Support relative imports in AnsiballZ. (#61196)

Matt Clay 5 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 5549788c8d
commit f510d59943
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- Ansible now supports relative imports of module_utils files in modules and module_utils.

@ -63,6 +63,38 @@ Modules
* The ``win_get_url`` and ``win_uri`` module now sends requests with a default ``User-Agent`` of ``ansible-httpget``. This can be changed by using the ``http_agent`` key.
Writing modules
* Module and module_utils files can now use relative imports to include other module_utils files.
This is useful for shortening long import lines, especially in collections.
Example of using a relative import in collections:
.. code-block:: python
# File: ansible_collections/my_namespace/my_collection/plugins/modules/
# Old way to use an absolute import to import module_utils from the collection:
from ansible_collections.my_namespace.my_collection.plugins.module_utils import my_util
# New way using a relative import:
from ..module_utils import my_util
Modules and module_utils shipped with Ansible can use relative imports as well but the savings
are smaller:
.. code-block:: python
# File: ansible/modules/system/
# Old way to use an absolute import to import module_utils from core:
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
# New way using a relative import:
from ...module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
Each single dot (``.``) represents one level of the tree (equivalent to ``../`` in filesystem relative links).
.. seealso:: `The Python Relative Import Docs <>`_ go into more detail of how to write relative imports.
Modules removed

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
# ./hacking/ -m lib/ansible/modules/files/ -a "dest=/etc/exports line='/srv/home hostname1(rw,sync)'" --check
# ./hacking/ -m lib/ansible/modules/commands/ -a "echo hello" -n -o "test_hello"
import glob
import optparse
import os
import subprocess
@ -193,8 +194,19 @@ def ansiballz_setup(modfile, modname, interpreters):
debug_dir = lines[1].strip()
# All the directories in an AnsiBallZ that modules can live
core_dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(debug_dir, 'ansible/modules'))
collection_dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(debug_dir, 'ansible_collections/*/*/plugins/modules'))
# There's only one module in an AnsiBallZ payload so look for the first module and then exit
for module_dir in core_dirs + collection_dirs:
for dirname, directories, filenames in os.walk(module_dir):
for filename in filenames:
if filename == modname + '.py':
modfile = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
argsfile = os.path.join(debug_dir, 'args')
modfile = os.path.join(debug_dir, '')
print("* ansiballz module detected; extracted module source to: %s" % debug_dir)
return modfile, argsfile

