--- # tasks file for ecs_cluster - block: # ============================================================ - name: set up aws connection info set_fact: aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}" security_token: "{{ security_token }}" region: "{{ aws_region }}" no_log: yes - name: ensure IAM instance role exists iam_role: name: ecsInstanceRole assume_role_policy_document: "{{ lookup('file','ec2-trust-policy.json') }}" state: present create_instance_profile: no managed_policy: - AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role <<: *aws_connection_info - name: ensure IAM service role exists iam_role: name: ecsServiceRole assume_role_policy_document: "{{ lookup('file','ecs-trust-policy.json') }}" state: present create_instance_profile: no managed_policy: - AmazonEC2ContainerServiceRole <<: *aws_connection_info - name: create an ECS cluster ecs_cluster: name: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: ecs_cluster - name: check that ecs_cluster changed assert: that: - ecs_cluster.changed - name: create same ECS cluster (should do nothing) ecs_cluster: name: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: ecs_cluster_again - name: check that ecs_cluster did not change assert: that: - not ecs_cluster_again.changed - name: create a VPC to work in ec2_vpc_net: cidr_block: state: present name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_cluster' resource_tags: Name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_cluster' <<: *aws_connection_info register: setup_vpc - name: create a key pair to use for creating an ec2 instance ec2_key: name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_cluster' state: present <<: *aws_connection_info when: ec2_keypair is not defined # allow override in cloud-config-aws.yml register: setup_key - name: create subnets ec2_vpc_subnet: az: '{{ ec2_region }}{{ item.zone }}' tags: Name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_cluster-subnet-{{ item.zone }}' vpc_id: '{{ setup_vpc.vpc.id }}' cidr: "{{ item.cidr }}" state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: setup_subnet with_items: - zone: a cidr: - zone: b cidr: - name: create an internet gateway so that ECS agents can talk to ECS ec2_vpc_igw: vpc_id: '{{ setup_vpc.vpc.id }}' state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: igw - name: create a security group to use for creating an ec2 instance ec2_group: name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_cluster-sg' description: 'created by Ansible integration tests' state: present vpc_id: '{{ setup_vpc.vpc.id }}' rules: # allow all ssh traffic but nothing else - ports: 22 cidr: <<: *aws_connection_info register: setup_sg - name: provision ec2 instance to create an image ec2: key_name: '{{ ec2_keypair|default(setup_key.key.name) }}' instance_type: t2.micro state: present image: '{{ ecs_agent_images[aws_region] }}' wait: yes user_data: "{{ user_data }}" instance_profile_name: ecsInstanceRole instance_tags: Name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_agent' group_id: '{{ setup_sg.group_id }}' vpc_subnet_id: '{{ setup_subnet.results[0].subnet.id }}' assign_public_ip: yes # public IP address assigned to avoid need for NAT GW. <<: *aws_connection_info register: setup_instance - name: create target group elb_target_group: name: "{{ ecs_target_group_name }}" state: present protocol: HTTP port: 8080 modify_targets: no vpc_id: '{{ setup_vpc.vpc.id }}' <<: *aws_connection_info register: elb_target_group - name: create load balancer elb_application_lb: name: "{{ ecs_load_balancer_name }}" state: present scheme: internal security_groups: '{{ setup_sg.group_id }}' subnets: "{{ setup_subnet.results | json_query('[].subnet.id') }}" listeners: - Protocol: HTTP Port: 80 DefaultActions: - Type: forward TargetGroupName: "{{ ecs_target_group_name }}" <<: *aws_connection_info - name: create task definition ecs_taskdefinition: containers: "{{ ecs_task_containers }}" family: "{{ ecs_task_name }}" state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: ecs_task_definition - name: recreate task definition ecs_taskdefinition: containers: "{{ ecs_task_containers }}" family: "{{ ecs_task_name }}" state: present <<: *aws_connection_info register: ecs_task_definition_again - name: check that task definition does not change assert: that: - not ecs_task_definition_again.changed # FIXME: task definition should not change, will need #26752 or equivalent ignore_errors: yes - name: obtain ECS task definition facts ecs_taskdefinition_facts: task_definition: "{{ ecs_task_name }}:{{ ecs_task_definition.taskdefinition.revision }}" <<: *aws_connection_info - name: create ECS service definition ecs_service: state: present name: "{{ ecs_service_name }}" cluster: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" task_definition: "{{ ecs_task_name }}:{{ ecs_task_definition.taskdefinition.revision }}" desired_count: 1 deployment_configuration: "{{ ecs_service_deployment_configuration }}" placement_strategy: "{{ ecs_service_placement_strategy }}" load_balancers: - targetGroupArn: "{{ elb_target_group.target_group_arn }}" containerName: "{{ ecs_task_name }}" containerPort: "{{ ecs_task_container_port }}" role: "ecsServiceRole" <<: *aws_connection_info register: ecs_service - name: check that ECS service creation changed assert: that: - ecs_service.changed - name: create same ECS service definition (should not change) ecs_service: state: present name: "{{ ecs_service_name }}" cluster: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" task_definition: "{{ ecs_task_name }}:{{ ecs_task_definition.taskdefinition.revision }}" desired_count: 1 deployment_configuration: "{{ ecs_service_deployment_configuration }}" placement_strategy: "{{ ecs_service_placement_strategy }}" load_balancers: - targetGroupArn: "{{ elb_target_group.target_group_arn }}" containerName: "{{ ecs_task_name }}" containerPort: "{{ ecs_task_container_port }}" role: "ecsServiceRole" <<: *aws_connection_info register: ecs_service_again - name: check that ECS service recreation changed nothing assert: that: - not ecs_service_again.changed # FIXME: service should not change, needs fixing ignore_errors: yes # FIXME: attempt to update service load balancer - name: update ECS service definition (expected to fail) ecs_service: state: present name: "{{ ecs_service_name }}" cluster: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" task_definition: "{{ ecs_task_name }}:{{ ecs_task_definition.taskdefinition.revision }}" desired_count: 1 deployment_configuration: "{{ ecs_service_deployment_configuration }}" placement_strategy: "{{ ecs_service_placement_strategy }}" load_balancers: - targetGroupArn: "{{ elb_target_group.target_group_arn }}" containerName: "{{ ecs_task_name }}" containerPort: "{{ ecs_task_container_port|int + 1 }}" role: "ecsServiceRole" <<: *aws_connection_info register: update_ecs_service ignore_errors: yes - name: assert that updating ECS load balancer failed with helpful message assert: that: - update_ecs_service.failed - "'msg' in update_ecs_service" # FIXME: fixed in #32876 ignore_errors: yes - name: obtain ECS service facts ecs_service_facts: service: "{{ ecs_service_name }}" cluster: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" <<: *aws_connection_info - name: attempt to get facts from missing task definition ecs_taskdefinition_facts: task_definition: "{{ ecs_task_name }}-vpc:{{ ecs_task_definition.taskdefinition.revision + 1}}" <<: *aws_connection_info always: # TEAR DOWN: snapshot, ec2 instance, ec2 key pair, security group, vpc - name: Announce teardown start debug: msg: "***** TESTING COMPLETE. COMMENCE TEARDOWN *****" - name: scale down ECS service ecs_service: state: present name: "{{ ecs_service_name }}" cluster: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" task_definition: "{{ ecs_task_name }}:{{ ecs_task_definition.taskdefinition.revision }}" desired_count: 0 deployment_configuration: "{{ ecs_service_deployment_configuration }}" placement_strategy: "{{ ecs_service_placement_strategy }}" load_balancers: - targetGroupArn: "{{ elb_target_group.target_group_arn }}" containerName: "{{ ecs_task_name }}" containerPort: "{{ ecs_task_container_port }}" role: "ecsServiceRole" <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: pause to allow service to scale down pause: seconds: 60 - name: remove ecs service ecs_service: state: absent cluster: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" name: "{{ ecs_service_name }}" <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: remove ecs task definition ecs_taskdefinition: containers: "{{ ecs_task_containers }}" family: "{{ ecs_task_name }}" revision: "{{ ecs_task_definition.taskdefinition.revision }}" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: remove load balancer elb_application_lb: name: "{{ ecs_load_balancer_name }}" state: absent wait: yes <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: pause to allow target group to be disassociated pause: seconds: 30 - name: remove target group elb_target_group: name: "{{ ecs_target_group_name }}" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: remove setup ec2 instance ec2: instance_ids: '{{ setup_instance.instance_ids }}' state: absent wait: yes <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: remove setup keypair ec2_key: name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_cluster' state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: remove setup security group ec2_group: name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_cluster-sg' description: 'created by Ansible integration tests' state: absent vpc_id: '{{ setup_vpc.vpc.id }}' <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: remove IGW ec2_vpc_igw: state: absent vpc_id: '{{ setup_vpc.vpc.id }}' <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: remove setup subnet ec2_vpc_subnet: az: '{{ aws_region }}{{ item.zone }}' vpc_id: '{{ setup_vpc.vpc.id }}' cidr: "{{ item.cidr}}" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info with_items: - zone: a cidr: - zone: b cidr: ignore_errors: yes - name: remove setup VPC ec2_vpc_net: cidr_block: state: absent name: '{{ resource_prefix }}_ecs_cluster' <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes - name: remove ECS cluster ecs_cluster: name: "{{ ecs_cluster_name }}" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info ignore_errors: yes