Pierre-Louis Bonicoli 8 years ago committed by Toshio Kuratomi
parent 09ba70f7c4
commit f59f042bb0

@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ options:
- >
When passing an encrypted password, the encrypted parameter must also be true, and it must be generated with the format
C('str[\\"md5\\"] + md5[ password + username ]'), resulting in a total of 35 characters. An easy way to do this is:
C(echo \\"md5`echo -n \\"verysecretpasswordJOE\\" | md5`\\"). Note that if encrypted is set, the stored password will be hashed whether or not
it is pre-encrypted.
C(echo \\"md5`echo -n \\"verysecretpasswordJOE\\" | md5`\\"). Note that if the provided password string is already in
MD5-hashed format, then it is used as-is, regardless of encrypted parameter.
required: false
default: null