@ -152,20 +152,14 @@ def _ansiballz_main():
sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p != scriptdir]
import base64
import runpy
import shutil
import tempfile
import zipfile
if sys.version_info < (3,):
# imp is used on Python<3
import imp
bytes = str
MOD_DESC = ('.py', 'U', imp.PY_SOURCE)
PY3 = False
# importlib is only used on Python>=3
import importlib.util
unicode = str
PY3 = True
ZIPDATA = """%(zipdata)s"""
@ -187,13 +181,6 @@ def _ansiballz_main():
zinfo.filename = ''
zinfo.date_time = ( %(year)i, %(month)i, %(day)i, %(hour)i, %(minute)i, %(second)i)
z.writestr(zinfo, sitecustomize)
# Note: Remove the following section when we switch to zipimport
# Write the module to disk for imp.load_module
module = os.path.join(temp_path, '')
with open(module, 'wb') as f:
# End pre-zipimport section
# Put the zipped up module_utils we got from the controller first in the python path so that we
@ -205,13 +192,7 @@ def _ansiballz_main():
basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = json_params
# Run the module! By importing it as '__main__', it thinks it is executing as a script
if sys.version_info >= (3,):
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('__main__', module)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
with open(module, 'rb') as mod:
imp.load_module('__main__', mod, module, MOD_DESC)
runpy.run_module(mod_name='%(module_fqn)s', init_globals=None, run_name='__main__', alter_sys=False)
# Ansible modules must exit themselves
print('{"msg": "New-style module did not handle its own exit", "failed": true}')
@ -253,7 +234,6 @@ def _ansiballz_main():
# Okay to use __file__ here because we're running from a kept file
basedir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'debug_dir')
args_path = os.path.join(basedir, 'args')
script_path = os.path.join(basedir, '')
if command == 'excommunicate':
print('The excommunicate debug command is deprecated and will be removed in 2.11. Use execute instead.')
@ -306,15 +286,7 @@ def _ansiballz_main():
basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = json_params
# Run the module! By importing it as '__main__', it thinks it is executing as a script
if PY3:
import importlib.util
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('__main__', script_path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
import imp
with open(script_path, 'r') as f:
imp.load_module('__main__', f, script_path, ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
runpy.run_module(mod_name='%(module_fqn)s', init_globals=None, run_name='__main__', alter_sys=False)
# Ansible modules must exit themselves
print('{"msg": "New-style module did not handle its own exit", "failed": true}')
@ -394,9 +366,11 @@ ANSIBALLZ_COVERAGE_TEMPLATE = '''
if PY3:
import importlib.util
if importlib.util.find_spec('coverage') is None:
raise ImportError
import imp
except ImportError:
print('{"msg": "Could not find `coverage` module.", "failed": true}')
@ -439,73 +413,131 @@ else:
# ANSIBALLZ_TEMPLATE stripped of comments for smaller over the wire size
# dirname(dirname(dirname(site-packages/ansible/executor/ == site-packages
# Do this instead of getting site-packages from distutils.sysconfig so we work when we
# haven't been installed
site_packages = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
CORE_LIBRARY_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'%s/(?P<path>ansible/modules/.*)\.py$' % site_packages)
COLLECTION_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'/(?P<path>ansible_collections/[^/]+/[^/]+/plugins/modules/.*)\.py$')
# Detect new-style Python modules by looking for required imports:
# import ansible_collections.[my_ns.my_col.plugins.module_utils.my_module_util]
# from ansible_collections.[my_ns.my_col.plugins.module_utils import my_module_util]
# import ansible.module_utils[.basic]
# from ansible.module_utils[ import basic]
# from ansible.module_utils[.basic import AnsibleModule]
# from ..module_utils[ import basic]
# from ..module_utils[.basic import AnsibleModule]
# Relative imports
br'(?:from +\.{2,} *module_utils.* +import |'
# Collection absolute imports:
br'from +ansible_collections\.[^.]+\.[^.]+\.plugins\.module_utils.* +import |'
br'import +ansible_collections\.[^.]+\.[^.]+\.plugins\.module_utils.*|'
# Core absolute imports
br'from +ansible\.module_utils.* +import |'
br'import +ansible\.module_utils\.)'
class ModuleDepFinder(ast.NodeVisitor):
# Caveats:
# This code currently does not handle:
# * relative imports from py2.6+ from . import urls
IMPORT_PREFIX_SIZE = len('ansible.module_utils.')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, module_fqn, *args, **kwargs):
Walk the ast tree for the python module.
:arg module_fqn: The fully qualified name to reach this module in dotted notation.
example: ansible.module_utils.basic
Save submodule[.submoduleN][.identifier] into self.submodules
when they are from ansible.module_utils or ansible_collections packages
self.submodules will end up with tuples like:
- ('basic',)
- ('urls', 'fetch_url')
- ('database', 'postgres')
- ('database', 'postgres', 'quote')
- ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'basic',)
- ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'urls', 'fetch_url')
- ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'database', 'postgres')
- ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'database', 'postgres', 'quote')
- ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'database', 'postgres', 'quote')
- ('ansible_collections', 'my_ns', 'my_col', 'plugins', 'module_utils', 'foo')
It's up to calling code to determine whether the final element of the
dotted strings are module names or something else (function, class, or
variable names)
tuple are module names or something else (function, class, or variable names)
.. seealso:: :python3:class:`ast.NodeVisitor`
super(ModuleDepFinder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.submodules = set()
self.module_fqn = module_fqn
def visit_Import(self, node):
# import ansible.module_utils.MODLIB[.MODLIBn] [as asname]
Handle import ansible.module_utils.MODLIB[.MODLIBn] [as asname]
We save these as interesting submodules when the imported library is in ansible.module_utils
or ansible.collections
for alias in node.names:
py_mod =[self.IMPORT_PREFIX_SIZE:]
py_mod = tuple(py_mod.split('.'))
if ('ansible.module_utils.') or'ansible_collections.')):
py_mod = tuple('.'))
# keep 'ansible_collections.' as a sentinel prefix to trigger collection-loaded MU path
def visit_ImportFrom(self, node):
Handle from ansible.module_utils.MODLIB import [.MODLIBn] [as asname]
Also has to handle relative imports
We save these as interesting submodules when the imported library is in ansible.module_utils
or ansible.collections
# FIXME: These should all get skipped:
# from ansible.executor import module_common
# from ...executor import module_common
# from ... import executor (Currently it gives a non-helpful error)
if node.level > 0:
if self.module_fqn:
parts = tuple(self.module_fqn.split('.'))
if node.module:
# relative import: from .module import x
node_module = '.'.join(parts[:-node.level] + (node.module,))
# relative import: from . import x
node_module = '.'.join(parts[:-node.level])
# fall back to an absolute import
node_module = node.module
# absolute import: from module import x
node_module = node.module
# Specialcase: six is a special case because of its
# import logic
py_mod = None
if node.names[0].name == '_six':
elif node.module.startswith('ansible.module_utils'):
where_from = node.module[self.IMPORT_PREFIX_SIZE:]
if where_from:
# from ansible.module_utils.MODULE1[.MODULEn] import IDENTIFIER [as asname]
# from ansible.module_utils.MODULE1[.MODULEn] import MODULEn+1 [as asname]
# from ansible.module_utils.MODULE1[.MODULEn] import MODULEn+1 [,IDENTIFIER] [as asname]
py_mod = tuple(where_from.split('.'))
for alias in node.names:
self.submodules.add(py_mod + (,))
# from ansible.module_utils import MODLIB [,MODLIB2] [as asname]
for alias in node.names:
elif node.module.startswith('ansible_collections.'):
# TODO: finish out the subpackage et al cases
if node.module.endswith('plugins.module_utils'):
elif node_module.startswith('ansible.module_utils'):
# from ansible.module_utils.MODULE1[.MODULEn] import IDENTIFIER [as asname]
# from ansible.module_utils.MODULE1[.MODULEn] import MODULEn+1 [as asname]
# from ansible.module_utils.MODULE1[.MODULEn] import MODULEn+1 [,IDENTIFIER] [as asname]
# from ansible.module_utils import MODULE1 [,MODULEn] [as asname]
py_mod = tuple(node_module.split('.'))
elif node_module.startswith('ansible_collections.'):
if node_module.endswith('plugins.module_utils') or '.plugins.module_utils.' in node_module:
# from ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.module_utils import MODULE [as aname] [,MODULE2] [as aname]
py_mod = tuple(node.module.split('.'))
for alias in node.names:
self.submodules.add(py_mod + (,))
# from ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.module_utils.MODULE import IDENTIFIER [as aname]
# FIXME: Unhandled cornercase (needs to be ignored):
# from ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.[!module_utils].[FOO].plugins.module_utils import IDENTIFIER
py_mod = tuple(node_module.split('.'))
# Not from module_utils so ignore. for instance:
# from ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.lookup import IDENTIFIER
if py_mod:
for alias in node.names:
self.submodules.add(py_mod + (,))
@ -601,73 +633,126 @@ class ModuleInfo:
return _slurp(self.path)
def __repr__(self):
return 'ModuleInfo: py_src=%s, pkg_dir=%s, path=%s' % (self.py_src, self.pkg_dir, self.path)
class CollectionModuleInfo(ModuleInfo):
def __init__(self, name, paths):
self._mod_name = name
self.py_src = True
# FIXME: Implement pkg_dir so that we can place files
self.pkg_dir = False
for path in paths:
self._package_name = '.'.join(path.split('/'))
except FileNotFoundError:
self.path = os.path.join(path, self._mod_name) + '.py'
# FIXME (nitz): implement package fallback code
raise ImportError('unable to load collection-hosted module_util'
' {0}.{1}'.format(to_native(self._package_name),
def get_source(self):
# FIXME (nitz): need this in py2 for some reason TBD, but we shouldn't (get_data delegates
# to wrong loader without it)
pkg = import_module(self._package_name)
