#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: postgresql_db short_description: Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host. description: - Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host. version_added: '0.6' options: name: description: - Name of the database to add or remove type: str required: true aliases: [ db ] port: description: - Database port to connect (if needed) type: int default: 5432 aliases: - login_port owner: description: - Name of the role to set as owner of the database type: str template: description: - Template used to create the database type: str encoding: description: - Encoding of the database type: str lc_collate: description: - Collation order (LC_COLLATE) to use in the database. Must match collation order of template database unless C(template0) is used as template. type: str lc_ctype: description: - Character classification (LC_CTYPE) to use in the database (e.g. lower, upper, ...) Must match LC_CTYPE of template database unless C(template0) is used as template. type: str session_role: description: - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of. - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally. type: str version_added: '2.8' state: description: - The database state. - C(present) implies that the database should be created if necessary. - C(absent) implies that the database should be removed if present. - C(dump) requires a target definition to which the database will be backed up. (Added in Ansible 2.4) Note that in some PostgreSQL versions of pg_dump, which is an embedded PostgreSQL utility and is used by the module, returns rc 0 even when errors occurred (e.g. the connection is forbidden by pg_hba.conf, etc.), so the module returns changed=True but the dump has not actually been done. Please, be sure that your version of pg_dump returns rc 1 in this case. - C(restore) also requires a target definition from which the database will be restored. (Added in Ansible 2.4) - The format of the backup will be detected based on the target name. - Supported compression formats for dump and restore include C(.pgc), C(.bz2), C(.gz) and C(.xz) - Supported formats for dump and restore include C(.sql) and C(.tar) type: str choices: [ absent, dump, present, restore ] default: present target: description: - File to back up or restore from. - Used when I(state) is C(dump) or C(restore). type: path version_added: '2.4' target_opts: description: - Further arguments for pg_dump or pg_restore. - Used when I(state) is C(dump) or C(restore). type: str version_added: '2.4' maintenance_db: description: - The value specifies the initial database (which is also called as maintenance DB) that Ansible connects to. type: str default: postgres version_added: '2.5' conn_limit: description: - Specifies the database connection limit. type: str version_added: '2.8' tablespace: description: - The tablespace to set for the database U(https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-alterdatabase.html). - If you want to move the database back to the default tablespace, explicitly set this to pg_default. type: path version_added: '2.9' dump_extra_args: description: - Provides additional arguments when I(state) is C(dump). - Cannot be used with dump-file-format-related arguments like ``--format=d``. type: str version_added: '2.10' seealso: - name: CREATE DATABASE reference description: Complete reference of the CREATE DATABASE command documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createdatabase.html - name: DROP DATABASE reference description: Complete reference of the DROP DATABASE command documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-dropdatabase.html - name: pg_dump reference description: Complete reference of pg_dump documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-pgdump.html - name: pg_restore reference description: Complete reference of pg_restore documentation. link: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-pgrestore.html - module: postgresql_tablespace - module: postgresql_info - module: postgresql_ping notes: - State C(dump) and C(restore) don't require I(psycopg2) since version 2.8. author: "Ansible Core Team" extends_documentation_fragment: - postgres ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Create a new database with name "acme" postgresql_db: name: acme # Note: If a template different from "template0" is specified, encoding and locale settings must match those of the template. - name: Create a new database with name "acme" and specific encoding and locale # settings. postgresql_db: name: acme encoding: UTF-8 lc_collate: de_DE.UTF-8 lc_ctype: de_DE.UTF-8 template: template0 # Note: Default limit for the number of concurrent connections to a specific database is "-1", which means "unlimited" - name: Create a new database with name "acme" which has a limit of 100 concurrent connections