- name: Test podman_image_info when: - ansible_facts.virtualization_type != 'docker' - ansible_facts.distribution == 'RedHat' block: - name: Pull image command: podman pull quay.io/coreos/etcd - name: Get info on all images podman_image_info: register: all_image_result - name: Pull another image command: podman pull quay.io/coreos/dnsmasq - name: Get info on specific image podman_image_info: name: dnsmasq register: named_image_result - name: assert: that: - all_image_result.images | length > 0 - named_image_result.images | length == 1 - "'dnsmasq' in named_image_result.images[0]['RepoTags'][0]" - name: Get info on single image that does not exist podman_image_info: name: nope register: single_nonexistant - name: Get info on multiple images that do not exist podman_image_info: name: - nope - reallynope register: multiple_nonexistant - name: Get info with one image that does not exist podman_image_info: name: - dnsmasq - nope - etcd register: mixed_nonexistant - name: Ensure image info was returned when non-existant image info was requisted assert: that: - single_nonexistant.images | length == 0 - multiple_nonexistant.images | length == 0 - mixed_nonexistant.images | length == 2