#!/usr/bin/env python # (c) 2012, Jan-Piet Mens # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # import os import sys import textwrap import re import optparse import datetime from ansible import utils from ansible.utils import module_docs import ansible.constants as C from ansible.utils import version import traceback MODULEDIR = C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH BLACKLIST_EXTS = ('.swp', '.bak', '~', '.rpm') _ITALIC = re.compile(r"I\(([^)]+)\)") _BOLD = re.compile(r"B\(([^)]+)\)") _MODULE = re.compile(r"M\(([^)]+)\)") _URL = re.compile(r"U\(([^)]+)\)") _CONST = re.compile(r"C\(([^)]+)\)") def tty_ify(text): t = _ITALIC.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", text) # I(word) => `word' t = _BOLD.sub("*" + r"\1" + "*", t) # B(word) => *word* t = _MODULE.sub("[" + r"\1" + "]", t) # M(word) => [word] t = _URL.sub(r"\1", t) # U(word) => word t = _CONST.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", t) # C(word) => `word' return t def print_man(doc): opt_indent=" " print "> %s\n" % doc['module'].upper() desc = "".join(doc['description']) print "%s\n" % textwrap.fill(tty_ify(desc), initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ") if 'option_keys' in doc and len(doc['option_keys']) > 0: print "Options (= is mandatory):\n" for o in doc['option_keys']: opt = doc['options'][o] if opt.get('required', False): opt_leadin = "=" else: opt_leadin = "-" print "%s %s" % (opt_leadin, o) desc = "".join(opt['description']) if 'choices' in opt: choices = ", ".join(str(i) for i in opt['choices']) desc = desc + " (Choices: " + choices + ")" print "%s\n" % textwrap.fill(tty_ify(desc), initial_indent=opt_indent, subsequent_indent=opt_indent) if 'notes' in doc and len(doc['notes']) > 0: notes = "".join(doc['notes']) print "Notes:%s\n" % textwrap.fill(tty_ify(notes), initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent) if 'requirements' in doc and len(doc['requirements']) > 0: req = ", ".join(doc['requirements']) print "Requirements:%s\n" % textwrap.fill(tty_ify(req), initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent) if 'examples' in doc and len(doc['examples']) > 0: print "Example%s:\n" % ('' if len(doc['examples']) < 2 else 's') for ex in doc['examples']: print "%s\n" % (ex['code']) if 'plainexamples' in doc and doc['plainexamples'] is not None: print doc['plainexamples'] def print_snippet(doc): desc = tty_ify("".join(doc['short_description'])) print "- name: %s" % (desc) print " action: %s" % (doc['module']) for o in doc['options']: opt = doc['options'][o] desc = tty_ify("".join(opt['description'])) s = o + "=" print " %-20s # %s" % (s, desc) def main(): p = optparse.OptionParser( version=version("%prog"), usage='usage: %prog [options] [module...]', description='Show Ansible module documentation', ) p.add_option("-M", "--module-path", action="store", dest="module_path", default=MODULEDIR, help="Ansible modules/ directory") p.add_option("-l", "--list", action="store_true", default=False, dest='list_dir', help='List available modules') p.add_option("-s", "--snippet", action="store_true", default=False, dest='show_snippet', help='Show playbook snippet for specified module(s)') p.add_option('-v', action='version', help='Show version number and exit') (options, args) = p.parse_args() if options.module_path is not None: for i in options.module_path.split(os.pathsep): utils.plugins.module_finder.add_directory(i) if options.list_dir: # list all modules paths = utils.plugins.module_finder._get_paths() module_list = [] for path in paths: # os.system("ls -C %s" % (path)) if os.path.isdir(path): for module in os.listdir(path): if any(module.endswith(x) for x in BLACKLIST_EXTS): continue module_list.append(module) for module in sorted(set(module_list)): if module in module_docs.BLACKLIST_MODULES: continue filename = utils.plugins.module_finder.find_plugin(module) if os.path.isdir(filename): continue try: doc, plainexamples = module_docs.get_docstring(filename) desc = tty_ify(doc.get('short_description', '?')) if len(desc) > 55: desc = desc + '...' print "%-20s %-60.60s" % (module, desc) except: traceback.print_exc() sys.stderr.write("ERROR: module %s has a documentation error formatting or is missing documentation\n" % module) pass sys.exit() if len(args) == 0: p.print_help() def print_paths(finder): ''' Returns a string suitable for printing of the search path ''' # Uses a list to get the order right ret = [] for i in finder._get_paths(): if i not in ret: ret.append(i) return os.pathsep.join(ret) for module in args: filename = utils.plugins.module_finder.find_plugin(module) if filename is None: sys.stderr.write("module %s not found in %s\n" % (module, print_paths(utils.plugins.module_finder))) continue if any(filename.endswith(x) for x in BLACKLIST_EXTS): continue try: doc, plainexamples = module_docs.get_docstring(filename) except: traceback.print_exc() sys.stderr.write("ERROR: module %s has a documentation error formatting or is missing documentation\n" % module) continue if doc is not None: all_keys = [] for (k,v) in doc['options'].iteritems(): all_keys.append(k) all_keys = sorted(all_keys) doc['option_keys'] = all_keys doc['filename'] = filename doc['docuri'] = doc['module'].replace('_', '-') doc['now_date'] = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') doc['plainexamples'] = plainexamples if options.show_snippet: print_snippet(doc) else: print_man(doc) else: # this typically means we couldn't even parse the docstring, not just that the YAML is busted, # probably a quoting issue. sys.stderr.write("ERROR: module %s missing documentation (or could not parse documentation)\n" % module) if __name__ == '__main__': main()