postgresql_db: name: acme conn_limit: "100" - name: Dump an existing database to a file postgresql_db: name: acme state: dump target: /tmp/acme.sql - name: Dump an existing database to a file excluding the test table postgresql_db: name: acme state: dump target: /tmp/acme.sql dump_extra_args: --exclude-table=test - name: Dump an existing database to a file (with compression) postgresql_db: name: acme state: dump target: /tmp/acme.sql.gz - name: Dump a single schema for an existing database postgresql_db: name: acme state: dump target: /tmp/acme.sql target_opts: "-n public" # Note: In the example below, if database foo exists and has another tablespace # the tablespace will be changed to foo. Access to the database will be locked # until the copying of database files is finished. - name: Create a new database called foo in tablespace bar postgresql_db: name: foo tablespace: bar ''' RETURN = r''' executed_commands: description: List of commands which tried to run. returned: always type: list sample: ["CREATE DATABASE acme"] version_added: '2.10' ''' import os import subprocess import traceback try: import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extras except ImportError: HAS_PSYCOPG2 = False else: HAS_PSYCOPG2 = True import ansible.module_utils.postgres as pgutils from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.database import SQLParseError, pg_quote_identifier from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native executed_commands = [] class NotSupportedError(Exception): pass # =========================================== # PostgreSQL module specific support methods. # def set_owner(cursor, db, owner): query = 'ALTER DATABASE %s OWNER TO "%s"' % ( pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'), owner) executed_commands.append(query) cursor.execute(query) return True def set_conn_limit(cursor, db, conn_limit): query = "ALTER DATABASE %s CONNECTION LIMIT %s" % ( pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'), conn_limit) executed_commands.append(query) cursor.execute(query) return True def get_encoding_id(cursor, encoding): query = "SELECT pg_char_to_encoding(%(encoding)s) AS encoding_id;" cursor.execute(query, {'encoding': encoding}) return cursor.fetchone()['encoding_id'] def get_db_info(cursor, db): query = """ SELECT rolname AS owner, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) AS encoding, encoding AS encoding_id, datcollate AS lc_collate, datctype AS lc_ctype, pg_database.datconnlimit AS conn_limit, spcname AS tablespace FROM pg_database JOIN pg_roles ON pg_roles.oid = pg_database.datdba JOIN pg_tablespace ON pg_tablespace.oid = pg_database.dattablespace WHERE datname = %(db)s """ cursor.execute(query, {'db': db}) return cursor.fetchone() def db_exists(cursor, db): query = "SELECT * FROM pg_database WHERE datname=%(db)s" cursor.execute(query, {'db': db}) return cursor.rowcount == 1 def db_delete(cursor, db): if db_exists(cursor, db): query = "DROP DATABASE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database') executed_commands.append(query) cursor.execute(query) return True else: return False def db_create(cursor, db, owner, template, encoding, lc_collate, lc_ctype, conn_limit, tablespace): params = dict(enc=encoding, collate=lc_collate, ctype=lc_ctype, conn_limit=conn_limit, tablespace=tablespace) if not db_exists(cursor, db): query_fragments = ['CREATE DATABASE %s' % pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database')] if owner: query_fragments.append('OWNER "%s"' % owner) if template: query_fragments.append('TEMPLATE %s' % pg_quote_identifier(template, 'database')) if encoding: query_fragments.append('ENCODING %(enc)s') if lc_collate: query_fragments.append('LC_COLLATE %(collate)s') if lc_ctype: query_fragments.append('LC_CTYPE %(ctype)s') if tablespace: query_fragments.append('TABLESPACE %s' % pg_quote_identifier(tablespace, 'tablespace')) if conn_limit: query_fragments.append("CONNECTION LIMIT %(conn_limit)s" % {"conn_limit": conn_limit}) query = ' '.join(query_fragments) executed_commands.append(cursor.mogrify(query, params)) cursor.execute(query, params) return True else: db_info = get_db_info(cursor, db) if (encoding and get_encoding_id(cursor, encoding) != db_info['encoding_id']): raise NotSupportedError( 'Changing database encoding is not supported. ' 'Current encoding: %s' % db_info['encoding'] ) elif lc_collate and lc_collate != db_info['lc_collate']: raise NotSupportedError( 'Changing LC_COLLATE is not supported. ' 'Current LC_COLLATE: %s' % db_info['lc_collate'] ) elif lc_ctype and lc_ctype != db_info['lc_ctype']: raise NotSupportedError( 'Changing LC_CTYPE is not supported.' 