data = pkgutil.get_data(to_native(self._package_name), to_native(self._mod_name + '.py'))
return data
def recursive_finder(name, data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf):
def recursive_finder(name, module_fqn, data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf):
Using ModuleDepFinder, make sure we have all of the module_utils files that
the module its module_utils files needs.
the module and its module_utils files needs.
:arg name: Name of the python module we're examining
:arg module_fqn: Fully qualified name of the python module we're scanning
:arg py_module_names: set of the fully qualified module names represented as a tuple of their
FQN with __init__ appended if the module is also a python package). Presence of a FQN in
this set means that we've already examined it for module_util deps.
:arg py_module_cache: map python module names (represented as a tuple of their FQN with __init__
appended if the module is also a python package) to a tuple of the code in the module and
the pathname the module would have inside of a Python toplevel (like site-packages)
:arg zf: An open :python:class:`zipfile.ZipFile` object that holds the Ansible module payload
which we're assembling
# Parse the module and find the imports of ansible.module_utils
tree = ast.parse(data)
except (SyntaxError, IndentationError) as e:
raise AnsibleError("Unable to import %s due to %s" % (name, e.msg))
finder = ModuleDepFinder()
finder = ModuleDepFinder(module_fqn)
# Determine what imports that we've found are modules (vs class, function.
# variable names) for packages
module_utils_paths = [p for p in module_utils_loader._get_paths(subdirs=False) if os.path.isdir(p)]
# FIXME: Do we still need this? It feels like module-utils_loader should include
normalized_modules = set()
# Loop through the imports that we've found to normalize them
# Exclude paths that match with paths we've already processed
# (Have to exclude them a second time once the paths are processed)
module_utils_paths = [p for p in module_utils_loader._get_paths(subdirs=False) if os.path.isdir(p)]
for py_module_name in finder.submodules.difference(py_module_names):
module_info = None
if py_module_name[0] == 'six':
# Special case the python six library because it messes up the
if py_module_name[0:3] == ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'six'):
# Special case the python six library because it messes with the
# import process in an incompatible way
module_info = ModuleInfo('six', module_utils_paths)
py_module_name = ('six',)
py_module_name = ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'six')
idx = 0
elif py_module_name[0] == '_six':
# Special case the python six library because it messes up the
elif py_module_name[0:3] == ('ansible', 'module_utils', '_six'):
# Special case the python six library because it messes with the
# import process in an incompatible way
module_info = ModuleInfo('_six', [os.path.join(p, 'six') for p in module_utils_paths])
py_module_name = ('six', '_six')
py_module_name = ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'six', '_six')
idx = 0
elif py_module_name[0] == 'ansible_collections':
# FIXME: replicate module name resolution like below for granular imports
# this is a collection-hosted MU; look it up with get_data
package_name = '.'.join(py_module_name[:-1])
resource_name = py_module_name[-1] + '.py'
# FIXME: need this in py2 for some reason TBD, but we shouldn't (get_data delegates to wrong loader without it)
pkg = import_module(package_name)
module_info = pkgutil.get_data(package_name, resource_name)
except FileNotFoundError:
# FIXME: implement package fallback code
raise AnsibleError('unable to load collection-hosted module_util {0}.{1}'.format(to_native(package_name),
idx = 0
# FIXME (nitz): replicate module name resolution like below for granular imports
for idx in (1, 2):
if len(py_module_name) < idx:
# this is a collection-hosted MU; look it up with pkgutil.get_data()
module_info = CollectionModuleInfo(py_module_name[-idx],
except ImportError:
elif py_module_name[0:2] == ('ansible', 'module_utils'):
# Need to remove ansible.module_utils because PluginLoader may find different paths
# for us to look in
relative_module_utils_dir = py_module_name[2:]
# Check whether either the last or the second to last identifier is
# a module name
for idx in (1, 2):
if len(py_module_name) < idx:
if len(relative_module_utils_dir) < idx:
module_info = ModuleInfo(py_module_name[-idx],
[os.path.join(p, *py_module_name[:-idx]) for p in module_utils_paths])
[os.path.join(p, *relative_module_utils_dir[:-idx]) for p in module_utils_paths])
except ImportError:
# If we get here, it's because of a bug in ModuleDepFinder. If we get a reproducer we
# should then fix ModuleDepFinder
display.warning('ModuleDepFinder improperly found a non-module_utils import %s'
% [py_module_name])
# Could not find the module. Construct a helpful error message.
if module_info is None:
@ -678,10 +763,15 @@ def recursive_finder(name, data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf):
raise AnsibleError(' '.join(msg))
