--- - name: create default pool check win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: started register: create_default_check check_mode: yes - name: get actual of create default pool check win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}" register: create_default_actual_check failed_when: False - name: assert create default pool check assert: that: - create_default_check|changed - create_default_actual_check.rc == 1 - name: create default pool win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present register: create_default - name: get actual of create default pool win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}" register: create_default_actual failed_when: False - name: assert create default pool assert: that: - create_default|changed - create_default.info.attributes.name == test_iis_webapppool_name - create_default.info.attributes.startMode == 'OnDemand' - create_default.info.attributes.state == 'Started' - create_default_actual.rc == 0 - name: change attributes of pool check win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: managedPipelineMode: 1 # Using an enum value cpu.limit: 95 # Nested values processModel.identityType: LocalSystem # Using an enum name processModel.loadUserProfile: True register: change_pool_attributes_check check_mode: yes - name: assert change attributes of pool check assert: that: - change_pool_attributes_check|changed - change_pool_attributes_check.info == create_default.info - name: change attributes of pool win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: managedPipelineMode: 1 # Using an enum value cpu.limit: 95 # Nested values processModel.identityType: LocalSystem # Using an enum name processModel.loadUserProfile: True test: True register: change_pool_attributes - name: assert change attributes of pool assert: that: - change_pool_attributes|changed - change_pool_attributes.info.attributes.managedPipelineMode == 'Classic' - change_pool_attributes.info.cpu.limit == 95 - change_pool_attributes.info.processModel.identityType == 'LocalSystem' - change_pool_attributes.info.processModel.loadUserProfile == True - name: change attributes of pool again win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: managedPipelineMode: 1 # Using an enum value cpu.limit: 95 # Nested values processModel.identityType: LocalSystem # Using an enum name processModel.loadUserProfile: True register: change_pool_attributes_again - name: assert change attributes of pool again assert: that: - not change_pool_attributes_again|changed - change_pool_attributes_again.info == change_pool_attributes.info - name: change attributes of pool (old style) check win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: "managedPipelineMode:0|startMode:OnDemand|cpu.limit:0|processModel.identityType:NetworkService" register: change_pool_attributes_deprecated_check check_mode: yes - name: assert change attributes of pool (old style) check assert: that: - change_pool_attributes_deprecated_check|changed - change_pool_attributes_deprecated_check.info == change_pool_attributes_again.info - name: change attributes of pool (old style) win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: "managedPipelineMode:0|startMode:OnDemand|cpu.limit:10|processModel.identityType:NetworkService" register: change_pool_attributes_deprecated - name: assert change attributes of pool (old style) assert: that: - change_pool_attributes_deprecated|changed - change_pool_attributes_deprecated.info.attributes.managedPipelineMode == 'Integrated' - change_pool_attributes_deprecated.info.attributes.startMode == 'OnDemand' - change_pool_attributes_deprecated.info.cpu.limit == 10 - change_pool_attributes_deprecated.info.processModel.identityType == 'NetworkService' - name: change attributes of pool (old style) again win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: "managedPipelineMode:0|startMode:OnDemand|cpu.limit:10|processModel.identityType:NetworkService" register: change_pool_attributes_deprecated_again - name: assert change attributes of pool (old style) again assert: that: - not change_pool_attributes_deprecated_again|changed - change_pool_attributes_deprecated_again.info == change_pool_attributes_deprecated.info - name: change more complex variables check win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: queueLength: 500 recycling.periodicRestart.requests: 10 # Deeply nested attribute recycling.periodicRestart.time: "00:00:05:00.000000" # Timespan with string processModel.pingResponseTime: "00:03:00" # Timespan without days or milliseconds register: change_complex_attributes_check check_mode: yes - name: assert change more complex variables check assert: that: - change_complex_attributes_check|changed - change_complex_attributes_check.info == change_pool_attributes_deprecated_again.info - name: change more complex variables win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: queueLength: 500 recycling.periodicRestart.requests: 10 # Deeply nested attribute recycling.periodicRestart.time: "00:00:05:00.000000" # Timespan with string processModel.pingResponseTime: "00:03:00" # Timespan without days or milliseconds register: change_complex_attributes - name: assert change more complex variables assert: that: - change_complex_attributes|changed - change_complex_attributes.info.attributes.queueLength == 500 - change_complex_attributes.info.recycling.periodicRestart.requests == 10 - change_complex_attributes.info.recycling.periodicRestart.time.TotalSeconds == 300 - change_complex_attributes.info.processModel.pingResponseTime.TotalSeconds == 180 - name: change more complex variables again win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: queueLength: 500 recycling.periodicRestart.requests: 10 # Deeply nested attribute recycling.periodicRestart.time: "00:00:05:00.000000" # Timespan with string