--- - debug: msg="START TRANSPORT:CLI nxos_vrrp sanity test" - block: - name: "Enable interface-vlan" nxos_feature: feature: interface-vlan state: enabled provider: "{{ cli }}" - name: "Enable vrrp" nxos_feature: feature: vrrp state: enabled provider: "{{ cli }}" - name: "create int vlan 10" nxos_interface: interface: "vlan 10" state: present provider: "{{ cli }}" - name: Ensure vrrp group 100 and vip is on vlan10 nxos_vrrp: interface: vlan10 group: 100 vip: provider: "{{ cli }}" - name: Ensure removal of the vrrp group config # vip is required to ensure the user knows what they are removing nxos_vrrp: &remove interface: vlan10 group: 100 vip: state: absent provider: "{{ cli }}" - pause: seconds: 30 - name: Re-config with more params nxos_vrrp: interface: vlan10 group: 100 vip: preempt: false priority: 130 authentication: AUTHKEY provider: "{{ cli }}" always: - name: remove vrrp nxos_vrrp: *remove ignore_errors: yes - name: "Disable interface-vlan" nxos_config: commands: - no feature interface-vlan provider: "{{ cli }}" match: none ignore_errors: yes - name: "Disable vrrp" nxos_feature: feature: vrrp state: disabled provider: "{{ cli }}" ignore_errors: yes - debug: msg="END TRANSPORT:CLI nxos_vrrp sanity test"