"""Analyze powershell import statements.""" from __future__ import annotations import os import re import typing as t from ..io import ( read_text_file, ) from ..util import ( display, ) from .common import ( resolve_csharp_ps_util, ) from ..data import ( data_context, ) from ..target import ( TestTarget, ) def get_powershell_module_utils_imports(powershell_targets): # type: (t.List[TestTarget]) -> t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]] """Return a dictionary of module_utils names mapped to sets of powershell file paths.""" module_utils = enumerate_module_utils() imports_by_target_path = {} for target in powershell_targets: imports_by_target_path[target.path] = extract_powershell_module_utils_imports(target.path, module_utils) imports = {module_util: set() for module_util in module_utils} # type: t.Dict[str, t.Set[str]] for target_path, modules in imports_by_target_path.items(): for module_util in modules: imports[module_util].add(target_path) for module_util in sorted(imports): if not imports[module_util]: display.warning('No imports found which use the "%s" module_util.' % module_util) return imports def get_powershell_module_utils_name(path): # type: (str) -> str """Return a namespace and name from the given module_utils path.""" base_path = data_context().content.module_utils_powershell_path if data_context().content.collection: prefix = 'ansible_collections.' + data_context().content.collection.prefix + 'plugins.module_utils.' else: prefix = '' name = prefix + os.path.splitext(os.path.relpath(path, base_path))[0].replace(os.path.sep, '.') return name def enumerate_module_utils(): # type: () -> t.Set[str] """Return a set of available module_utils imports.""" return set(get_powershell_module_utils_name(p) for p in data_context().content.walk_files(data_context().content.module_utils_powershell_path) if os.path.splitext(p)[1] == '.psm1') def extract_powershell_module_utils_imports(path, module_utils): # type: (str, t.Set[str]) -> t.Set[str] """Return a set of module_utils imports found in the specified source file.""" imports = set() code = read_text_file(path) if data_context().content.is_ansible and '# POWERSHELL_COMMON' in code: imports.add('Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy') lines = code.splitlines() line_number = 0 for line in lines: line_number += 1 match = re.search(r'(?i)^#\s*(?:requires\s+-module(?:s?)|ansiblerequires\s+-powershell)\s*((?:Ansible|ansible_collections|\.)\..+)', line) if not match: continue import_name = resolve_csharp_ps_util(match.group(1), path) if import_name in module_utils: imports.add(import_name) elif data_context().content.is_ansible or \ import_name.startswith('ansible_collections.%s' % data_context().content.prefix): display.warning('%s:%d Invalid module_utils import: %s' % (path, line_number, import_name)) return imports