# Test code for the UCS modules # Copyright 2018, David Soper (@dsoper2) - name: Test that we have a UCS host, UCS username, and UCS password fail: msg: 'Please define the following variables: ucs_hostname, ucs_username and ucs_password.' when: ucs_hostname is not defined or ucs_username is not defined or ucs_password is not defined vars: login_info: &login_info hostname: "{{ ucs_hostname }}" username: "{{ ucs_username }}" password: "{{ ucs_password }}" # Setup (clean environment) - name: Server UUID Pools absent ucs_uuid_pool: &uuid_pool_absent <<: *login_info name: UUID-Pool state: absent # Test present (check_mode) - name: Server UUID Pools present (check_mode) ucs_uuid_pool: &uuid_pool_present <<: *login_info name: UUID-Pool order: sequential first_uuid: 0000-000000000001 last_uuid: 0000-000000000078 check_mode: yes register: cm_uuid_pool_present # Present (normal mode) - name: Server UUID Pools present (normal mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_present register: nm_uuid_pool_present # Test present again (idempotent) - name: Server UUID Pools present again (check_mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_present check_mode: yes register: cm_uuid_pool_present_again # Present again (normal mode) - name: Server UUID Pools present again (normal mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_present register: nm_uuid_pool_present_again # Verfiy present - name: Verify Server UUID Pools present results assert: that: - cm_uuid_pool_present.changed == nm_uuid_pool_present.changed == true - cm_uuid_pool_present_again.changed == nm_uuid_pool_present_again.changed == false # Test change (check_mode) - name: Server UUID Pools description change (check_mode) ucs_uuid_pool: &uuid_pool_change <<: *uuid_pool_present descr: Testing Ansible check_mode: yes register: cm_uuid_pool_descr_change # Change (normal mode) - name: Server UUID Pools description change (normal mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_change register: nm_uuid_pool_descr_change # Test change again (idempotent) - name: Server UUID Pools description again (check_mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_change check_mode: yes register: cm_uuid_pool_descr_change_again # Change again (normal mode) - name: Server UUID Pools description change again (normal mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_change register: nm_uuid_pool_descr_change_again # Verfiy change - name: Verify Server UUID Pools change results assert: that: - cm_uuid_pool_descr_change.changed == nm_uuid_pool_descr_change.changed == true - cm_uuid_pool_descr_change_again.changed == nm_uuid_pool_descr_change_again.changed == false # Teardown (clean environment) - name: Server UUID Pools absent (check_mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_absent check_mode: yes register: cm_uuid_pool_absent # Absent (normal mode) - name: Server UUID Pools absent (normal mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_absent register: nm_uuid_pool_absent # Test absent again (idempotent) - name: Server UUID Pools absent again (check_mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_absent check_mode: yes register: cm_uuid_pool_absent_again # Absent again (normal mode) - name: Server UUID Pools absent again (normal mode) ucs_uuid_pool: *uuid_pool_absent register: nm_uuid_pool_absent_again # Verfiy absent - name: Verify Server UUID Pools absent results assert: that: - cm_uuid_pool_absent.changed == nm_uuid_pool_absent.changed == true - cm_uuid_pool_absent_again.changed == nm_uuid_pool_absent_again.changed == false