# Ansible Nagios external inventory script settings # # To get all available possibilities, check following URL: # http://www.naemon.org/documentation/usersguide/livestatus.html # https://mathias-kettner.de/checkmk_livestatus.html # [local] # Livestatus URI # Example for default naemon livestatus unix socket : # livestatus_uri=unix:/var/cache/naemon/live [remote] # default field name for host: name # Uncomment to override: # host_field=address # # default field group for host: groups # Uncomment to override: # group_field=state # default fields retrieved: address, alias, display_name, childs, parents # To override, uncomment the following line # fields_to_retrieve=address,alias,display_name # # default variable prefix: livestatus_ # To override, uncomment the following line # var_prefix=naemon_ # # default filter: None # # Uncomment to override # # All host with state = OK # host_filter=state = 0 # Warning: for the moment, you can use only one filter at a time. You cannot combine various conditions. # # All host in groups Linux # host_filter=groups >= Linux # livestatus_uri=tcp: