The virtualenv parameter to the django_manage command is used to locate
the virtualenv and build it if necessary. Access to the virtualenv
executable is only needed if the virtualenv directory doesn't exist and
needs to be built. This patch allows for the situation where a
virtualenv that is not in the PATH was used to create a virtualenv prior
to running the django_manage module.
This commit removes the restriction on django management commands. If a command is unknown to the django installation, there will be a concise error produced.
for example:
- name: invalid command
django_manage: virtualenv="/valid/virtualenv" app_path="/valid/app_path" command="nowaydude"
Results in:
failed: [hostname] => {"cmd": "python nowaydude", "failed": true}
msg: stdout: Unknown command: 'nowaydude'
Type ' help' for usage.
:stderr: Unknown django command: nowaydude
- passlib.apache.HtpasswdFile's 'default_scheme' was called 'default'
before passlib version 1.6
- while here also deal with passlib.apache.HtpasswdFile's older
'autoload' paramter vs the newer 'new' one.
Supervisord can be installed at the user level or system level.
Installating as a user is particularly useful for systems without root access.
Adds the ability to provide a custom supervisorctl executable path, supporting custom installations
Adds more parameters which may be passed to supervisorctl: config,
serverurl, username, password
Also refactored the various `module.run_command(build_a_string)` calls
into a single `run_supervisorctl` function.
Migrated all examples: in DOCUMENTATION=''' string to standalone EXAMPLES=''' string
Added deprecation warning to moduledev.rst and remove deprecated example from it
Fixed up a few typos and uppercased some acronyms.
add consistency to how EXAMPLES are formatted