# Test code for the file module. # (c) 2017, Dag Wieers # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . - name: get current user profile location raw: $env:USERPROFILE check_mode: no register: profile_result - set_fact: profile_dir: '{{ profile_result.stdout_lines[0] }}' - name: Add Ansible website link on the desktop win_shortcut: src: https://ansible.com/ dest: '%UserProfile%\Desktop\Ansible website.url' state: present register: ansible_website_link_add - name: Check there was a change assert: that: - ansible_website_link_add.changed == true - ansible_website_link_add.dest == profile_dir + '\Desktop\Ansible website.url' - ansible_website_link_add.src == 'https://ansible.com/' - name: Add Ansible website link on the desktop again win_shortcut: src: https://ansible.com/ dest: '%UserProfile%\Desktop\Ansible website.url' state: present register: ansible_website_link_add_again - name: Check there was no change (normal mode) assert: that: - ansible_website_link_add_again.changed == false - ansible_website_link_add_again.dest == profile_dir + '\Desktop\Ansible website.url' - ansible_website_link_add_again.src == 'https://ansible.com/' when: not in_check_mode - name: Check there was a change (check-mode) assert: that: - ansible_website_link_add_again.changed == true - ansible_website_link_add_again.dest == profile_dir + '\Desktop\Ansible website.url' - ansible_website_link_add_again.src == 'https://ansible.com/' when: in_check_mode - name: Remove link win_shortcut: dest: '%UserProfile%\Desktop\Ansible website.url' state: absent register: ansible_website_link_remove - name: Check there was a change (normal mode) assert: that: - ansible_website_link_remove.changed == true - ansible_website_link_remove.dest == profile_dir + '\Desktop\Ansible website.url' when: not in_check_mode - name: Check there was no change (check-mode) assert: that: - ansible_website_link_remove.changed == false - ansible_website_link_remove.dest == profile_dir + '\Desktop\Ansible website.url' when: in_check_mode - name: Remove link again win_shortcut: dest: '%UserProfile%\Desktop\Ansible website.url' state: absent register: ansible_website_link_remove_again - name: Check there was no change assert: that: - ansible_website_link_remove_again.changed == false - ansible_website_link_remove_again.dest == profile_dir + '\Desktop\Ansible website.url' - name: Add a regedit shortcut on the desktop win_shortcut: description: "Registry Editor" src: regedit.exe dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Registry Editor.lnk' state: present register: regedit_shortcut_add - name: Check there was a change assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_add.changed == true - regedit_shortcut_add.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_add.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_add.src == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe' - name: Add a regedit shortcut on the desktop again win_shortcut: description: "Registry Editor" src: regedit.exe dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Registry Editor.lnk' state: present register: regedit_shortcut_add_again - name: Check there was no change (normal mode) assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_add_again.changed == false - regedit_shortcut_add_again.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_add_again.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_add_again.src == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe' when: not in_check_mode - name: Check there was a change (check-mode) assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_add_again.changed == true - regedit_shortcut_add_again.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_add_again.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_add_again.src == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe' when: in_check_mode - name: Update a regedit shortcut on the desktop win_shortcut: description: "Registry Editor" src: C:\BogusPath\regedit.exe dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Registry Editor.lnk' state: present register: regedit_shortcut_update - name: Check there was a change assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_update.changed == true - regedit_shortcut_update.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_update.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_update.src == 'C:\\BogusPath\\regedit.exe' - name: Update a regedit shortcut on the desktop again win_shortcut: description: "Registry Editor" src: C:\BogusPath\regedit.exe dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Registry Editor.lnk' state: present register: regedit_shortcut_update_again - name: Check there was no change (normal mode) assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_update_again.changed == false - regedit_shortcut_update_again.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_update_again.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_update_again.src == 'C:\\BogusPath\\regedit.exe' when: not in_check_mode - name: Check there was a change (check-mode) assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_update_again.changed == true - regedit_shortcut_update_again.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_update_again.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_update_again.src == 'C:\\BogusPath\\regedit.exe' when: in_check_mode - name: Add an (explicit) icon win_shortcut: description: "Registry Editor" src: C:\Windows\regedit.exe dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Registry Editor.lnk' icon: 'C:\Windows\regedit.exe,0' state: present register: regedit_shortcut_add_icon - name: Check there was a change assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_add_icon.changed == true - regedit_shortcut_add_icon.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon.icon == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe,0' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon.src == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe' - name: Add an (explicit) icon again win_shortcut: description: "Registry Editor" src: C:\Windows\regedit.exe dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Registry Editor.lnk' icon: 'C:\Windows\regedit.exe,0' state: present register: regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again - name: Check there was no change (normal mode) assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.changed == false - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.icon == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe,0' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.src == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe' when: not in_check_mode - name: Check there was a change (check-mode) assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.changed == true - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.description == 'Registry Editor' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.icon == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe,0' - regedit_shortcut_add_icon_again.src == 'C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe' when: in_check_mode - name: Remove shortcut win_shortcut: dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Registry Editor.lnk' state: absent register: regedit_shortcut_remove - name: Check there was a change (normal mode) assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_remove.changed == true - regedit_shortcut_remove.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' when: not in_check_mode - name: Check there was no change (check-mode) assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_remove.changed == false - regedit_shortcut_remove.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk' when: in_check_mode - name: Remove shortcut again win_shortcut: dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Registry Editor.lnk' state: absent register: regedit_shortcut_remove_again - name: Check there was no change assert: that: - regedit_shortcut_remove_again.changed == false - regedit_shortcut_remove_again.dest == 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\Registry Editor.lnk'