* Added support for SSH keys, image passwords, SSD disk type, and CPU family.
* Adjusted server create so that IP address is returned in response.
* Restructured remove server method(s) to handle change status properly, gracefully handle missing servers, and improve overall performance.
* Prevent duplicate server names from being provisioned so removals can be handled appropriately.
* Fixed a bug in the count increment being a string rather than an integer.
* Fixed issue with create_volume returning invalid response.
* Fixed type bug in volume instance_ids for volume removal and improved volume management.
* Fixed type bug in instance_ids for proper server removal and moved boot volume creation into composite server build request.
* General clean up.
* Changed type of 'details' argument to bool on ecs_service_facts module.
* Changed type of 'autostart' argument to bool on virt_* modules.
* Changed types of 'autoconnect' and 'stp' argument to bool on nmcli module.
('create_connection_bridge(self)' and 'modify_connection_bridge(self)' are not implemented yet?)
* Added conversion of 'value' argument when 'vtype' is boolean on debconf module.
* Create an AWS Nat Gateway.
* Delete an AWS Nat Gateway.
* If Nat Gateway exist in subnet and the option is passed to not create one, it will then return the Nat Gateway object.
- Caught the exception from import ovh to provide a proper message to
the user
- Removed unuseful brackets
- Added a else to check the state instead of two if
- Changed the module to be added to 2.0
- Added exceptions handling for all APIs calls with a clear message
including the return from the API.
And :
- Fixed dependency of OVH api to 0.3.5