This commit removes the restriction on django management commands. If a command is unknown to the django installation, there will be a concise error produced.
for example:
- name: invalid command
django_manage: virtualenv="/valid/virtualenv" app_path="/valid/app_path" command="nowaydude"
Results in:
failed: [hostname] => {"cmd": "python nowaydude", "failed": true}
msg: stdout: Unknown command: 'nowaydude'
Type ' help' for usage.
:stderr: Unknown django command: nowaydude
- passlib.apache.HtpasswdFile's 'default_scheme' was called 'default'
before passlib version 1.6
- while here also deal with passlib.apache.HtpasswdFile's older
'autoload' paramter vs the newer 'new' one.
Supervisord can be installed at the user level or system level.
Installating as a user is particularly useful for systems without root access.
Adds the ability to provide a custom supervisorctl executable path, supporting custom installations
Adds more parameters which may be passed to supervisorctl: config,
serverurl, username, password
Also refactored the various `module.run_command(build_a_string)` calls
into a single `run_supervisorctl` function.
Migrated all examples: in DOCUMENTATION=''' string to standalone EXAMPLES=''' string
Added deprecation warning to moduledev.rst and remove deprecated example from it
Fixed up a few typos and uppercased some acronyms.
add consistency to how EXAMPLES are formatted