processModel.pingResponseTime: "00:03:00" # Timespan without days or milliseconds register: change_complex_attributes_again - name: assert change more complex variables again assert: that: - not change_complex_attributes_again|changed - change_complex_attributes_again.info == change_complex_attributes.info - name: stop web pool check win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: stopped register: stop_pool_check check_mode: yes - name: get actual status of pool check win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: stop_pool_actual_check - name: assert stop web pool check assert: that: - stop_pool_check|changed - stop_pool_actual_check.stdout == 'Started\r\n' - name: stop web pool win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: stopped register: stop_pool - name: get actual status of pool win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: stop_pool_actual - name: assert stop web pool assert: that: - stop_pool|changed - stop_pool_actual.stdout == 'Stopped\r\n' - name: stop web pool again win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: stopped register: stop_pool_again - name: get actual status of pool again win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: stop_pool_actual_again - name: assert stop web pool again assert: that: - not stop_pool_again|changed - stop_pool_actual_again.stdout == 'Stopped\r\n' - name: start web pool check win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: started register: start_pool_check check_mode: yes - name: get actual status of pool check win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: start_pool_actual_check - name: assert start web pool check assert: that: - start_pool_check|changed - start_pool_actual_check.stdout == 'Stopped\r\n' - name: start web pool win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: started register: start_pool - name: get actual status of pool win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: start_pool_actual - name: assert start web pool assert: that: - start_pool|changed - start_pool_actual.stdout == 'Started\r\n' - name: start web pool again win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: started register: start_pool_again - name: get actual status of pool again win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: start_pool_actual_again - name: assert start web pool again assert: that: - not start_pool_again|changed - start_pool_actual_again.stdout == 'Started\r\n' - name: restart web pool win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: restarted register: restart_pool - name: get actual status of pool win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: restart_pool_actual - name: assert restart web pool assert: that: - restart_pool|changed - restart_pool_actual.stdout == 'Started\r\n' - name: stop pool before restart on stop test win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: stopped - name: restart from stopped web pool check win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: restarted register: restart_from_stop_pool_check check_mode: yes - name: get actual status of pool check win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: restart_from_stop_pool_actual_check - name: assert restart from stopped web pool check assert: that: - restart_from_stop_pool_check|changed - restart_from_stop_pool_actual_check.stdout == 'Stopped\r\n' - name: restart from stopped web pool win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: restarted register: restart_from_stop_pool - name: get actual status of pool win_command: powershell.exe "Import-Module WebAdministration; (Get-Item -Path IIS:\AppPools\{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}).state" register: restart_from_stop_pool_actual - name: assert restart from stopped web pool assert: that: - restart_from_stop_pool|changed - restart_from_stop_pool_actual.stdout == 'Started\r\n' # The following tests are only for IIS versions 8.0 or newer - block: - name: delete test pool win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: absent - name: create test pool win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present register: iis_attributes_blank - name: change attributes for newer IIS version check win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: startMode: AlwaysRunning processModel.identityType: 3 processModel.userName: '{{ansible_user}}' processModel.password: '{{ansible_password}}' register: iis_attributes_new_check check_mode: yes - name: assert change attributes for newer IIS version check assert: that: - iis_attributes_new_check|changed - iis_attributes_new_check.info == iis_attributes_blank.info - name: change attributes for newer IIS version win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: startMode: AlwaysRunning processModel.identityType: 3 processModel.userName: '{{ansible_user}}' processModel.password: '{{ansible_password}}' register: iis_attributes_new - name: assert change attributes for newer IIS version assert: that: - iis_attributes_new|changed - iis_attributes_new.info.attributes.startMode == 'AlwaysRunning' - iis_attributes_new.info.processModel.identityType == 'SpecificUser' - iis_attributes_new.info.processModel.userName == ansible_user - iis_attributes_new.info.processModel.password == ansible_password - name: change attributes for newer IIS version again win_iis_webapppool: name: '{{test_iis_webapppool_name}}' state: present attributes: startMode: AlwaysRunning processModel.identityType: 3 processModel.userName: '{{ansible_user}}' processModel.password: '{{ansible_password}}' register: iis_attributes_new_again - name: assert change attributes for newer IIS version again assert: that: - not iis_attributes_new_again|changed - iis_attributes_new_again.info == iis_attributes_new.info when: iis_version.win_file_version.file_major_part|int > 7