'Current LC_CTYPE: %s' % db_info['lc_ctype'] ) else: changed = False if owner and owner != db_info['owner']: changed = set_owner(cursor, db, owner) if conn_limit and conn_limit != str(db_info['conn_limit']): changed = set_conn_limit(cursor, db, conn_limit) if tablespace and tablespace != db_info['tablespace']: changed = set_tablespace(cursor, db, tablespace) return changed def db_matches(cursor, db, owner, template, encoding, lc_collate, lc_ctype, conn_limit, tablespace): if not db_exists(cursor, db): return False else: db_info = get_db_info(cursor, db) if (encoding and get_encoding_id(cursor, encoding) != db_info['encoding_id']): return False elif lc_collate and lc_collate != db_info['lc_collate']: return False elif lc_ctype and lc_ctype != db_info['lc_ctype']: return False elif owner and owner != db_info['owner']: return False elif conn_limit and conn_limit != str(db_info['conn_limit']): return False elif tablespace and tablespace != db_info['tablespace']: return False else: return True def db_dump(module, target, target_opts="", db=None, dump_extra_args=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, **kw): flags = login_flags(db, host, port, user, db_prefix=False) cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_dump', True) comp_prog_path = None if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.tar': flags.append(' --format=t') elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.pgc': flags.append(' --format=c') if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.gz': if module.get_bin_path('pigz'): comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('pigz', True) else: comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('gzip', True) elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.bz2': comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('bzip2', True) elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.xz': comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('xz', True) cmd += "".join(flags) if dump_extra_args: cmd += " {0} ".format(dump_extra_args) if target_opts: cmd += " {0} ".format(target_opts) if comp_prog_path: # Use a fifo to be notified of an error in pg_dump # Using shell pipe has no way to return the code of the first command # in a portable way. fifo = os.path.join(module.tmpdir, 'pg_fifo') os.mkfifo(fifo) cmd = '{1} <{3} > {2} & {0} >{3}'.format(cmd, comp_prog_path, shlex_quote(target), fifo) else: cmd = '{0} > {1}'.format(cmd, shlex_quote(target)) return do_with_password(module, cmd, password) def db_restore(module, target, target_opts="", db=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, **kw): flags = login_flags(db, host, port, user) comp_prog_path = None cmd = module.get_bin_path('psql', True) if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.sql': flags.append(' --file={0}'.format(target)) elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.tar': flags.append(' --format=Tar') cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_restore', True) elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.pgc': flags.append(' --format=Custom') cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_restore', True) elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.gz': comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('zcat', True) elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.bz2': comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('bzcat', True) elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.xz': comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('xzcat', True) cmd += "".join(flags) if target_opts: cmd += " {0} ".format(target_opts) if comp_prog_path: env = os.environ.copy() if password: env = {"PGPASSWORD": password} p1 = subprocess.Popen([comp_prog_path, target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, env=env) (stdout2, stderr2) = p2.communicate() p1.stdout.close() p1.wait() if p1.returncode != 0: stderr1 = p1.stderr.read() return p1.returncode, '', stderr1, 'cmd: ****' else: return p2.returncode, '', stderr2, 'cmd: ****' else: cmd = '{0} < {1}'.format(cmd, shlex_quote(target)) return do_with_password(module, cmd, password) def login_flags(db, host, port, user, db_prefix=True): """ returns a list of connection argument strings each prefixed with a space and quoted where necessary to later be combined in a single shell string with `"".join(rv)` db_prefix determines if "--dbname" is prefixed to the db argument, since the argument was introduced in 9.3. """ flags = [] if db: if db_prefix: flags.append(' --dbname={0}'.format(shlex_quote(db))) else: flags.append(' {0}'.format(shlex_quote(db))) if host: flags.append(' --host={0}'.format(host)) if port: flags.append(' --port={0}'.format(port)) if user: flags.append(' --username={0}'.format(user)) return flags def do_with_password(module, cmd, password): env = {} if password: env = {"PGPASSWORD": password} executed_commands.append(cmd) rc, stderr, stdout = module.run_command(cmd, use_unsafe_shell=True, environ_update=env) return rc, stderr, stdout, cmd def set_tablespace(cursor, db, tablespace): query = "ALTER DATABASE %s