"""Common logic for the coverage subcommand.""" from __future__ import annotations import errno import os import re import typing as t from ...constants import ( COVERAGE_REQUIRED_VERSION, ) from ...encoding import ( to_bytes, ) from ...io import ( open_binary_file, read_json_file, ) from ...util import ( ApplicationError, common_environment, display, ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, ) from ...util_common import ( intercept_python, ResultType, ) from ...config import ( EnvironmentConfig, ) from ...python_requirements import ( install_requirements, ) from ... target import ( walk_module_targets, ) from ...data import ( data_context, ) from ...pypi_proxy import ( configure_pypi_proxy, ) from ...provisioning import ( HostState, ) if t.TYPE_CHECKING: import coverage as coverage_module COVERAGE_GROUPS = ('command', 'target', 'environment', 'version') COVERAGE_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'coveragerc') COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = 'coverage' class CoverageConfig(EnvironmentConfig): """Configuration for the coverage command.""" def __init__(self, args): # type: (t.Any) -> None super().__init__(args, 'coverage') def initialize_coverage(args, host_state): # type: (CoverageConfig, HostState) -> coverage_module """Delegate execution if requested, install requirements, then import and return the coverage module. Raises an exception if coverage is not available.""" configure_pypi_proxy(args, host_state.controller_profile) # coverage install_requirements(args, host_state.controller_profile.python, coverage=True) # coverage try: import coverage except ImportError: coverage = None if not coverage: raise ApplicationError(f'Version {COVERAGE_REQUIRED_VERSION} of the Python "coverage" module must be installed to use this command.') if coverage.__version__ != COVERAGE_REQUIRED_VERSION: raise ApplicationError(f'Version {COVERAGE_REQUIRED_VERSION} of the Python "coverage" module is required. Version {coverage.__version__} was found.') return coverage def run_coverage(args, host_state, output_file, command, cmd): # type: (CoverageConfig, HostState, str, str, t.List[str]) -> None """Run the coverage cli tool with the specified options.""" env = common_environment() env.update(dict(COVERAGE_FILE=output_file)) cmd = ['python', '-m', 'coverage.__main__', command, '--rcfile', COVERAGE_CONFIG_PATH] + cmd intercept_python(args, host_state.controller_profile.python, cmd, env) def get_all_coverage_files(): # type: () -> t.List[str] """Return a list of all coverage file paths.""" return get_python_coverage_files() + get_powershell_coverage_files() def get_python_coverage_files(path=None): # type: (t.Optional[str]) -> t.List[str] """Return the list of Python coverage file paths.""" return get_coverage_files('python', path) def get_powershell_coverage_files(path=None): # type: (t.Optional[str]) -> t.List[str] """Return the list of PowerShell coverage file paths.""" return get_coverage_files('powershell', path) def get_coverage_files(language, path=None): # type: (str, t.Optional[str]) -> t.List[str] """Return the list of coverage file paths for the given language.""" coverage_dir = path or ResultType.COVERAGE.path try: coverage_files = [os.path.join(coverage_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(coverage_dir) if '=coverage.' in f and '=%s' % language in f] except IOError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.ENOENT: return [] raise return coverage_files def get_collection_path_regexes(): # type: () -> t.Tuple[t.Optional[t.Pattern], t.Optional[t.Pattern]] """Return a pair of regexes used for identifying and manipulating collection paths.""" if data_context().content.collection: collection_search_re = re.compile(r'/%s/' % data_context().content.collection.directory) collection_sub_re = re.compile(r'^.*?/%s/' % data_context().content.collection.directory) else: collection_search_re = None collection_sub_re = None return collection_search_re, collection_sub_re def get_python_modules(): # type: () -> t.Dict[str, str] """Return a dictionary of Ansible module names and their paths.""" return dict((target.module, target.path) for target in list(walk_module_targets()) if target.path.endswith('.py')) def enumerate_python_arcs( path, # type: str coverage, # type: coverage_module modules, # type: t.Dict[str, str] collection_search_re, # type: t.Optional[t.Pattern] collection_sub_re, # type: t.Optional[t.Pattern] ): # type: (...) -> t.Generator[t.Tuple[str, t.Set[t.Tuple[int, int]]]] """Enumerate Python code coverage arcs in the given file.""" if os.path.getsize(path) == 0: display.warning('Empty coverage file: %s' % path, verbosity=2) return original = coverage.CoverageData() try: original.read_file(path) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except with open_binary_file(path) as file_obj: header = file_obj.read(6) if header == b'SQLite': display.error('File created by "coverage" 5.0+: %s' % os.path.relpath(path)) else: display.error(u'%s' % ex) return for filename in original.measured_files(): arcs = original.arcs(filename) if not arcs: # This is most likely due to using an unsupported version of coverage. display.warning('No arcs found for "%s" in coverage file: %s' % (filename, path)) continue filename = sanitize_filename(filename, modules=modules, collection_search_re=collection_search_re, collection_sub_re=collection_sub_re) if not filename: continue yield filename, set(arcs) def enumerate_powershell_lines( path, # type: str collection_search_re, # type: t.Optional[t.Pattern] collection_sub_re, # type: t.Optional[t.Pattern] ): # type: (...) -> t.Generator[t.Tuple[str, t.Dict[int, int]]] """Enumerate PowerShell code coverage lines in the given file.""" if os.path.getsize(path) == 0: display.warning('Empty coverage file: %s' % path, verbosity=2) return try: coverage_run = read_json_file(path) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except display.error(u'%s' % ex) return for filename, hits in coverage_run.items(): filename = sanitize_filename(filename, collection_search_re=collection_search_re, collection_sub_re=collection_sub_re) if not filename: continue if isinstance(hits, dict) and not hits.get('Line'): # Input data was previously aggregated and thus uses the standard ansible-test output format for PowerShell coverage. # This format differs from the more verbose format of raw coverage data from the remote Windows hosts. hits = dict((int(key), value) for key, value in hits.items()) yield filename, hits continue # PowerShell unpacks arrays if there's only a single entry so this is a defensive check on that if not isinstance(hits, list): hits = [hits] hits = dict((hit['Line'], hit['HitCount']) for hit in hits if hit) yield filename, hits def sanitize_filename( filename, # type: str modules=None, # type: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] collection_search_re=None, # type: t.Optional[t.Pattern] collection_sub_re=None, # type: t.Optional[t.Pattern] ): # type: (...) -> t.Optional[str] """Convert the given code coverage path to a local absolute path and return its, or None if the path is not valid.""" ansible_path = os.path.abspath('lib/ansible/') + '/' root_path = data_context().content.root + '/' integration_temp_path = os.path.sep + os.path.join(ResultType.TMP.relative_path, 'integration') + os.path.sep if modules is None: modules = {} if '/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/' in filename: # Rewrite the module_utils path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.6 and earlier. new_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/', ansible_path, filename) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif collection_search_re and collection_search_re.search(filename): new_name = os.path.abspath(collection_sub_re.sub('', filename)) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif re.search(r'/ansible_[^/]+_payload\.zip/ansible/', filename): # Rewrite the module_utils path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.7 and later. new_name = re.sub(r'^.*/ansible_[^/]+_payload\.zip/ansible/', ansible_path, filename) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif '/ansible_module_' in filename: # Rewrite the module path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.6 and earlier. module_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_module_(?P.*).py$', '\\g', filename) if module_name not in modules: display.warning('Skipping coverage of unknown module: %s' % module_name) return None new_name = os.path.abspath(modules[module_name]) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif re.search(r'/ansible_[^/]+_payload(_[^/]+|\.zip)/__main__\.py$', filename): # Rewrite the module path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.7 and later. # AnsiballZ versions using zipimporter will match the `.zip` portion of the regex. # AnsiballZ versions not using zipimporter will match the `_[^/]+` portion of the regex. module_name = re.sub(r'^.*/ansible_(?P[^/]+)_payload(_[^/]+|\.zip)/__main__\.py$', '\\g', filename).rstrip('_') if module_name not in modules: display.warning('Skipping coverage of unknown module: %s' % module_name) return None new_name = os.path.abspath(modules[module_name]) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif re.search('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', filename): # Rewrite the path of code running on a remote host or in a docker container as root. new_name = re.sub('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', root_path, filename) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif integration_temp_path in filename: # Rewrite the path of code running from an integration test temporary directory. new_name = re.sub(r'^.*' + re.escape(integration_temp_path) + '[^/]+/', root_path, filename) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name filename = os.path.abspath(filename) # make sure path is absolute (will be relative if previously exported) return filename class PathChecker: """Checks code coverage paths to verify they are valid and reports on the findings.""" def __init__(self, args, collection_search_re=None): # type: (CoverageConfig, t.Optional[t.Pattern]) -> None self.args = args self.collection_search_re = collection_search_re self.invalid_paths = [] self.invalid_path_chars = 0 def check_path(self, path): # type: (str) -> bool """Return True if the given coverage path is valid, otherwise display a warning and return False.""" if os.path.isfile(to_bytes(path)): return True if self.collection_search_re and self.collection_search_re.search(path) and os.path.basename(path) == '__init__.py': # the collection loader uses implicit namespace packages, so __init__.py does not need to exist on disk # coverage is still reported for these non-existent files, but warnings are not needed return False self.invalid_paths.append(path) self.invalid_path_chars += len(path) if self.args.verbosity > 1: display.warning('Invalid coverage path: %s' % path) return False def report(self): # type: () -> None """Display a warning regarding invalid paths if any were found.""" if self.invalid_paths: display.warning('Ignored %d characters from %d invalid coverage path(s).' % (self.invalid_path_chars, len(self.invalid_paths)))