Update the docs to guide users to use `ansible-runner` instead of using Python API directly. In many use cases, executing Ansible playbooks are sufficient. In those use cases, `ansible-runner` is easier and much stable to use comparing with Python API, but there is no mention of it.
PR #70446: it's a follow-up for #70445.
It includes a merge of `examples/scripts/uptime.py` and a similar
code snippet from `docs/docsite/rst/dev_guide/developing_api.rst`.
This patch also changes the docs RST file to include contents of
the example file instead of holding a copy of a similar code.
Previous version initialized the `TaskQueueManager` after calling
`Play.load()` while advertising a way to inject a custom library
location path. This caused the tasks loader not to find any custom
modules because it was triggered before the path was actually added
to the module loader.
This patch changes the order of the operations to ensure that the
customized `context.CLIARGS` actually influences things.
Resolves https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/69758.
* developing_modules.rst is now in dev_guide, sync changes and delete the old version
* Cleaner RST & formatted code
* Tidyup roadmaps
* Link to repomerge
* Pull in abadger's fixes From https://github.com/ansible/ansible/compare/docs-code-block-fixes?expand=1
* Clean docsite/rst (apart from ROADMAP