A collegue of mine has added basix AIX support to the setup, user and group modules.
We have tested this on AIX 5.3 and 6.1 and it works "as advertised"
Makes it possible to remove a user from all but the primary group.
Setting 'groups=' is the equivalent to passing '-G ""' to
useradd/usermod, which is interpreted as "no group" on Linux.
This updates apt, apt_repository, command, cron, easy_install, facter,
fireball, git, group, mount, ohai, pip, service, setup, subversion,
supervisorctl, svr4pkg, user, and yum to take advantage of run_command
in module_common.py.
Split module into a main calling function, and a generic
(Linux useradd/usermod/userdel) User class.
Added a __new__ function that selects most appropriate superclass
Added a FreeBSD User class
Tested against FreeBSD 9.0
This allows one to create a SSH key for user. You may define:
ssh_key_type, ssh_key_bits, ssh_key_file, ssh_key_comment,
and ssh_key_passphrase. If no passphrase is provided, the
key will be passphrase-less. This will not overwrite an existing key.
In the JSON returned, it will provide the ssh_fingerprint and
Added required as optional argument to get_bin_path(). It defaults to
false. Updated following modules to use required=True when calling
get_bin_path(): apt_repository, easy_install, group, pip,
supervisorctl, and user.
Also removed _find_supervisorctl() from supervisorctl module and updated
_is_running() to not need it.
* Migraed easy_install, pip, service, setup, and user.
* Updated fail_json message in apt_repository
* Fixed easy_install to not hardcode location of virtualenv in
* Made handling of virtualenv more consistent between easy_install and
This adds user_password() to abstract how the user's password is looked
up. If spwd is not available, this will read the shadow file for the
user's shadow entry. This will then facilitate idempotent password
changes on hosts without spwd.
(Also a fix for the user module error handling when the user
is not present at the time of the return. This can only really be caused by multiple ansible executions).