#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu # Using set -x for this test causes the Shippable console to stop receiving updates and the job to time out for macOS. # Once that issue is resolved the set -x option can be added above. # Run these using en_US.UTF-8 because list-tasks is a user output function and so it tailors its output to the # user's locale. For unicode tags, this means replacing non-ascii chars with "?" COMMAND=(ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory test_tags.yml -v --list-tasks) export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 # Run everything by default [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_tag TAGS: [tag] Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_unicode_tag TAGS: [くらとみ] Task_with_list_of_tags TAGS: [café, press] Task_without_tag TAGS: [] Task_with_csv_tags TAGS: [tag1, tag2] Task_with_templated_tags TAGS: [tag3] Task_with_meta_tags TAGS: [meta_tag]" ] # Run the exact tags, and always [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags tag | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_tag TAGS: [tag] Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always]" ] # Skip one tag [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --skip-tags tag | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_unicode_tag TAGS: [くらとみ] Task_with_list_of_tags TAGS: [café, press] Task_without_tag TAGS: [] Task_with_csv_tags TAGS: [tag1, tag2] Task_with_templated_tags TAGS: [tag3] Task_with_meta_tags TAGS: [meta_tag]" ] # Skip a unicode tag [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --skip-tags 'くらとみ' | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_tag TAGS: [tag] Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_list_of_tags TAGS: [café, press] Task_without_tag TAGS: [] Task_with_csv_tags TAGS: [tag1, tag2] Task_with_templated_tags TAGS: [tag3] Task_with_meta_tags TAGS: [meta_tag]" ] # Skip a meta task tag [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --skip-tags meta_tag | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_tag TAGS: [tag] Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_unicode_tag TAGS: [くらとみ] Task_with_list_of_tags TAGS: [café, press] Task_without_tag TAGS: [] Task_with_csv_tags TAGS: [tag1, tag2] Task_with_templated_tags TAGS: [tag3]" ] # Run just a unicode tag and always [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags 'くらとみ' | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_unicode_tag TAGS: [くらとみ]" ] # Run a tag from a list of tags and always [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags café | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_list_of_tags TAGS: [café, press]" ] # Run tag with never [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags donever | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_never_tag TAGS: [donever, never]" ] # Run csv tags [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags tag1 | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_csv_tags TAGS: [tag1, tag2]" ] # Run templated tags [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags tag3 | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_templated_tags TAGS: [tag3]" ] # Run meta tags [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags meta_tag | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_meta_tags TAGS: [meta_tag]" ] # Run tagged [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags tagged | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_tag TAGS: [tag] Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_with_unicode_tag TAGS: [くらとみ] Task_with_list_of_tags TAGS: [café, press] Task_with_csv_tags TAGS: [tag1, tag2] Task_with_templated_tags TAGS: [tag3] Task_with_meta_tags TAGS: [meta_tag]" ] # Run untagged [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags untagged | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_with_always_tag TAGS: [always] Task_without_tag TAGS: []" ] # Skip 'always' [ "$("${COMMAND[@]}" --tags untagged --skip-tags always | grep -F Task_with | xargs)" = \ "Task_without_tag TAGS: []" ] # Test ansible_run_tags ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory ansible_run_tags.yml -e expect=all "$@" ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory ansible_run_tags.yml -e expect=all --tags all "$@" ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory ansible_run_tags.yml -e expect=list --tags tag1,tag3 "$@" ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory ansible_run_tags.yml -e expect=list --tags tag1 --tags tag3 "$@" ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory ansible_run_tags.yml -e expect=untagged --tags untagged "$@" ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory ansible_run_tags.yml -e expect=untagged_list --tags untagged,tag3 "$@" ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory ansible_run_tags.yml -e expect=tagged --tags tagged "$@"