# (c) 2019 Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # CAUTION: There are two implementations of the collection loader. # They must be kept functionally identical, although their implementations may differ. # # 1) The controller implementation resides in the "lib/ansible/utils/collection_loader/" directory. # It must function on all Python versions supported on the controller. # 2) The ansible-test implementation resides in the "test/lib/ansible_test/_util/target/legacy_collection_loader/" directory. # It must function on all Python versions supported on managed hosts which are not supported by the controller. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import os.path import pkgutil import re import sys from keyword import iskeyword from tokenize import Name as _VALID_IDENTIFIER_REGEX # DO NOT add new non-stdlib import deps here, this loader is used by external tools (eg ansible-test import sanity) # that only allow stdlib and module_utils from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text, to_bytes from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types, PY3 from ._collection_config import AnsibleCollectionConfig from contextlib import contextmanager from types import ModuleType try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError: def import_module(name): __import__(name) return sys.modules[name] try: from importlib import reload as reload_module except ImportError: # 2.7 has a global reload function instead... reload_module = reload # pylint:disable=undefined-variable # NB: this supports import sanity test providing a different impl try: from ._collection_meta import _meta_yml_to_dict except ImportError: _meta_yml_to_dict = None if not hasattr(__builtins__, 'ModuleNotFoundError'): # this was introduced in Python 3.6 ModuleNotFoundError = ImportError _VALID_IDENTIFIER_STRING_REGEX = re.compile( ''.join((_VALID_IDENTIFIER_REGEX, r'\Z')), ) try: # NOTE: py3/py2 compat # py2 mypy can't deal with try/excepts is_python_identifier = str.isidentifier # type: ignore[attr-defined] except AttributeError: # Python 2 def is_python_identifier(tested_str): # type: (str) -> bool """Determine whether the given string is a Python identifier.""" # Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55802320/595220 return bool(re.match(_VALID_IDENTIFIER_STRING_REGEX, tested_str)) PB_EXTENSIONS = ('.yml', '.yaml') class _AnsibleCollectionFinder: def __init__(self, paths=None, scan_sys_paths=True): # TODO: accept metadata loader override self._ansible_pkg_path = to_native(os.path.dirname(to_bytes(sys.modules['ansible'].__file__))) if isinstance(paths, string_types): paths = [paths] elif paths is None: paths = [] # expand any placeholders in configured paths paths = [os.path.expanduser(to_native(p, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) for p in paths] # add syspaths if needed if scan_sys_paths: paths.extend(sys.path) good_paths = [] # expand any placeholders in configured paths for p in paths: # ensure we always have ansible_collections if os.path.basename(p) == 'ansible_collections': p = os.path.dirname(p) if p not in good_paths and os.path.isdir(to_bytes(os.path.join(p, 'ansible_collections'), errors='surrogate_or_strict')): good_paths.append(p) self._n_configured_paths = good_paths self._n_cached_collection_paths = None self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths = None self._n_playbook_paths = [] @classmethod def _remove(cls): for mps in sys.meta_path: if isinstance(mps, _AnsibleCollectionFinder): sys.meta_path.remove(mps) # remove any path hooks that look like ours for ph in sys.path_hooks: if hasattr(ph, '__self__') and isinstance(ph.__self__, _AnsibleCollectionFinder): sys.path_hooks.remove(ph) # zap any cached path importer cache entries that might refer to us sys.path_importer_cache.clear() AnsibleCollectionConfig._collection_finder = None # validate via the public property that we really killed it if AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder is not None: raise AssertionError('_AnsibleCollectionFinder remove did not reset AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder') def _install(self): self._remove() sys.meta_path.insert(0, self) sys.path_hooks.insert(0, self._ansible_collection_path_hook) AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder = self def _ansible_collection_path_hook(self, path): path = to_native(path) interesting_paths = self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths if not interesting_paths: interesting_paths = [] for p in self._n_collection_paths: if os.path.basename(p) != 'ansible_collections': p = os.path.join(p, 'ansible_collections') if p not in interesting_paths: interesting_paths.append(p) interesting_paths.insert(0, self._ansible_pkg_path) self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths = interesting_paths if any(path.startswith(p) for p in interesting_paths): return _AnsiblePathHookFinder(self, path) raise ImportError('not interested') @property def _n_collection_paths(self): paths = self._n_cached_collection_paths if not paths: self._n_cached_collection_paths = paths = self._n_playbook_paths + self._n_configured_paths return paths def set_playbook_paths(self, playbook_paths): if isinstance(playbook_paths, string_types): playbook_paths = [playbook_paths] # track visited paths; we have to preserve the dir order as-passed in case there are duplicate collections (first one wins) added_paths = set() # de-dupe self._n_playbook_paths = [os.path.join(to_native(p), 'collections') for p in playbook_paths if not (p in added_paths or added_paths.add(p))] self._n_cached_collection_paths = None # HACK: playbook CLI sets this relatively late, so we've already loaded some packages whose paths might depend on this. Fix those up. # NB: this should NOT be used for late additions; ideally we'd fix the playbook dir setup earlier in Ansible init # to prevent this from occurring for pkg in ['ansible_collections', 'ansible_collections.ansible']: self._reload_hack(pkg) def _reload_hack(self, fullname): m = sys.modules.get(fullname) if not m: return reload_module(m) def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): # Figure out what's being asked for, and delegate to a special-purpose loader split_name = fullname.split('.') toplevel_pkg = split_name[0] module_to_find = split_name[-1] part_count = len(split_name) if toplevel_pkg not in ['ansible', 'ansible_collections']: # not interested in anything other than ansible_collections (and limited cases under ansible) return None # sanity check what we're getting from import, canonicalize path values if part_count == 1: if path: raise ValueError('path should not be specified for top-level packages (trying to find {0})'.format(fullname)) else: # seed the path to the configured collection roots path = self._n_collection_paths if part_count > 1 and path is None: raise ValueError('path must be specified for subpackages (trying to find {0})'.format(fullname)) # NB: actual "find"ing is delegated to the constructors on the various loaders; they'll ImportError if not found try: if toplevel_pkg == 'ansible': # something under the ansible package, delegate to our internal loader in case of redirections return _AnsibleInternalRedirectLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path) if part_count == 1: return _AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path) if part_count == 2: # ns pkg eg, ansible_collections, ansible_collections.somens return _AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path) elif part_count == 3: # collection pkg eg, ansible_collections.somens.somecoll return _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path) # anything below the collection return _AnsibleCollectionLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path) except ImportError: # TODO: log attempt to load context return None # Implements a path_hook finder for iter_modules (since it's only path based). This finder does not need to actually # function as a finder in most cases, since our meta_path finder is consulted first for *almost* everything, except # pkgutil.iter_modules, and under py2, pkgutil.get_data if the parent package passed has not been loaded yet. class _AnsiblePathHookFinder: def __init__(self, collection_finder, pathctx): # when called from a path_hook, find_module doesn't usually get the path arg, so this provides our context self._pathctx = to_native(pathctx) self._collection_finder = collection_finder if PY3: # cache the native FileFinder (take advantage of its filesystem cache for future find/load requests) self._file_finder = None # class init is fun- this method has a self arg that won't get used def _get_filefinder_path_hook(self=None): _file_finder_hook = None if PY3: # try to find the FileFinder hook to call for fallback path-based imports in Py3 _file_finder_hook = [ph for ph in sys.path_hooks if 'FileFinder' in repr(ph)] if len(_file_finder_hook) != 1: raise Exception('need exactly one FileFinder import hook (found {0})'.format(len(_file_finder_hook))) _file_finder_hook = _file_finder_hook[0] return _file_finder_hook _filefinder_path_hook = _get_filefinder_path_hook() def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): # we ignore the passed in path here- use what we got from the path hook init split_name = fullname.split('.') toplevel_pkg = split_name[0] if toplevel_pkg == 'ansible_collections': # collections content? delegate to the collection finder return self._collection_finder.find_module(fullname, path=[self._pathctx]) else: # Something else; we'd normally restrict this to `ansible` descendent modules so that any weird loader # behavior that arbitrary Python modules have can be serviced by those loaders. In some dev/test # scenarios (eg a venv under a collection) our path_hook signs us up to load non-Ansible things, and # it's too late by the time we've reached this point, but also too expensive for the path_hook to figure # out what we *shouldn't* be loading with the limited info it has. So we'll just delegate to the # normal path-based loader as best we can to service it. This also allows us to take advantage of Python's # built-in FS