if isinstance(module_info, bytes): # collection-hosted, just the code
if isinstance(module_info, CollectionModuleInfo):
if idx == 2:
# We've determined that the last portion was an identifier and
# thus, not part of the module name
py_module_name = py_module_name[:-1]
# HACK: maybe surface collection dirs in here and use existing find_module code?
normalized_name = py_module_name
normalized_data = module_info
normalized_data = module_info.get_source()
normalized_path = os.path.join(*py_module_name)
py_module_cache[normalized_name] = (normalized_data, normalized_path)
@ -738,13 +828,18 @@ def recursive_finder(name, data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf):
py_module_cache[normalized_name] = (normalized_data, module_info.path)
# Make sure that all the packages that this module is a part of
# are also added
for i in range(1, len(py_module_name)):
py_pkg_name = py_module_name[:-i] + ('__init__',)
if py_pkg_name not in py_module_names:
pkg_dir_info = ModuleInfo(py_pkg_name[-1],
[os.path.join(p, *py_pkg_name[:-1]) for p in module_utils_paths])
# Need to remove ansible.module_utils because PluginLoader may find
# different paths for us to look in
relative_module_utils = py_pkg_name[2:]
pkg_dir_info = ModuleInfo(relative_module_utils[-1],
[os.path.join(p, *relative_module_utils[:-1]) for p in module_utils_paths])
py_module_cache[py_pkg_name] = (pkg_dir_info.get_source(), pkg_dir_info.path)
@ -758,10 +853,10 @@ def recursive_finder(name, data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf):
# want can import that instead. AnsibleModule will need to change to import the vars
# from the separate python module and mirror the args into its global variable for backwards
# compatibility.
if ('basic',) not in py_module_names:
if ('ansible', 'module_utils', 'basic',) not in py_module_names:
pkg_dir_info = ModuleInfo('basic', module_utils_paths)
py_module_cache[('basic',)] = (pkg_dir_info.get_source(), pkg_dir_info.path)
normalized_modules.add(('ansible', 'module_utils', 'basic',))
py_module_cache[('ansible', 'module_utils', 'basic',)] = (pkg_dir_info.get_source(), pkg_dir_info.path)
# End of AnsiballZ hack
@ -773,17 +868,11 @@ def recursive_finder(name, data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf):
unprocessed_py_module_names = normalized_modules.difference(py_module_names)
for py_module_name in unprocessed_py_module_names:
# HACK: this seems to work as a way to identify a collections-based import, but a stronger identifier would be better
if not py_module_cache[py_module_name][1].startswith('/'):
dir_prefix = ''
dir_prefix = 'ansible/module_utils'
py_module_path = os.path.join(*py_module_name)
py_module_file_name = '' % py_module_path
py_module_file_name), py_module_cache[py_module_name][0])
zf.writestr(py_module_file_name, py_module_cache[py_module_name][0])
display.vvvvv("Using module_utils file %s" % py_module_cache[py_module_name][1])
# Add the names of the files we're scheduling to examine in the loop to
@ -792,7 +881,9 @@ def recursive_finder(name, data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf):
for py_module_file in unprocessed_py_module_names:
recursive_finder(py_module_file, py_module_cache[py_module_file][0], py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf)
next_fqn = '.'.join(py_module_file)
recursive_finder(py_module_file[-1], next_fqn, py_module_cache[py_module_file][0],
py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf)
# Save memory; the file won't have to be read again for this ansible module.
del py_module_cache[py_module_file]
@ -803,6 +894,67 @@ def _is_binary(b_module_data):
return bool(start.translate(None, textchars))
def _get_ansible_module_fqn(module_path):
Get the fully qualified name for an ansible module based on its pathname
remote_module_fqn is the fully qualified name. Like
.. warning:: This function is for ansible modules only. It won't work for other things
(non-module plugins, etc)
remote_module_fqn = None
# Is this a core module?
match =
if not match:
# Is this a module in a collection?
match =
# We can tell the FQN for core modules and collection modules
if match:
path ='path')
if '.' in path:
# FQNs must be valid as python identifiers. This sanity check has failed.
# we could check other things as well
raise ValueError('Module name (or path) was not a valid python identifier')
remote_module_fqn = '.'.join(path.split('/'))
# Currently we do not handle modules in roles so we can end up here for that reason
raise ValueError("Unable to determine module's fully qualified name")
return remote_module_fqn
def _add_module_to_zip(zf, remote_module_fqn, b_module_data):
"""Add a module from ansible or from an ansible collection into the module zip"""
module_path_parts = remote_module_fqn.split('.')
# Write the module
module_path = '/'.join(module_path_parts) + '.py'
zf.writestr(module_path, b_module_data)
# Write the's necessary to get there
if module_path_parts[0] == 'ansible':
# The ansible namespace is setup as part of the module_utils setup...
start = 2
existing_paths = frozenset()
# ... but ansible_collections and other toplevels are not
start = 1
existing_paths = frozenset(zf.namelist())
for idx in range(start, len(module_path_parts)):
package_path = '/'.join(module_path_parts[:idx]) + '/'
# If a collections module uses module_utils from a collection then most packages will have already been added by recursive_finder.
if package_path in existing_paths:
# Note: We don't want to include more than one ansible module in a payload at this time
# so no need to fill the with namespace code
zf.writestr(package_path, b'')
def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, task_vars, templar, module_compression, async_timeout, become,
become_method, become_user, become_password, become_flags, environment):
@ -825,9 +977,7 @@ def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, tas
module_style = 'new'
module_substyle = 'python'
b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER, b'from ansible.module_utils.basic import *')
# FUTURE: combined regex for this stuff, or a "looks like Python, let's inspect further" mechanism
elif b'from ansible.module_utils.' in b_module_data or b'from ansible_collections.' in b_module_data\
or b'import ansible_collections.' in b_module_data:
module_style = 'new'
module_substyle = 'python'
elif REPLACER_WINDOWS in b_module_data:
@ -869,6 +1019,17 @@ def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, tas
display.warning(u'Bad module compression string specified: %s. Using ZIP_STORED (no compression)' % module_compression)
compression_method = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
remote_module_fqn = _get_ansible_module_fqn(module_path)
except ValueError:
# Modules in roles currently are not found by the fqn heuristic so we
# fallback to this. This means that relative imports inside a module from
# a role may fail. Absolute imports should be used for future-proofness.
# People should start writing collections instead of modules in roles so we
# may never fix this
display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Could not determine module FQN')
remote_module_fqn = 'ansible.modules.%s' % module_name
lookup_path = os.path.join(C.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TMP, 'ansiballz_cache')
cached_module_filename = os.path.join(lookup_path, "%s-%s" % (module_name, module_compression))
@ -900,18 +1061,42 @@ def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, tas
# Create the module zip data
zipoutput = BytesIO()
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipoutput, mode='w', compression=compression_method)
# Note: If we need to import from first,
# remember to catch all exceptions:
b'from pkgutil import extend_path\n__path__=extend_path(__path__,__name__)\n__version__="' +
to_bytes(__version__) + b'"\n__author__="' +
to_bytes(__author__) + b'"\n')
zf.writestr('ansible/module_utils/', b'from pkgutil import extend_path\n__path__=extend_path(__path__,__name__)\n')
zf.writestr('', b_module_data)
py_module_cache = {('__init__',): (b'', '[builtin]')}
recursive_finder(module_name, b_module_data, py_module_names, py_module_cache, zf)
# py_module_cache maps python module names to a tuple of the code in the module
# and the pathname to the module. See the recursive_finder() documentation for
# more info.
# Here we pre-load it with modules which we create without bothering to
# read from actual files (In some cases, these need to differ from what ansible
# ships because they're namespace packages in the module)
py_module_cache = {
('ansible', '__init__',): (
b'from pkgutil import extend_path\n'
b'__version__="' + to_bytes(__version__) +
b'"\n__author__="' + to_bytes(__author__) + b'"\n',
('ansible', 'module_utils', '__init__',): (
b'from pkgutil import extend_path\n'
for (py_module_name, (file_data, filename)) in py_module_cache.items():
zf.writestr(filename, file_data)
# py_module_names keeps track of which modules we've already scanned for
# module_util dependencies
# Returning the ast tree is a temporary hack. We need to know if the module has
# a main() function or not as we are deprecating new-style modules without
# main(). Because parsing the ast is expensive, return it from recursive_finder
# instead of reparsing. Once the deprecation is over and we remove that code,
# also remove returning of the ast tree.
recursive_finder(module_name, remote_module_fqn, b_module_data, py_module_names,
py_module_cache, zf)
display.debug('ANSIBALLZ: Writing module into payload')
_add_module_to_zip(zf, remote_module_fqn, b_module_data)
zipdata = base64.b64encode(zipoutput.getvalue())
@ -950,11 +1135,6 @@ def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, tas
if shebang is None:
shebang = u'#!/usr/bin/python'
# Enclose the parts of the interpreter in quotes because we're
# substituting it into the template as a Python string
interpreter_parts = interpreter.split(u' ')
interpreter = u"'{0}'".format(u"', '".join(interpreter_parts))
# FUTURE: the module cache entry should be invalidated if we got this value from a host-dependent source
rlimit_nofile = C.config.get_config_value('PYTHON_MODULE_RLIMIT_NOFILE', variables=task_vars)
@ -991,9 +1171,9 @@ def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, tas
output.write(to_bytes(ACTIVE_ANSIBALLZ_TEMPLATE % dict(

