"""Code coverage utilities.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import json import os import re import time from xml.etree.ElementTree import ( Comment, Element, SubElement, tostring, ) from xml.dom import ( minidom, ) from .target import ( walk_module_targets, walk_compile_targets, walk_powershell_targets, ) from .util import ( display, ApplicationError, common_environment, ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, to_bytes, to_text, ) from .util_common import ( run_command, ) from .config import ( CoverageConfig, CoverageReportConfig, ) from .env import ( get_ansible_version, ) from .executor import ( Delegate, install_command_requirements, ) from .data import ( data_context, ) COVERAGE_GROUPS = ('command', 'target', 'environment', 'version') COVERAGE_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(ANSIBLE_TEST_DATA_ROOT, 'coveragerc') def command_coverage_combine(args): """Patch paths in coverage files and merge into a single file. :type args: CoverageConfig :rtype: list[str] """ return _command_coverage_combine_powershell(args) + _command_coverage_combine_python(args) def _command_coverage_combine_python(args): """ :type args: CoverageConfig :rtype: list[str] """ coverage = initialize_coverage(args) modules = dict((t.module, t.path) for t in list(walk_module_targets()) if t.path.endswith('.py')) coverage_dir = os.path.join(data_context().results, 'coverage') coverage_files = [os.path.join(coverage_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(coverage_dir) if '=coverage.' in f and '=python' in f] counter = 0 sources = _get_coverage_targets(args, walk_compile_targets) groups = _build_stub_groups(args, sources, lambda line_count: set()) if data_context().content.collection: collection_search_re = re.compile(r'/%s/' % data_context().content.collection.directory) collection_sub_re = re.compile(r'^.*?/%s/' % data_context().content.collection.directory) else: collection_search_re = None collection_sub_re = None for coverage_file in coverage_files: counter += 1 display.info('[%4d/%4d] %s' % (counter, len(coverage_files), coverage_file), verbosity=2) original = coverage.CoverageData() group = get_coverage_group(args, coverage_file) if group is None: display.warning('Unexpected name for coverage file: %s' % coverage_file) continue if os.path.getsize(coverage_file) == 0: display.warning('Empty coverage file: %s' % coverage_file) continue try: original.read_file(coverage_file) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except display.error(u'%s' % ex) continue for filename in original.measured_files(): arcs = set(original.arcs(filename) or []) if not arcs: # This is most likely due to using an unsupported version of coverage. display.warning('No arcs found for "%s" in coverage file: %s' % (filename, coverage_file)) continue filename = _sanitise_filename(filename, modules=modules, collection_search_re=collection_search_re, collection_sub_re=collection_sub_re) if not filename: continue if group not in groups: groups[group] = {} arc_data = groups[group] if filename not in arc_data: arc_data[filename] = set() arc_data[filename].update(arcs) output_files = [] invalid_path_count = 0 invalid_path_chars = 0 coverage_file = os.path.join(data_context().results, 'coverage', 'coverage') for group in sorted(groups): arc_data = groups[group] updated = coverage.CoverageData() for filename in arc_data: if not os.path.isfile(filename): if collection_search_re and collection_search_re.search(filename) and os.path.basename(filename) == '__init__.py': # the collection loader uses implicit namespace packages, so __init__.py does not need to exist on disk continue invalid_path_count += 1 invalid_path_chars += len(filename) if args.verbosity > 1: display.warning('Invalid coverage path: %s' % filename) continue updated.add_arcs({filename: list(arc_data[filename])}) if args.all: updated.add_arcs(dict((source, []) for source in sources)) if not args.explain: output_file = coverage_file + group updated.write_file(output_file) output_files.append(output_file) if invalid_path_count > 0: display.warning('Ignored %d characters from %d invalid coverage path(s).' % (invalid_path_chars, invalid_path_count)) return sorted(output_files) def _get_coverage_targets(args, walk_func): """ :type args: CoverageConfig :type walk_func: Func :rtype: list[tuple[str, int]] """ sources = [] if args.all or args.stub: # excludes symlinks of regular files to avoid reporting on the same file multiple times # in the future it would be nice to merge any coverage for symlinks into the real files for target in walk_func(include_symlinks=False): target_path = os.path.abspath(target.path) with open(target_path, 'r') as target_fd: target_lines = len(target_fd.read().splitlines()) sources.append((target_path, target_lines)) sources.sort() return sources def _build_stub_groups(args, sources, default_stub_value): """ :type args: CoverageConfig :type sources: List[tuple[str, int]] :type default_stub_value: Func[int] :rtype: dict """ groups = {} if args.stub: stub_group = [] stub_groups = [stub_group] stub_line_limit = 500000 stub_line_count = 0 for