caching and byte-compilation for most things. if PY3: # create or consult our cached file finder for this path if not self._file_finder: try: self._file_finder = _AnsiblePathHookFinder._filefinder_path_hook(self._pathctx) except ImportError: # FUTURE: log at a high logging level? This is normal for things like python36.zip on the path, but # might not be in some other situation... return None spec = self._file_finder.find_spec(fullname) if not spec: return None return spec.loader else: # call py2's internal loader return pkgutil.ImpImporter(self._pathctx).find_module(fullname) def iter_modules(self, prefix): # NB: this currently represents only what's on disk, and does not handle package redirection return _iter_modules_impl([self._pathctx], prefix) def __repr__(self): return "{0}(path='{1}')".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._pathctx) class _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase: _allows_package_code = False def __init__(self, fullname, path_list=None): self._fullname = fullname self._redirect_module = None self._split_name = fullname.split('.') self._rpart_name = fullname.rpartition('.') self._parent_package_name = self._rpart_name[0] # eg ansible_collections for ansible_collections.somens, '' for toplevel self._package_to_load = self._rpart_name[2] # eg somens for ansible_collections.somens self._source_code_path = None self._decoded_source = None self._compiled_code = None self._validate_args() self._candidate_paths = self._get_candidate_paths([to_native(p) for p in path_list]) self._subpackage_search_paths = self._get_subpackage_search_paths(self._candidate_paths) self._validate_final() # allow subclasses to validate args and sniff split values before we start digging around def _validate_args(self): if self._split_name[0] != 'ansible_collections': raise ImportError('this loader can only load packages from the ansible_collections package, not {0}'.format(self._fullname)) # allow subclasses to customize candidate path filtering def _get_candidate_paths(self, path_list): return [os.path.join(p, self._package_to_load) for p in path_list] # allow subclasses to customize finding paths def _get_subpackage_search_paths(self, candidate_paths): # filter candidate paths for existence (NB: silently ignoring package init code and same-named modules) return [p for p in candidate_paths if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(p))] # allow subclasses to customize state validation/manipulation before we return the loader instance def _validate_final(self): return @staticmethod @contextmanager def _new_or_existing_module(name, **kwargs): # handle all-or-nothing sys.modules creation/use-existing/delete-on-exception-if-created behavior created_module = False module = sys.modules.get(name) try: if not module: module = ModuleType(name) created_module = True sys.modules[name] = module # always override the values passed, except name (allow reference aliasing) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(module, attr, value) yield module except Exception: if created_module: if sys.modules.get(name): sys.modules.pop(name) raise # basic module/package location support # NB: this does not support distributed packages! @staticmethod def _module_file_from_path(leaf_name, path): has_code = True package_path = os.path.join(to_native(path), to_native(leaf_name)) module_path = None # if the submodule is a package, assemble valid submodule paths, but stop looking for a module if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(package_path)): # is there a package init? module_path = os.path.join(package_path, '__init__.py') if not os.path.isfile(to_bytes(module_path)): module_path = os.path.join(package_path, '__synthetic__') has_code = False else: module_path = package_path + '.py' package_path = None if not os.path.isfile(to_bytes(module_path)): raise ImportError('{0} not found at {1}'.format(leaf_name, path)) return module_path, has_code, package_path def load_module(self, fullname): # short-circuit redirect; we've already imported the redirected module, so just alias it and return it if self._redirect_module: sys.modules[self._fullname] = self._redirect_module return self._redirect_module # we're actually loading a module/package module_attrs = dict( __loader__=self, __file__=self.get_filename(fullname), __package__=self._parent_package_name # sane default for non-packages ) # eg, I am a package if self._subpackage_search_paths is not None: # empty is legal module_attrs['__path__'] = self._subpackage_search_paths module_attrs['__package__'] = fullname # per PEP366 with self._new_or_existing_module(fullname, **module_attrs) as module: # execute the module's code in its namespace code_obj = self.get_code(fullname) if code_obj is not None: # things like NS packages that can't have code on disk will return None exec(code_obj, module.