.. _roadmaps: .. _ansible_roadmaps: Ansible Roadmap =============== The Ansible team develops a roadmap for each major and minor Ansible release. The latest roadmap shows current work; older roadmaps provide a history of the project. We don't publish roadmaps for subminor versions. So 2.10 and 2.11 have roadmaps, but 2.10.1 does not. We incorporate team and community feedback in each roadmap, and aim for further transparency and better inclusion of both community desires and submissions. Each roadmap offers a *best guess*, based on the Ansible team's experience and on requests and feedback from the community, of what will be included in a given release. However, some items on the roadmap may be dropped due to time constraints, lack of community maintainers, and so on. Each roadmap is published both as an idea of what is upcoming in Ansible, and as a medium for seeking further feedback from the community. You can submit feedback on the current roadmap in multiple ways: - Edit the agenda of an `Ansible Community Meeting `_ (preferred) - Post on the ``#ansible-community`` chat channel (using Matrix at ansible.im or using IRC at `irc.libera.chat `_) See :ref:`Ansible communication channels ` for details on how to join and use our chat channels. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: :caption: Ansible Release Roadmaps COLLECTIONS_8 COLLECTIONS_7 COLLECTIONS_6 COLLECTIONS_5 COLLECTIONS_4 COLLECTIONS_3_0 COLLECTIONS_2_10 old_roadmap_index