SET TABLESPACE %s" % ( pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'), pg_quote_identifier(tablespace, 'tablespace')) executed_commands.append(query) cursor.execute(query) return True # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): argument_spec = pgutils.postgres_common_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( db=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']), owner=dict(type='str', default=''), template=dict(type='str', default=''), encoding=dict(type='str', default=''), lc_collate=dict(type='str', default=''), lc_ctype=dict(type='str', default=''), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'dump', 'present', 'restore']), target=dict(type='path', default=''), target_opts=dict(type='str', default=''), maintenance_db=dict(type='str', default="postgres"), session_role=dict(type='str'), conn_limit=dict(type='str', default=''), tablespace=dict(type='path', default=''), dump_extra_args=dict(type='str', default=None), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True ) db = module.params["db"] owner = module.params["owner"] template = module.params["template"] encoding = module.params["encoding"] lc_collate = module.params["lc_collate"] lc_ctype = module.params["lc_ctype"] target = module.params["target"] target_opts = module.params["target_opts"] state = module.params["state"] changed = False maintenance_db = module.params['maintenance_db'] session_role = module.params["session_role"] conn_limit = module.params['conn_limit'] tablespace = module.params['tablespace'] dump_extra_args = module.params['dump_extra_args'] raw_connection = state in ("dump", "restore") if not raw_connection: pgutils.ensure_required_libs(module) # To use defaults values, keyword arguments must be absent, so # check which values are empty and don't include in the **kw # dictionary params_map = { "login_host": "host", "login_user": "user", "login_password": "password", "port": "port", "ssl_mode": "sslmode", "ca_cert": "sslrootcert" } kw = dict((params_map[k], v) for (k, v) in iteritems(module.params) if k in params_map and v != '' and v is not None) # If a login_unix_socket is specified, incorporate it here. is_localhost = "host" not in kw or kw["host"] == "" or kw["host"] == "localhost" if is_localhost and module.params["login_unix_socket"] != "": kw["host"] = module.params["login_unix_socket"] if target == "": target = "{0}/{1}.sql".format(os.getcwd(), db) target = os.path.expanduser(target) if not raw_connection: try: db_connection = psycopg2.connect(database=maintenance_db, **kw) # Enable autocommit so we can create databases if psycopg2.__version__ >= '2.4.2': db_connection.autocommit = True else: db_connection.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT) cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) except TypeError as e: if 'sslrootcert' in e.args[0]: module.fail_json(msg='Postgresql server must be at least version 8.4 to support sslrootcert. Exception: {0}'.format(to_native(e)), exception=traceback.format_exc()) module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if session_role: try: cursor.execute('SET ROLE "%s"' % session_role) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="Could not switch role: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) try: if module.check_mode: if state == "absent": changed = db_exists(cursor, db) elif state == "present": changed = not db_matches(cursor, db, owner, template, encoding, lc_collate, lc_ctype, conn_limit, tablespace) module.exit_json(changed=changed, db=db, executed_commands=executed_commands) if state == "absent": try: changed = db_delete(cursor, db) except SQLParseError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) elif state == "present": try: changed = db_create(cursor, db, owner, template, encoding, lc_collate, lc_ctype, conn_limit, tablespace) except SQLParseError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) elif state in ("dump", "restore"): method = state == "dump" and db_dump or db_restore try: if state == 'dump': rc, stdout, stderr, cmd = method(module, target, target_opts, db, dump_extra_args, **kw) else: rc, stdout, stderr, cmd = method(module, target, target_opts, db, **kw) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg=stderr, stdout=stdout, rc=rc, cmd=cmd) else: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=stdout, stderr=stderr, rc=rc, cmd=cmd, executed_commands=executed_commands) except SQLParseError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except NotSupportedError as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except SystemExit: # Avoid catching this on Python 2.4 raise except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="Database query failed: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) module.exit_json(changed=changed, db=db, executed_commands=executed_commands) if __name__ == '__main__': main()