source, source_line_count in sources: stub_group.append((source, source_line_count)) stub_line_count += source_line_count if stub_line_count > stub_line_limit: stub_line_count = 0 stub_group = [] stub_groups.append(stub_group) for stub_index, stub_group in enumerate(stub_groups): if not stub_group: continue groups['=stub-%02d' % (stub_index + 1)] = dict((source, default_stub_value(line_count)) for source, line_count in stub_group) return groups def _sanitise_filename(filename, modules=None, collection_search_re=None, collection_sub_re=None): """ :type filename: str :type modules: dict | None :type collection_search_re: Pattern | None :type collection_sub_re: Pattern | None :rtype: str | None """ ansible_path = os.path.abspath('lib/ansible/') + '/' root_path = data_context().content.root + '/' if modules is None: modules = {} if '/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/' in filename: # Rewrite the module_utils path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.6 and earlier. new_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_modlib.zip/ansible/', ansible_path, filename) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif collection_search_re and collection_search_re.search(filename): new_name = os.path.abspath(collection_sub_re.sub('', filename)) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif re.search(r'/ansible_[^/]+_payload\.zip/ansible/', filename): # Rewrite the module_utils path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.7 and later. new_name = re.sub(r'^.*/ansible_[^/]+_payload\.zip/ansible/', ansible_path, filename) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif '/ansible_module_' in filename: # Rewrite the module path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.6 and earlier. module_name = re.sub('^.*/ansible_module_(?P.*).py$', '\\g', filename) if module_name not in modules: display.warning('Skipping coverage of unknown module: %s' % module_name) return None new_name = os.path.abspath(modules[module_name]) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif re.search(r'/ansible_[^/]+_payload(_[^/]+|\.zip)/__main__\.py$', filename): # Rewrite the module path from the remote host to match the controller. Ansible 2.7 and later. # AnsiballZ versions using zipimporter will match the `.zip` portion of the regex. # AnsiballZ versions not using zipimporter will match the `_[^/]+` portion of the regex. module_name = re.sub(r'^.*/ansible_(?P[^/]+)_payload(_[^/]+|\.zip)/__main__\.py$', '\\g', filename).rstrip('_') if module_name not in modules: display.warning('Skipping coverage of unknown module: %s' % module_name) return None new_name = os.path.abspath(modules[module_name]) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif re.search('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', filename): # Rewrite the path of code running on a remote host or in a docker container as root. new_name = re.sub('^(/.*?)?/root/ansible/', root_path, filename) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name elif '/.ansible/test/tmp/' in filename: # Rewrite the path of code running from an integration test temporary directory. new_name = re.sub(r'^.*/\.ansible/test/tmp/[^/]+/', root_path, filename) display.info('%s -> %s' % (filename, new_name), verbosity=3) filename = new_name return filename def command_coverage_report(args): """ :type args: CoverageReportConfig """ output_files = command_coverage_combine(args) for output_file in output_files: if args.group_by or args.stub: display.info('>>> Coverage Group: %s' % ' '.join(os.path.basename(output_file).split('=')[1:])) if output_file.endswith('-powershell'): display.info(_generate_powershell_output_report(args, output_file)) else: options = [] if args.show_missing: options.append('--show-missing') if args.include: options.extend(['--include', args.include]) if args.omit: options.extend(['--omit', args.omit]) env = common_environment() env.update(dict(COVERAGE_FILE=output_file)) run_command(args, env=env, cmd=['coverage', 'report', '--rcfile', COVERAGE_CONFIG_PATH] + options) def command_coverage_html(args): """ :type args: CoverageConfig """ output_files = command_coverage_combine(args) for output_file in output_files: if output_file.endswith('-powershell'): # coverage.py does not support non-Python files so we just skip the local html report. display.info("Skipping output file %s in html generation" % output_file, verbosity=3) continue dir_name = os.path.join(data_context().results, 'reports', os.path.basename(output_file)) env = common_environment() env.update(dict(COVERAGE_FILE=output_file)) run_command(args, env=env, cmd=['coverage', 'html', '--rcfile', COVERAGE_CONFIG_PATH, '-i', '-d', dir_name]) def command_coverage_xml(args): """ :type args: CoverageConfig """ output_files = command_coverage_combine(args) for output_file in output_files: xml_name = os.path.join(data_context().results, 'reports', '%s.xml' % os.path.basename(output_file)) if output_file.endswith('-powershell'): report = _generage_powershell_xml(output_file) rough_string = tostring(report, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) pretty = reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=' ') with open(xml_name, 'w') as xml_fd: xml_fd.write(pretty) else: env = common_environment() env.update(dict(COVERAGE_FILE=output_file)) run_command(args, env=env, cmd=['coverage', 'xml', '--rcfile', COVERAGE_CONFIG_PATH, '-i', '-o', xml_name]) def command_coverage_erase(args): """ :type args: CoverageConfig """ initialize_coverage(args) coverage_dir = os.path.join(data_context().results, 'coverage') for name in os.listdir(coverage_dir): if not name.startswith('coverage') and '=coverage.' not in name: continue path = os.path.join(coverage_dir, name) if not args.explain: os.remove(path) def initialize_coverage(args): """ :type args: CoverageConfig :rtype: coverage """ if args.delegate: raise Delegate() if args.requirements: install_command_requirements(args) try: import coverage except ImportError: coverage = None if not coverage: raise ApplicationError('You must install the "coverage" python module to use this command.') return coverage def get_coverage_group(args, coverage_file): """ :type args: CoverageConfig :type coverage_file: str :rtype: str """ parts = os.path.basename(coverage_file).split('=', 4) if len(parts) != 5 or not parts[4].startswith('coverage.'): return None names = dict( command=parts[0], target=parts[1], environment=parts[2], version=parts[3], ) group = '' for part in COVERAGE_GROUPS: if part in args.group_by: group += '=%s' % names[part] return group def _command_coverage_combine_powershell(args): """ :type args: CoverageConfig :rtype: list[str] """ coverage_dir = os.path.join(data_context().results, 'coverage') coverage_files = [os.path.join(coverage_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(coverage_dir) if '=coverage.' in f and '=powershell' in f] def _default_stub_value(line_count): val = {} for line in range(line_count): val[line] = 0 return val counter = 0 sources = _get_coverage_targets(args, walk_powershell_targets) groups = _build_stub_groups(args, sources, _default_stub_value) for coverage_file in coverage_files: counter += 1 display.info('[%4d/%4d] %s' % (counter, len(coverage_files), coverage_file), verbosity=2) group = get_coverage_group(args, coverage_file) if group is None: display.warning('Unexpected name for coverage file: %s' % coverage_file) continue if os.path.getsize(coverage_file) == 0: display.warning('Empty coverage file: %s' % coverage_file) continue try: with open(coverage_file, 'rb') as original_fd: coverage_run = json.loads(to_text(original_fd.read(), errors='replace')) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except display.error(u'%s' % ex) continue for filename, hit_info in coverage_run.items(): if group not in groups: groups[group] = {} coverage_data = groups[group] filename = _sanitise_filename(filename) if not filename: continue if filename not in coverage_data: coverage_data[filename] = {} file_coverage = coverage_data[filename] if not isinstance(hit_info, list): hit_info = [hit_info] for hit_entry in hit_info: if not hit_entry: continue line_count = file_coverage.get(hit_entry['Line'], 0) + hit_entry['HitCount'] file_coverage[hit_entry['Line']] = line_count output_files = [] invalid_path_count = 0 invalid_path_chars = 0 coverage_file = os.path.join(data_context().results, 'coverage', 'coverage') for group in sorted(groups): coverage_data = groups[group] for filename in coverage_data: if not os.path.isfile(filename): invalid_path_count += 1 invalid_path_chars += len(filename) if args.verbosity > 1: display.warning('Invalid coverage path: %s' % filename) continue if args.all: # Add 0 line entries for files not in coverage_data for source, source_line_count in sources: if source in coverage_data: continue coverage_data[source] = _default_stub_value(source_line_count) if not args.explain: output_file = coverage_file + group + '-powershell' with open(output_file, 'wb') as output_file_fd: output_file_fd.write(to_bytes(json.dumps(coverage_data))) output_files.append(output_file) if invalid_path_count > 0: display.warning( 'Ignored %d characters from %d invalid coverage path(s).' % (invalid_path_chars, invalid_path_count)) return sorted(output_files) def _generage_powershell_xml(coverage_file): """ :type input_path: str :rtype: Element """ with open(coverage_file, 'rb') as coverage_fd: coverage_info = json.loads(to_text(coverage_fd.read())) content_root = data_context().content.root is_ansible = data_context().content.is_ansible packages = {} for path, results in coverage_info.items(): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] if filename.startswith('Ansible.ModuleUtils'): package = 'ansible.module_utils' elif is_ansible: package = 'ansible.modules' else: rel_path = path[len(content_root) + 1:] plugin_type = "modules" if rel_path.startswith("plugins/modules") else "module_utils" package = 'ansible_collections.%splugins.