__dict__) return module def is_package(self, fullname): if fullname != self._fullname: raise ValueError('this loader cannot answer is_package for {0}, only {1}'.format(fullname, self._fullname)) return self._subpackage_search_paths is not None def get_source(self, fullname): if self._decoded_source: return self._decoded_source if fullname != self._fullname: raise ValueError('this loader cannot load source for {0}, only {1}'.format(fullname, self._fullname)) if not self._source_code_path: return None # FIXME: what do we want encoding/newline requirements to be? self._decoded_source = self.get_data(self._source_code_path) return self._decoded_source def get_data(self, path): if not path: raise ValueError('a path must be specified') # TODO: ensure we're being asked for a path below something we own # TODO: try to handle redirects internally? if not path[0] == '/': # relative to current package, search package paths if possible (this may not be necessary) # candidate_paths = [os.path.join(ssp, path) for ssp in self._subpackage_search_paths] raise ValueError('relative resource paths not supported') else: candidate_paths = [path] for p in candidate_paths: b_path = to_bytes(p) if os.path.isfile(b_path): with open(b_path, 'rb') as fd: return fd.read() # HACK: if caller asks for __init__.py and the parent dir exists, return empty string (this keep consistency # with "collection subpackages don't require __init__.py" working everywhere with get_data elif b_path.endswith(b'__init__.py') and os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(b_path)): return '' return None def _synthetic_filename(self, fullname): return '' def get_filename(self, fullname): if fullname != self._fullname: raise ValueError('this loader cannot find files for {0}, only {1}'.format(fullname, self._fullname)) filename = self._source_code_path if not filename and self.is_package(fullname): if len(self._subpackage_search_paths) == 1: filename = os.path.join(self._subpackage_search_paths[0], '__synthetic__') else: filename = self._synthetic_filename(fullname) return filename def get_code(self, fullname): if self._compiled_code: return self._compiled_code # this may or may not be an actual filename, but it's the value we'll use for __file__ filename = self.get_filename(fullname) if not filename: filename = '' source_code = self.get_source(fullname) # for things like synthetic modules that really have no source on disk, don't return a code object at all # vs things like an empty package init (which has an empty string source on disk) if source_code is None: return None self._compiled_code = compile(source=source_code, filename=filename, mode='exec', flags=0, dont_inherit=True) return self._compiled_code def iter_modules(self, prefix): return _iter_modules_impl(self._subpackage_search_paths, prefix) def __repr__(self): return '{0}(path={1})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._subpackage_search_paths or self._source_code_path) class _AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase): def _validate_args(self): super(_AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader, self)._validate_args() if len(self._split_name) != 1: raise ImportError('this loader can only load the ansible_collections toplevel package, not {0}'.format(self._fullname)) # Implements Ansible's custom namespace package support. # The ansible_collections package and one level down (collections namespaces) are Python namespace packages # that search across all configured collection roots. The collection package (two levels down) is the first one found # on the configured collection root path, and Python namespace package aggregation is not allowed at or below # the collection. Implements implicit package (package dir) support for both Py2/3. Package init code is ignored # by this loader. class _AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase): def _validate_args(self): super(_AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader, self)._validate_args() if len(self._split_name) != 2: raise ImportError('this loader can only load collections namespace packages, not {0}'.format(self._fullname)) def _validate_final(self): # special-case the `ansible` namespace, since `ansible.builtin` is magical if not self._subpackage_search_paths and self._package_to_load != 'ansible': raise ImportError('no {0} found in {1}'.format(self._package_to_load, self._candidate_paths)) # handles locating the actual collection package and associated metadata class _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase): def _validate_args(self): super(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader, self)._validate_args() if len(self._split_name) != 3: raise ImportError('this loader can only load collection packages, not {0}'.format(self._fullname)) def _validate_final(self): if self._split_name[1:3] == ['ansible', 'builtin']: # we don't want to allow this one to have on-disk search capability self._subpackage_search_paths = [] elif not self._subpackage_search_paths: raise ImportError('no {0} found in {1}'.format(self._package_to_load, self._candidate_paths)) else: # only search within the first collection we found self._subpackage_search_paths = [self._subpackage_search_paths[0]] def load_module(self, fullname): if not _meta_yml_to_dict: raise ValueError('ansible.utils.collection_loader._meta_yml_to_dict is not set') module = super(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader, self).load_module(fullname) module._collection_meta = {} # TODO: load collection metadata, cache in __loader__ state collection_name = '.'.join(self._split_name[1:3]) if collection_name == 'ansible.builtin': # ansible.builtin is a synthetic collection, get its routing config from the Ansible distro ansible_pkg_path = os.path.dirname(import_module('ansible').__file__) metadata_path = os.path.join(ansible_pkg_path, 'config/ansible_builtin_runtime.yml') with open(to_bytes(metadata_path), 'rb') as fd: raw_routing = fd.read() else: b_routing_meta_path = to_bytes(os.path.join(module.__path__[0], 'meta/runtime.yml')) if os.path.isfile(b_routing_meta_path): with open(b_routing_meta_path, 'rb') as fd: raw_routing = fd.read() else: raw_routing = '' try: if raw_routing: routing_dict = _meta_yml_to_dict(raw_routing, (collection_name, 'runtime.yml')) module._collection_meta = self._canonicalize_meta(routing_dict) except Exception as ex: raise ValueError('error parsing collection metadata: {0}'.format(to_native(ex))) AnsibleCollectionConfig.on_collection_load.fire(collection_name=collection_name, collection_path=os.path.dirname(module.__file__)) return module def _canonicalize_meta(self, meta_dict): # TODO: rewrite import keys and all redirect targets that start with .. (current namespace) and . (current collection) # OR we could do it all on the fly? # if not meta_dict: # return {} # # ns_name = '.'.join(self._split_name[0:2]) # collection_name = '.'.join(self._split_name[0:3]) # # # # for routing_type, routing_type_dict in iteritems(meta_dict.get('plugin_routing', {})): # for plugin_key, plugin_dict in iteritems(routing_type_dict): # redirect = plugin_dict.get('redirect', '') # if redirect.startswith('..'): # redirect = redirect[2:] return meta_dict # loads everything under a collection, including handling redirections defined by the collection class _AnsibleCollectionLoader(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase): # HACK: stash this in a better place _redirected_package_map = {} _allows_package_code = True def _validate_args(self): super(_AnsibleCollectionLoader, self)._validate_args() if len(self._split_name) < 4: raise ValueError('this loader is only for sub-collection modules/packages, not {0}'.format(self._fullname)) def _get_candidate_paths(self, path_list): if len(path_list) != 1 and self._split_name[1:3] != ['ansible', 'builtin']: raise ValueError('this loader requires exactly one path to search') return path_list def _get_subpackage_search_paths(self, candidate_paths): collection_name = '.'.join(self._split_name[1:3]) collection_meta = _get_collection_metadata(collection_name) # check for explicit redirection, as well as ancestor package-level redirection (only load the actual code once!) redirect = None explicit_redirect = False routing_entry = _nested_dict_get(collection_meta, ['import_redirection', self._fullname]) if routing_entry: redirect = routing_entry.get('redirect') if redirect: explicit_redirect = True else: redirect = _get_ancestor_redirect(self._redirected_package_map, self._fullname) # NB: package level redirection requires hooking all future imports beneath the redirected source package # in order to ensure sanity on future relative imports. We always import everything under its "real" name, # then add a sys.modules entry with the redirected name using the same module instance. If we naively imported # the source for each redirection, most submodules would import OK, but we'd have N runtime copies of the module # (one for each name), and relative imports that ascend above the redirected package would break (since they'd # see the redirected ancestor package contents instead of the package where they actually live). if redirect: # FIXME: wrap this so we can be explicit about a failed redirection self._redirect_module = import_module(redirect) if explicit_redirect and hasattr(self._redirect_module, '__path__') and self._redirect_module.__path__: # if the import target looks like a package, store its name so we can rewrite future descendent loads self._redirected_package_map[self._fullname] = redirect # if we redirected, don't do any further custom package logic return None # we're not doing a redirect- try to find what we need to actually load a module/package # this will raise ImportError if we can't find the requested module/package at all if not candidate_paths: # noplace to look, just ImportError raise ImportError('package has no paths') found_path, has_code, package_path = self._module_file_from_path(self._package_to_load, candidate_paths[0]) # still here? we found something to load... if has_code: self._source_code_path = found_path if package_path: return [package_path] # always needs to be a list return None # This loader only answers for intercepted Ansible Python modules. Normal imports will fail here and be picked up later # by our path_hook importer (which proxies the built-in import mechanisms, allowing