#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ux # ensure fail/assert work locally and can stop execution with non-zero exit code PB_OUT=$(ansible-playbook -i inventory.local test_test_infra.yml) APB_RC=$? echo "$PB_OUT" echo "rc was $APB_RC (must be non-zero)" [ ${APB_RC} -ne 0 ] echo "ensure playbook output shows assert/fail works (True)" echo "$PB_OUT" | grep -F "fail works (True)" || exit 1 echo "$PB_OUT" | grep -F "assert works (True)" || exit 1 # ensure we work using all specified test args, overridden inventory, etc PB_OUT=$(ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory test_test_infra.yml "$@") APB_RC=$? echo "$PB_OUT" echo "rc was $APB_RC (must be non-zero)" [ ${APB_RC} -ne 0 ] echo "ensure playbook output shows assert/fail works (True)" echo "$PB_OUT" | grep -F "fail works (True)" || exit 1 echo "$PB_OUT" | grep -F "assert works (True)" || exit 1 # ensure test-module script works well PING_MODULE_PATH="$(pwd)/../../../../lib/ansible/modules/system/ping.py" ../../../../hacking/test-module -m "$PING_MODULE_PATH" -I ansible_python_interpreter="$(which python)"