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ except ImportError:
# Python2 & 3 way to get NoneType
NoneType = type(None)
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes, to_text
from ._text import to_native, to_bytes, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import (
container_to_bytes as json_dict_unicode_to_bytes,

@ -393,7 +393,6 @@ def lambda_event_stream(module, aws):
def main():
"""Produce a list of function suffixes which handle lambda events."""
this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
source_choices = ["stream", "sqs"]
argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec()

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ EXAMPLES = """
# import module snippets
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ...module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.facts.namespace import PrefixFactNamespace
from ansible.module_utils.facts import ansible_collector

@ -199,8 +199,7 @@ def _run_module(wrapped_cmd, jid, job_path):
os.rename(tmp_job_path, job_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
"failed": True,
@ -334,3 +333,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
"msg": "FATAL ERROR: %s" % e
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
from ..module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
from ..module_utils.custom_util import forty_two # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
def forty_two():
return 42

@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
ansible_python_module_rlimit_nofile: '{{ rlimit_original_return.rlimit_nofile[1] + 1 }}'
register: rlimit_above_hard_return
- name: run a role module which uses a role module_util using relative imports
register: custom_module_return
- assert:
# make sure ansible-test was able to set the limit unless it exceeds the hard limit or the value is lower on macOS
@ -54,3 +58,6 @@
# setting the limit higher than the existing hard limit should use the hard limit (except on macOS)
- rlimit_above_hard_return.rlimit_nofile[0] == rlimit_original_return.rlimit_nofile[1] or ansible_distribution == 'MacOSX'
# custom module returned the correct answer
- custom_module_return.answer == 42

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
def one():
return 1

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
from .my_util1 import one
def two():
return one() * 2

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
from . import my_util2
def three():
return my_util2.two() + 1

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ..module_utils.my_util2 import two
from ..module_utils import my_util3
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
result = dict(
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- name: fully qualified module usage with relative imports
- name: collection relative module usage with relative imports

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS="${PWD}/collection_root" ansible-playbook test.yml -i ../../inventory "$@"

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- hosts: testhost
- my_ns.my_col.test