normal caching etc to occur) class _AnsibleInternalRedirectLoader: def __init__(self, fullname, path_list): self._redirect = None split_name = fullname.split('.') toplevel_pkg = split_name[0] module_to_load = split_name[-1] if toplevel_pkg != 'ansible': raise ImportError('not interested') builtin_meta = _get_collection_metadata('ansible.builtin') routing_entry = _nested_dict_get(builtin_meta, ['import_redirection', fullname]) if routing_entry: self._redirect = routing_entry.get('redirect') if not self._redirect: raise ImportError('not redirected, go ask path_hook') def load_module(self, fullname): # since we're delegating to other loaders, this should only be called for internal redirects where we answered # find_module with this loader, in which case we'll just directly import the redirection target, insert it into # sys.modules under the name it was requested by, and return the original module. # should never see this if not self._redirect: raise ValueError('no redirect found for {0}'.format(fullname)) # FIXME: smuggle redirection context, provide warning/error that we tried and failed to redirect mod = import_module(self._redirect) sys.modules[fullname] = mod return mod class AnsibleCollectionRef: # FUTURE: introspect plugin loaders to get these dynamically? VALID_REF_TYPES = frozenset(to_text(r) for r in ['action', 'become', 'cache', 'callback', 'cliconf', 'connection', 'doc_fragments', 'filter', 'httpapi', 'inventory', 'lookup', 'module_utils', 'modules', 'netconf', 'role', 'shell', 'strategy', 'terminal', 'test', 'vars', 'playbook']) # FIXME: tighten this up to match Python identifier reqs, etc VALID_SUBDIRS_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^\w+(\.\w+)*$')) VALID_FQCR_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^\w+(\.\w+){2,}$')) # can have 0-N included subdirs as well def __init__(self, collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type): """ Create an AnsibleCollectionRef from components :param collection_name: a collection name of the form 'namespace.collectionname' :param subdirs: optional subdir segments to be appended below the plugin type (eg, 'subdir1.subdir2') :param resource: the name of the resource being references (eg, 'mymodule', 'someaction', 'a_role') :param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment' """ collection_name = to_text(collection_name, errors='strict') if subdirs is not None: subdirs = to_text(subdirs, errors='strict') resource = to_text(resource, errors='strict') ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict') if not self.is_valid_collection_name(collection_name): raise ValueError('invalid collection name (must be of the form namespace.collection): {0}'.format(to_native(collection_name))) if ref_type not in self.VALID_REF_TYPES: raise ValueError('invalid collection ref_type: {0}'.format(ref_type)) self.collection = collection_name if subdirs: if not re.match(self.VALID_SUBDIRS_RE, subdirs): raise ValueError('invalid subdirs entry: {0} (must be empty/None or of the form subdir1.subdir2)'.format(to_native(subdirs))) self.subdirs = subdirs else: self.subdirs = u'' self.resource = resource self.ref_type = ref_type package_components = [u'ansible_collections', self.collection] fqcr_components = [self.collection] self.n_python_collection_package_name = to_native('.'.join(package_components)) if self.ref_type == u'role': package_components.append(u'roles') elif self.ref_type == u'playbook': package_components.append(u'playbooks') else: # we assume it's a plugin package_components += [u'plugins', self.ref_type] if self.subdirs: package_components.append(self.subdirs) fqcr_components.append(self.subdirs) if self.ref_type in (u'role', u'playbook'): # playbooks and roles are their own resource package_components.append(self.resource) fqcr_components.append(self.resource) self.n_python_package_name = to_native('.'.join(package_components)) self._fqcr = u'.'.join(fqcr_components) def __repr__(self): return 'AnsibleCollectionRef(collection={0!r}, subdirs={1!r}, resource={2!r})'.format(self.collection, self.subdirs, self.resource) @property def fqcr(self): return self._fqcr @staticmethod def from_fqcr(ref, ref_type): """ Parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, raises ValueError if invalid :param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource') :param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment' :return: a populated AnsibleCollectionRef object """ # assuming the fq_name is of the form (ns).(coll).(optional_subdir_N).(resource_name), # we split the resource name off the right, split ns and coll off the left, and we're left with any optional # subdirs that need to be added back below the plugin-specific subdir we'll add. So: # ns.coll.resource -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.(plugintype).resource # ns.coll.subdir1.resource -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.subdir1.