#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu source_root=$(python -c "from os import path; print(path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname('$0'), '..', '..')))") cd "${source_root}" # Remove existing aliases from previous script runs. rm -f test/integration/targets/*/aliases # Map destructive/ targets to integration tests. targets=$(grep 'role:' "test/integration/destructive.yml" \ | sed 's/^.* role: //; s/[ ,].*$//;') for target in ${targets}; do alias='destructive' echo "target: ${target}, alias: ${alias}" echo "${alias}" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done # Map destructive/non_destructive targets to posix groups for integration tests. # This will allow re-balancing of posix tests on Shippable independently of destructive/non_destructive targets. for type in destructive non_destructive; do targets=$(grep 'role:' "test/integration/${type}.yml" \ | sed 's/^.* role: //; s/[ ,].*$//;') if [ "${type}" = "destructive" ]; then group="posix/ci/group1" else group="posix/ci/group2" fi for target in ${targets}; do echo "target: ${target}, group: ${group}" echo "${group}" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done done # Add aliases to integration tests. targets=$(grep 'role:' test/integration/{destructive,non_destructive}.yml \ | sed 's/^.* role: //; s/[ ,].*$//;') for target in ${targets}; do aliases=$(grep -h "role: *${target}[ ,]" test/integration/{destructive,non_destructive}.yml \ | sed 's/when:[^,]*//;' \ | sed 's/^.*tags:[ []*//g; s/[]}].*$//g; s/ //g; s/,/ /g; s/test_//g;') for alias in ${aliases}; do if [ "${target}" != "${alias}" ]; then # convert needs_ prefixed aliases to groups alias="${alias//needs_/needs\/}" echo "target: ${target}, alias: ${alias}" echo "${alias}" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" fi done done # Map test_win_group* targets to windows groups for integration tests. for type in test_win_group1 test_win_group2 test_win_group3; do targets=$(grep 'role:' "test/integration/${type}.yml" \ | sed 's/^.* role: //; s/[ ,].*$//;') group=$(echo "${type}" | sed 's/^test_win_/windows_/; s/_/\/ci\//;') for target in ${targets}; do echo "target: ${target}, group: ${group}" echo "${group}" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done done # Add additional windows tests to appropriate groups. echo 'windows/ci/group2' >> test/integration/targets/binary_modules_winrm/aliases echo 'windows/ci/group3' >> test/integration/targets/connection_winrm/aliases # Add posix/ci/group3 for posix tests which are not already grouped for ci. group="posix/ci/group3" for target in test/integration/targets/*; do target=$(basename "${target}") if [[ "${target}" =~ (setup|prepare)_ ]]; then continue fi if [ -f "test/integration/targets/${target}/test.sh" ]; then continue fi if [ -f "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" ]; then if grep -q -P "^(windows|posix)/" "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases"; then continue fi fi if [[ "${target}" =~ _ ]]; then prefix="${target//_*/}" if grep -q --line-regex "${prefix}" test/integration/target-prefixes.*; then continue fi fi echo "target: ${target}, group: ${group}" echo "${group}" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done # Add skip aliases for python3. sed 's/^test_//' test/utils/shippable/python3-test-tag-blacklist.txt | while IFS= read -r target; do echo "skip/python3" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done # Add skip aliases for tests which don't pass yet on osx/freebsd. for target in service postgresql mysql_db mysql_user mysql_variables uri get_url async_extra_data; do echo "skip/osx" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" echo "skip/freebsd" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done # Add skip aliases for tests which don't pass yet on osx. for target in gathering_facts iterators git; do echo "skip/osx" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done # Add needs/root entries as required. for target in connection_chroot authorized_key copy template unarchive; do echo "needs/root" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done # Add needs/ssh entries as required. for target in async_extra_data connection_ssh connection_paramiko_ssh; do echo "needs/ssh" >> "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done # Add missing alias for windows async_status. echo "async_status" >> test/integration/targets/win_async_wrapper/aliases # Remove connection tests from CI groups which aren't supported yet. for connection in docker jail libvirt_lxc lxc lxd; do target="connection_${connection}" sed -i '/^posix\/ci\/.*$/d' "test/integration/targets/${target}/aliases" done # Sort aliases. for file in test/integration/targets/*/aliases; do sort -o "${file}" "${file}" done