#!/bin/sh set -eu platform="$1" python_version="$2" python_interpreter="python${python_version}" cd ~/ install_pip () { if ! "${python_interpreter}" -m pip.__main__ --version --disable-pip-version-check 2>/dev/null; then case "${python_version}" in *) pip_bootstrap_url="https://ansible-ci-files.s3.amazonaws.com/ansible-test/get-pip-20.3.4.py" ;; esac curl --silent --show-error "${pip_bootstrap_url}" -o /tmp/get-pip.py "${python_interpreter}" /tmp/get-pip.py --disable-pip-version-check --quiet rm /tmp/get-pip.py fi } if [ "${platform}" = "freebsd" ]; then py_version="$(echo "${python_version}" | tr -d '.')" if [ "${py_version}" = "27" ]; then # on Python 2.7 our only option is to use virtualenv virtualenv_pkg="py27-virtualenv" else # on Python 3.x we'll use the built-in venv instead virtualenv_pkg="" fi while true; do env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES pkg bootstrap && \ pkg install -q -y \ bash \ curl \ gtar \ "python${py_version}" \ "py${py_version}-Jinja2" \ "py${py_version}-cryptography" \ ${virtualenv_pkg} \ sudo \ && break echo "Failed to install packages. Sleeping before trying again..." sleep 10 done install_pip if ! grep '^PermitRootLogin yes$' /etc/ssh/sshd_config > /dev/null; then sed -i '' 's/^# *PermitRootLogin.*$/PermitRootLogin yes/;' /etc/ssh/sshd_config service sshd restart fi elif [ "${platform}" = "rhel" ]; then if grep '8\.' /etc/redhat-release; then while true; do yum module install -q -y python36 && \ yum install -q -y \ gcc \ python3-devel \ python3-jinja2 \ python3-cryptography \ iptables \ && break echo "Failed to install packages. Sleeping before trying again..." sleep 10 done else while true; do yum install -q -y \ gcc \ python-devel \ python-virtualenv \ python2-cryptography \ && break echo "Failed to install packages. Sleeping before trying again..." sleep 10 done install_pip fi # pin packaging and pyparsing to match the downstream vendored versions "${python_interpreter}" -m pip install packaging==20.4 pyparsing==2.4.7 --disable-pip-version-check elif [ "${platform}" = "centos" ]; then while true; do yum install -q -y \ gcc \ python-devel \ python-virtualenv \ python2-cryptography \ libffi-devel \ openssl-devel \ && break echo "Failed to install packages. Sleeping before trying again..." sleep 10 done install_pip elif [ "${platform}" = "osx" ]; then while true; do pip install --disable-pip-version-check --quiet \ 'virtualenv==16.7.10' \ && break echo "Failed to install packages. Sleeping before trying again..." sleep 10 done elif [ "${platform}" = "aix" ]; then chfs -a size=1G / chfs -a size=4G /usr chfs -a size=1G /var chfs -a size=1G /tmp chfs -a size=2G /opt while true; do yum install -q -y \ gcc \ libffi-devel \ python-jinja2 \ python-cryptography \ python-pip && \ pip install --disable-pip-version-check --quiet \ 'virtualenv==16.7.10' \ && break echo "Failed to install packages. Sleeping before trying again..." sleep 10 done fi # Generate our ssh key and add it to our authorized_keys file. # We also need to add localhost's server keys to known_hosts. if [ ! -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" ]; then ssh-keygen -m PEM -q -t rsa -N '' -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa" # newer ssh-keygen PEM output (such as on RHEL 8.1) is not recognized by paramiko touch "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.new" chmod 0600 "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.new" sed 's/\(BEGIN\|END\) PRIVATE KEY/\1 RSA PRIVATE KEY/' "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa" > "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.new" mv "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.new" "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa" cat "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" >> "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys" chmod 0600 "${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys" for key in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key.pub; do pk=$(cat "${key}") echo "localhost ${pk}" >> "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts" done fi # Improve prompts on remote host for interactive use. # shellcheck disable=SC1117 cat << EOF > ~/.bashrc if ls --color > /dev/null 2>&1; then alias ls='ls --color' elif ls -G > /dev/null 2>&1; then alias ls='ls -G' fi export PS1='\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ ' EOF # Make sure ~/ansible/ is the starting directory for interactive shells. if [ "${platform}" = "osx" ]; then echo "cd ~/ansible/" >> ~/.bashrc elif [ "${platform}" = "macos" ] ; then echo "export BASH_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNING=1" >> ~/.bashrc echo "cd ~/ansible/" >> ~/.bashrc fi