"""Utility code for facilitating collection of code coverage when running tests.""" from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses import os import sqlite3 import tempfile import typing as t from .config import ( IntegrationConfig, SanityConfig, TestConfig, ) from .io import ( write_text_file, make_dirs, open_binary_file, ) from .util import ( ApplicationError, InternalError, COVERAGE_CONFIG_NAME, remove_tree, sanitize_host_name, str_to_version, ) from .data import ( data_context, ) from .util_common import ( ExitHandler, intercept_python, ResultType, ) from .host_configs import ( DockerConfig, HostConfig, OriginConfig, PosixRemoteConfig, PosixSshConfig, PythonConfig, ) from .constants import ( SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS, CONTROLLER_PYTHON_VERSIONS, ) from .thread import ( mutex, ) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class CoverageVersion: """Details about a coverage version and its supported Python versions.""" coverage_version: str schema_version: int min_python: tuple[int, int] max_python: tuple[int, int] COVERAGE_VERSIONS = ( # IMPORTANT: Keep this in sync with the ansible-test.txt requirements file. CoverageVersion('7.5.3', 7, (3, 8), (3, 13)), ) """ This tuple specifies the coverage version to use for Python version ranges. """ CONTROLLER_COVERAGE_VERSION = COVERAGE_VERSIONS[0] """The coverage version supported on the controller.""" class CoverageError(ApplicationError): """Exception caused while attempting to read a coverage file.""" def __init__(self, path: str, message: str) -> None: self.path = path self.message = message super().__init__(f'Error reading coverage file "{os.path.relpath(path)}": {message}') def get_coverage_version(version: str) -> CoverageVersion: """Return the coverage version to use with the specified Python version.""" python_version = str_to_version(version) supported_versions = [entry for entry in COVERAGE_VERSIONS if entry.min_python <= python_version <= entry.max_python] if not supported_versions: raise InternalError(f'Python {version} has no matching entry in COVERAGE_VERSIONS.') if len(supported_versions) > 1: raise InternalError(f'Python {version} has multiple matching entries in COVERAGE_VERSIONS.') coverage_version = supported_versions[0] return coverage_version def get_coverage_file_schema_version(path: str) -> int: """ Return the schema version from the specified coverage file. SQLite based files report schema version 1 or later. JSON based files are reported as schema version 0. An exception is raised if the file is not recognized or the schema version cannot be determined. """ with open_binary_file(path) as file_obj: header = file_obj.read(16) if header.startswith(b'!coverage.py: '): return 0 if header.startswith(b'SQLite'): return get_sqlite_schema_version(path) raise CoverageError(path, f'Unknown header: {header!r}') def get_sqlite_schema_version(path: str) -> int: """Return the schema version from a SQLite based coverage file.""" try: with sqlite3.connect(path) as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('select version from coverage_schema') schema_version = cursor.fetchmany(1)[0][0] except Exception as ex: raise CoverageError(path, f'SQLite error: {ex}') from ex if not isinstance(schema_version, int): raise CoverageError(path, f'Schema version is {type(schema_version)} instead of {int}: {schema_version}') if schema_version < 1: raise CoverageError(path, f'Schema version is out-of-range: {schema_version}') return schema_version def cover_python( args: TestConfig, python: PythonConfig, cmd: list[str], target_name: str, env: dict[str, str], capture: bool, data: t.Optional[str] = None, cwd: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> tuple[t.Optional[str], t.Optional[str]]: """Run a command while collecting Python code coverage.""" if args.coverage: env.update(get_coverage_environment(args, target_name, python.version)) return intercept_python(args, python, cmd, env, capture, data, cwd) def get_coverage_platform(config: HostConfig) -> str: """Return the platform label for the given host config.""" if isinstance(config, PosixRemoteConfig): platform = f'remote-{sanitize_host_name(config.name)}' elif isinstance(config, DockerConfig): platform = f'docker-{sanitize_host_name(config.name)}' elif isinstance(config, PosixSshConfig): platform = f'ssh-{sanitize_host_name(config.host)}' elif isinstance(config, OriginConfig): platform = 'origin' # previous versions of ansible-test used "local-{python_version}" else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Coverage platform label not defined for type: {type(config)}') return platform def get_coverage_environment( args: TestConfig, target_name: str, version: str, ) -> dict[str, str]: """Return environment variables needed to collect code coverage.""" # unit tests, sanity tests and other special cases (localhost only) # config is in a temporary directory # results are in the source tree config_file = get_coverage_config(args) coverage_name = '='.join((args.command, target_name, get_coverage_platform(args.controller), f'python-{version}', 'coverage')) coverage_dir = os.path.join(data_context().content.root, data_context().content.results_path, ResultType.COVERAGE.name) coverage_file = os.path.join(coverage_dir, coverage_name) make_dirs(coverage_dir) if args.coverage_check: # cause the 'coverage' module to be found, but not imported or enabled coverage_file = '' # Enable code coverage collection on local Python programs (this does not include Ansible modules). # Used by the injectors to support code coverage. # Used by the pytest unit test plugin to support code coverage. # The COVERAGE_FILE variable is also used directly by the 'coverage' module. env = dict( COVERAGE_CONF=config_file, COVERAGE_FILE=coverage_file, ) return env @mutex def get_coverage_config(args: TestConfig) -> str: """Return the path to the coverage config, creating the config if it does not already exist.""" try: return get_coverage_config.path # type: ignore[attr-defined] except AttributeError: pass coverage_config = generate_coverage_config(args) if args.explain: temp_dir = '/tmp/coverage-temp-dir' else: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ExitHandler.register(lambda: remove_tree(temp_dir)) path = os.path.join(temp_dir, COVERAGE_CONFIG_NAME) if not args.explain: write_text_file(path, coverage_config) get_coverage_config.path = path # type: ignore[attr-defined] return path def generate_coverage_config(args: TestConfig) -> str: """Generate code coverage configuration for tests.""" if data_context().content.collection: coverage_config = generate_collection_coverage_config(args) else: coverage_config = generate_ansible_coverage_config() return coverage_config def generate_ansible_coverage_config() -> str: """Generate code coverage configuration for Ansible tests.""" coverage_config = ''' [run] branch = True concurrency = multiprocessing thread parallel = True omit = */python*/dist-packages/* */python*/site-packages/* */python*/distutils/* */pyshared/* */pytest */AnsiballZ_*.py */test/results/* ''' return coverage_config def generate_collection_coverage_config(args: TestConfig) -> str: """Generate code coverage configuration for Ansible Collection tests.""" coverage_config = ''' [run] branch = True concurrency = multiprocessing thread parallel = True disable_warnings = no-data-collected ''' if isinstance(args, IntegrationConfig): coverage_config += ''' include = %s/* */%s/* ''' % (data_context().content.root, data_context().content.collection.directory) elif isinstance(args, SanityConfig): # temporary work-around for import sanity test coverage_config += ''' include = %s/* omit = %s/* ''' % (data_context().content.root, os.path.join(data_context().content.root, data_context().content.results_path)) else: coverage_config += ''' include = %s/* ''' % data_context().content.root return coverage_config def self_check() -> None: """Check for internal errors due to incorrect code changes.""" # Verify all supported Python versions have a coverage version. for version in SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS: get_coverage_version(version) # Verify all controller Python versions are mapped to the latest coverage version. for version in CONTROLLER_PYTHON_VERSIONS: if get_coverage_version(version) != CONTROLLER_COVERAGE_VERSION: raise InternalError(f'Controller Python version {version} is not mapped to the latest coverage version.') self_check()