(plugintype).resource # ns.coll.rolename -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.rolename if not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref): raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid collection reference'.format(to_native(ref))) ref = to_text(ref, errors='strict') ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict') ext = '' if ref_type == u'playbook' and ref.endswith(PB_EXTENSIONS): resource_splitname = ref.rsplit(u'.', 2) package_remnant = resource_splitname[0] resource = resource_splitname[1] ext = '.' + resource_splitname[2] else: resource_splitname = ref.rsplit(u'.', 1) package_remnant = resource_splitname[0] resource = resource_splitname[1] # split the left two components of the collection package name off, anything remaining is plugin-type # specific subdirs to be added back on below the plugin type package_splitname = package_remnant.split(u'.', 2) if len(package_splitname) == 3: subdirs = package_splitname[2] else: subdirs = u'' collection_name = u'.'.join(package_splitname[0:2]) return AnsibleCollectionRef(collection_name, subdirs, resource + ext, ref_type) @staticmethod def try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type): """ Attempt to parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, returning None on failure (instead of raising an error) :param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource') :param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment' :return: a populated AnsibleCollectionRef object on successful parsing, else None """ try: return AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type) except ValueError: pass @staticmethod def legacy_plugin_dir_to_plugin_type(legacy_plugin_dir_name): """ Utility method to convert from a PluginLoader dir name to a plugin ref_type :param legacy_plugin_dir_name: PluginLoader dir name (eg, 'action_plugins', 'library') :return: the corresponding plugin ref_type (eg, 'action', 'role') """ legacy_plugin_dir_name = to_text(legacy_plugin_dir_name) plugin_type = legacy_plugin_dir_name.replace(u'_plugins', u'') if plugin_type == u'library': plugin_type = u'modules' if plugin_type not in AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_REF_TYPES: raise ValueError('{0} cannot be mapped to a valid collection ref type'.format(to_native(legacy_plugin_dir_name))) return plugin_type @staticmethod def is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type=None): """ Validates if is string is a well-formed fully-qualified collection reference (does not look up the collection itself) :param ref: candidate collection reference to validate (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource') :param ref_type: optional reference type to enable deeper validation, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment' :return: True if the collection ref passed is well-formed, False otherwise """ ref = to_text(ref) if not ref_type: return bool(re.match(AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_FQCR_RE, ref)) return bool(AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type)) @staticmethod def is_valid_collection_name(collection_name): """ Validates if the given string is a well-formed collection name (does not look up the collection itself) :param collection_name: candidate collection name to validate (a valid name is of the form 'ns.collname') :return: True if the collection name passed is well-formed, False otherwise """ collection_name = to_text(collection_name) if collection_name.count(u'.') != 1: return False return all( # NOTE: keywords and identifiers are different in differnt Pythons not iskeyword(ns_or_name) and is_python_identifier(ns_or_name) for ns_or_name in collection_name.split(u'.') ) def _get_collection_playbook_path(playbook): acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(playbook, u'playbook') if acr: try: # get_collection_path pkg = import_module(acr.n_python_collection_package_name) except (IOError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e: # leaving e as debug target, even though not used in normal code pkg = None if pkg: cpath = os.path.join(sys.modules[acr.n_python_collection_package_name].__file__.replace('__synthetic__', 'playbooks')) if acr.subdirs: paths = [to_native(x) for x in acr.subdirs.split(u'.')] paths.insert(0, cpath) cpath = os.path.join(*paths) path = os.path.join(cpath, to_native(acr.resource)) if os.path.exists(to_bytes(path)): return acr.resource, path, acr.collection elif not acr.resource.endswith(PB_EXTENSIONS): for ext in PB_EXTENSIONS: path = os.path.join(cpath, to_native(acr.resource + ext)) if os.path.exists(to_bytes(path)): return acr.resource, path, acr.collection return None def _get_collection_role_path(role_name, collection_list=None): return _get_collection_resource_path(role_name, u'role', collection_list) def _get_collection_resource_path(name, ref_type, collection_list=None): if ref_type == u'playbook': # they are handled a bit diff due to 'extension variance' and no collection_list return _get_collection_playbook_path(name) acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(name, ref_type) if acr: # looks like a valid qualified collection ref; skip the collection_list collection_list = [acr.collection] subdirs = acr.subdirs resource = acr.resource elif not collection_list: return None # not a FQ and no collection search list spec'd, nothing to do else: resource = name # treat as unqualified, loop through the collection search list to try and resolve subdirs = '' for collection_name in collection_list: try: acr = AnsibleCollectionRef(collection_name=collection_name, subdirs=subdirs, resource=resource, ref_type=ref_type) # FIXME: error handling/logging; need to catch any import failures and move along pkg = import_module(acr.n_python_package_name) if pkg is not None: # the package is now loaded, get the collection's package and ask where it lives path = os.path.dirname(to_bytes(sys.modules[acr.n_python_package_name].