Module Maintenance & Support ---------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 To help identify maintainers and understand how the included modules are officially supported, each module now has associated metadata that provides additional clarity for maintenance and support. Core ```` :ref:`core_supported`. These are maintained by the Ansible Engineering Team. These modules are integral to the basic foundations of the Ansible distribution. Network ``````` :ref:`network_supported`. These are maintained by the Ansible Network Team. Please note there are additional networking modules that are categorized as Certified or Community not maintained by Ansible. Certified ````````` Certified modules are part of a future planned program currently in development. Community ````````` :ref:`community_supported`. These are submitted and maintained by the Ansible community. These modules are not maintained by Ansible, and are included as a convenience. Issue Reporting ``````````````` If you believe you have found a bug in a module and are already running the latest stable or development version of Ansible, first look at the `issue tracker in the Ansible repo `_ to see if an issue has already been filed. If not, please file one. Should you have a question rather than a bug report, inquiries are welcome on the `ansible-project Google group `_ or on Ansible's "#ansible" channel, located on For development-oriented topics, use the `ansible-devel Google group `_ or Ansible's #ansible and #ansible-devel channels, located on You should also read :doc:`Community Information & Contributing <../community/index>`, :doc:`Testing Ansible <../dev_guide/testing>`, and :doc:`Developing Modules <../dev_guide/developing_modules>`. The modules are hosted on GitHub in a subdirectory of the `Ansible `_ repo. NOTE: If you have a Red Hat Ansible Engine product subscription, please follow the standard issue reporting process via the Red Hat Customer Portal. Support ``````` For more information on how included Ansible modules are supported by Red Hat, please refer to the following `knowledgebase article `_ as well as other resources on the `Red Hat Customer Portal. `_ .. seealso:: :doc:`../modules/modules_by_category` A complete list of all available modules. :doc:`intro_adhoc` Examples of using modules in /usr/bin/ansible :doc:`playbooks` Examples of using modules with /usr/bin/ansible-playbook :doc:`../dev_guide/developing_modules` How to write your own modules :doc:`../dev_guide/developing_api` Examples of using modules with the Python API `Mailing List `_ Questions? Help? Ideas? Stop by the list on Google Groups ` `_ #ansible IRC chat channel