--- # this is the example of an included tasks file. It contains a flat list of tasks # they can notify other tasks, and have full access to variables from 'vars' # or 'vars_files' directives. Further, if ohai or facter were installed on # the remote machines, variables from those tools can be accessed on the 'action' # line or in templates. Just prefix with 'facter_' or 'ohai_' before the particular # variable. # possible uses for a included yaml file might be to represent a 'class' of a system # like defining what makes up a webserver, or you might have a common 'base.yml' # (like this) that might be applied to all your systems as well. - name: no selinux action: command /usr/sbin/setenforce 0 - name: no iptables action: service name=iptables state=stopped - name: made up task just to show variables work here action: command /bin/echo release is {{ release }}