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb}}' source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\reboot.msu' state: present register: install_reboot_hotfix - name: get result of install reboot hotfix win_command: powershell.exe Get-Hotfix -Id {{test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb}} register: install_hotfix_reboot_actual - name: assert install reboot hotfix assert: that: - install_reboot_hotfix is changed - install_reboot_hotfix.kb == test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb - install_reboot_hotfix.identifier == test_win_hotfix_reboot_identifier - install_reboot_hotfix.reboot_required == True - install_hotfix_reboot_actual.rc == 0 - name: run install reboot again before rebooting win_hotfix: source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\reboot.msu' state: present register: install_before_rebooting - name: assert install reboot again before rebooting assert: that: - install_before_rebooting is not changed - install_before_rebooting.reboot_required == True - win_reboot: - name: install reboot hotfix again win_hotfix: hotfix_identifier: '{{test_win_hotfix_reboot_identifier}}' source: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}\reboot.msu' state: present register: install_reboot_hotfix_again - name: assert install reboot hotfix again assert: that: - install_reboot_hotfix_again is not changed - install_reboot_hotfix_again.reboot_required == False - name: uninstall hotfix with kb check win_hotfix: hotfix_kb: '{{test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb}}' state: absent register: uninstall_hotfix_kb_check check_mode: yes - name: get result of uninstall hotfix with kb check win_command: powershell.exe Get-Hotfix -Id {{test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb}} register: uninstall_hotfix_kb_actual_check - name: assert uninstall hotfix with kb check assert: that: - uninstall_hotfix_kb_check is changed - uninstall_hotfix_kb_check.kb == test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb - uninstall_hotfix_kb_check.identifier == test_win_hotfix_reboot_identifier - uninstall_hotfix_kb_check.reboot_required == False - uninstall_hotfix_kb_actual_check.rc == 0 - name: uninstall hotfix with kb win_hotfix: hotfix_kb: '{{test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb}}' state: absent register: uninstall_hotfix_kb - name: get result of uninstall hotfix with kb win_command: powershell.exe Get-Hotfix -Id {{test_win_hotfix_kb}} register: uninstall_hotfix_kb_actual ignore_errors: True - name: assert uninstall hotfix with kb assert: that: - uninstall_hotfix_kb is changed - uninstall_hotfix_kb.kb == test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb - uninstall_hotfix_kb.identifier == test_win_hotfix_reboot_identifier - uninstall_hotfix_kb.reboot_required == True - uninstall_hotfix_kb_actual.rc != 0 - win_reboot: - name: uninstall hotfix with kb again win_hotfix: hotfix_kb: '{{test_win_hotfix_reboot_kb}}' state: absent register: uninstall_hotfix_kb_again - name: assert uninstall hotfix with kb again assert: that: - uninstall_hotfix_kb_again is not changed - uninstall_hotfix_kb_again.reboot_required == False - name: remove test staging folder win_file: path: '{{test_win_hotfix_path}}' state: absent