%s' % (data_context().content.collection.prefix, plugin_type) if package not in packages: packages[package] = {} packages[package][path] = results elem_coverage = Element('coverage') elem_coverage.append( Comment(' Generated by ansible-test from the Ansible project: https://www.ansible.com/ ')) elem_coverage.append( Comment(' Based on https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cobertura/web/master/htdocs/xml/coverage-04.dtd ')) elem_sources = SubElement(elem_coverage, 'sources') elem_source = SubElement(elem_sources, 'source') elem_source.text = data_context().content.root elem_packages = SubElement(elem_coverage, 'packages') total_lines_hit = 0 total_line_count = 0 for package_name, package_data in packages.items(): lines_hit, line_count = _add_cobertura_package(elem_packages, package_name, package_data) total_lines_hit += lines_hit total_line_count += line_count elem_coverage.attrib.update({ 'branch-rate': '0', 'branches-covered': '0', 'branches-valid': '0', 'complexity': '0', 'line-rate': str(round(total_lines_hit / total_line_count, 4)) if total_line_count else "0", 'lines-covered': str(total_line_count), 'lines-valid': str(total_lines_hit), 'timestamp': str(int(time.time())), 'version': get_ansible_version(), }) return elem_coverage def _add_cobertura_package(packages, package_name, package_data): """ :type packages: SubElement :type package_name: str :type package_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] :rtype: Tuple[int, int] """ elem_package = SubElement(packages, 'package') elem_classes = SubElement(elem_package, 'classes') total_lines_hit = 0 total_line_count = 0 for path, results in package_data.items(): lines_hit = len([True for hits in results.values() if hits]) line_count = len(results) total_lines_hit += lines_hit total_line_count += line_count elem_class = SubElement(elem_classes, 'class') class_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] if class_name.startswith("Ansible.ModuleUtils"): class_name = class_name[20:] content_root = data_context().content.root filename = path if filename.startswith(content_root): filename = filename[len(content_root) + 1:] elem_class.attrib.update({ 'branch-rate': '0', 'complexity': '0', 'filename': filename, 'line-rate': str(round(lines_hit / line_count, 4)) if line_count else "0", 'name': class_name, }) SubElement(elem_class, 'methods') elem_lines = SubElement(elem_class, 'lines') for number, hits in results.items(): elem_line = SubElement(elem_lines, 'line') elem_line.attrib.update( hits=str(hits), number=str(number), ) elem_package.attrib.update({ 'branch-rate': '0', 'complexity': '0', 'line-rate': str(round(total_lines_hit / total_line_count, 4)) if total_line_count else "0", 'name': package_name, }) return total_lines_hit, total_line_count def _generate_powershell_output_report(args, coverage_file): """ :type args: CoverageConfig :type coverage_file: str :rtype: str """ with open(coverage_file, 'rb') as coverage_fd: coverage_info = json.loads(to_text(coverage_fd.read())) root_path = data_context().content.root + '/' name_padding = 7 cover_padding = 8 file_report = [] total_stmts = 0 total_miss = 0 for filename in sorted(coverage_info.keys()): hit_info = coverage_info[filename] if filename.startswith(root_path): filename = filename[len(root_path):] if args.omit and filename in args.omit: continue if args.include and filename not in args.include: continue stmts = len(hit_info) miss = len([c for c in hit_info.values() if c == 0]) name_padding = max(name_padding, len(filename) + 3) total_stmts += stmts total_miss += miss cover = "{0}%".format(int((stmts - miss) / stmts * 100)) missing = [] current_missing = None sorted_lines = sorted([int(x) for x in hit_info.keys()]) for idx, line in enumerate(sorted_lines): hit = hit_info[str(line)] if hit == 0 and current_missing is None: current_missing = line elif hit != 0 and current_missing is not None: end_line = sorted_lines[idx - 1] if current_missing == end_line: missing.append(str(current_missing)) else: missing.append('%s-%s' % (current_missing, end_line)) current_missing = None if current_missing is not None: end_line = sorted_lines[-1] if current_missing == end_line: missing.append(str(current_missing)) else: missing.append('%s-%s' % (current_missing, end_line)) file_report.append({'name': filename, 'stmts': stmts, 'miss': miss, 'cover': cover, 'missing': missing}) if total_stmts == 0: return '' total_percent = '{0}%'.format(int((total_stmts - total_miss) / total_stmts * 100)) stmts_padding = max(8, len(str(total_stmts))) miss_padding = max(7, len(str(total_miss))) line_length = name_padding + stmts_padding + miss_padding + cover_padding header = 'Name'.ljust(name_padding) + 'Stmts'.rjust(stmts_padding) + 'Miss'.rjust(miss_padding) + \ 'Cover'.rjust(cover_padding) if args.show_missing: header += 'Lines Missing'.rjust(16) line_length += 16 line_break = '-' * line_length lines = ['%s%s%s%s%s' % (f['name'].ljust(name_padding), str(f['stmts']).rjust(stmts_padding), str(f['miss']).rjust(miss_padding), f['cover'].rjust(cover_padding), ' ' + ', '.join(f['missing']) if args.show_missing else '') for f in file_report] totals = 'TOTAL'.ljust(name_padding) + str(total_stmts).rjust(stmts_padding) + \ str(total_miss).rjust(miss_padding) + total_percent.rjust(cover_padding) report = '{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{1}\n{3}'.format(header, line_break, "\n".join(lines), totals) return report