__file__, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) return resource, to_text(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), collection_name except (IOError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e: continue except Exception as ex: # FIXME: pick out typical import errors first, then error logging continue return None def _get_collection_name_from_path(path): """ Return the containing collection name for a given path, or None if the path is not below a configured collection, or the collection cannot be loaded (eg, the collection is masked by another of the same name higher in the configured collection roots). :param path: path to evaluate for collection containment :return: collection name or None """ # ensure we compare full paths since pkg path will be abspath path = to_native(os.path.abspath(to_bytes(path))) path_parts = path.split('/') if path_parts.count('ansible_collections') != 1: return None ac_pos = path_parts.index('ansible_collections') # make sure it's followed by at least a namespace and collection name if len(path_parts) < ac_pos + 3: return None candidate_collection_name = '.'.join(path_parts[ac_pos + 1:ac_pos + 3]) try: # we've got a name for it, now see if the path prefix matches what the loader sees imported_pkg_path = to_native(os.path.dirname(to_bytes(import_module('ansible_collections.' + candidate_collection_name).__file__))) except ImportError: return None # reassemble the original path prefix up the collection name, and it should match what we just imported. If not # this is probably a collection root that's not configured. original_path_prefix = os.path.join('/', *path_parts[0:ac_pos + 3]) imported_pkg_path = to_native(os.path.abspath(to_bytes(imported_pkg_path))) if original_path_prefix != imported_pkg_path: return None return candidate_collection_name def _get_import_redirect(collection_meta_dict, fullname): if not collection_meta_dict: return None return _nested_dict_get(collection_meta_dict, ['import_redirection', fullname, 'redirect']) def _get_ancestor_redirect(redirected_package_map, fullname): # walk the requested module's ancestor packages to see if any have been previously redirected cur_pkg = fullname while cur_pkg: cur_pkg = cur_pkg.rpartition('.')[0] ancestor_redirect = redirected_package_map.get(cur_pkg) if ancestor_redirect: # rewrite the prefix on fullname so we import the target first, then alias it redirect = ancestor_redirect + fullname[len(cur_pkg):] return redirect return None def _nested_dict_get(root_dict, key_list): cur_value = root_dict for key in key_list: cur_value = cur_value.get(key) if not cur_value: return None return cur_value def _iter_modules_impl(paths, prefix=''): # NB: this currently only iterates what's on disk- redirected modules are not considered if not prefix: prefix = '' else: prefix = to_native(prefix) # yield (module_loader, name, ispkg) for each module/pkg under path # TODO: implement ignore/silent catch for unreadable? for b_path in map(to_bytes, paths): if not os.path.isdir(b_path): continue for b_basename in sorted(os.listdir(b_path)): b_candidate_module_path = os.path.join(b_path, b_basename) if os.path.isdir(b_candidate_module_path): # exclude things that obviously aren't Python package dirs # FIXME: this dir is adjustable in py3.8+, check for it if b'.' in b_basename or b_basename == b'__pycache__': continue # TODO: proper string handling? yield prefix + to_native(b_basename), True else: # FIXME: match builtin ordering for package/dir/file, support compiled? if b_basename.endswith(b'.py') and b_basename != b'__init__.py': yield prefix + to_native(os.path.splitext(b_basename)[0]), False def _get_collection_metadata(collection_name): collection_name = to_native(collection_name) if not collection_name or not isinstance(collection_name, string_types) or len(collection_name.split('.')) != 2: raise ValueError('collection_name must be a non-empty string of the form namespace.collection') try: collection_pkg = import_module('ansible_collections.' + collection_name) except ImportError: raise ValueError('unable to locate collection {0}'.format(collection_name)) _collection_meta = getattr(collection_pkg, '_collection_meta', None) if _collection_meta is None: raise ValueError('collection metadata was not loaded for collection {0}'.format(collection_name)) return _collection_meta