@ -38,6 +38,15 @@ def main():
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
AnsibleCollectionLoader = None
# These are the public attribute sof a doc-only module
doc_keys = ('ANSIBLE_METADATA',
class ImporterAnsibleModuleException(Exception):
"""Exception thrown during initialization of ImporterAnsibleModule."""
@ -80,17 +89,21 @@ def main():
if not path.startswith('lib/ansible/modules/'):
# __init__ in module directories is empty (enforced by a different test)
if path.endswith(''):
# async_wrapper is not an Ansible module
if path == 'lib/ansible/modules/utilities/logic/':
# run code protected by __name__ conditional
name = '__main__'
name = calculate_python_module_name(path)
# show the Ansible module responsible for the exception, even if it was thrown in module_utils
filter_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'lib/ansible/modules')
# do not run code protected by __name__ conditional
name = 'module_import_test'
# Calculate module name
name = calculate_python_module_name(path)
# show the Ansible file responsible for the exception, even if it was thrown in 3rd party code
filter_dir = base_dir
@ -98,15 +111,58 @@ def main():
if imp:
with open(path, 'r') as module_fd:
with capture_output(capture):
imp.load_module(name, module_fd, os.path.abspath(path), ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
with capture_output(capture):
# On Python2 without absolute_import we have to import parent modules all
# the way up the tree
full_path = os.path.abspath(path)
parent_mod = None
py_packages = name.split('.')
# BIG HACK: reimporting module_utils breaks the monkeypatching of basic we did
# above and also breaks modules which import names directly from module_utils
# modules (you'll get errors like ERROR:
# lib/ansible/modules/storage/netapp/
# AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'netapp').
# So when we import a module_util here, use a munged name.
if 'module_utils' in py_packages:
# Avoid accidental double underscores by using _1 as a prefix
py_packages[-1] = '_1%s' % py_packages[-1]
name = '.'.join(py_packages)
for idx in range(1, len(py_packages)):
parent_name = '.'.join(py_packages[:idx])
if parent_mod is None:
toplevel_end = full_path.find('ansible/module')
toplevel = full_path[:toplevel_end]
parent_mod_info = imp.find_module(parent_name, [toplevel])
parent_mod_info = imp.find_module(py_packages[idx - 1], parent_mod.__path__)
parent_mod = imp.load_module(parent_name, *parent_mod_info)
# skip distro due to an apparent bug or bad interaction in
# imp.load_module() with our distro/
# distro/ sets sys.modules['ansible.module_utils.distro']
# = _distro.pyc
# but after running imp.load_module(),
# sys.modules['ansible.module_utils.distro._distro'] = __init__.pyc
# (The opposite of what we set)
# This does not affect runtime so regular import seems to work. It's
# just imp.load_module()
if name == 'ansible.module_utils.distro._1__init__':
with open(path, 'r') as module_fd:
module = imp.load_module(name, module_fd, full_path, ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
if ansible_module:
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, os.path.abspath(path))
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
with capture_output(capture):
if ansible_module:
capture_report(path, capture, messages)
except ImporterAnsibleModuleException:
@ -153,6 +209,34 @@ def main():
report_message(error, messages)
def run_if_really_module(module):
# Module was removed
if ('removed' not in module.ANSIBLE_METADATA['status'] and
# Documentation only module
[attr for attr in
if not (attr.startswith('__') and attr.endswith('__'))]):
# Run main() code for ansible_modules
def calculate_python_module_name(path):
name = None
idx = path.index('ansible/modules')
except ValueError:
idx = path.index('ansible/module_utils')
except ValueError:
idx = path.index('ansible_collections')
except ValueError:
# Default
name = 'module_import_test'
if name is None:
name = path[idx:-len('.py')].replace('/', '.')
return name
class Capture:
"""Captured output and/or exception."""
def __init__(self):

@ -105,13 +105,25 @@ def get_ps_argument_spec(filename):
def get_py_argument_spec(filename):
with setup_env(filename) as fake:
# Calculate the module's name so that relative imports work correctly
name = None
idx = filename.index('ansible/modules')
except ValueError:
# We use ``module`` here instead of ``__main__``
idx = filename.index('ansible_collections/')
except ValueError:
# We default to ``module`` here instead of ``__main__``
# which helps with some import issues in this tool
# where modules may import things that conflict
name = 'module'
if name is None:
name = filename[idx:-len('.py')].replace('/', '.')
with setup_env(filename) as fake:
with CaptureStd():
mod = imp.load_source('module', filename)
mod = imp.load_source(name, filename)
if not fake.called:
except AnsibleModuleCallError:

@ -6027,6 +6027,9 @@ test/integration/targets/async_fail/library/ future-import-boilerpl
test/integration/targets/async_fail/library/ metaclass-boilerplate
test/integration/targets/aws_lambda/files/ future-import-boilerplate
test/integration/targets/aws_lambda/files/ metaclass-boilerplate
test/integration/targets/collections_relative_imports/collection_root/ansible_collections/my_ns/my_col/plugins/module_utils/ pylint:relative-beyond-top-level
test/integration/targets/collections_relative_imports/collection_root/ansible_collections/my_ns/my_col/plugins/module_utils/ pylint:relative-beyond-top-level
test/integration/targets/collections_relative_imports/collection_root/ansible_collections/my_ns/my_col/plugins/modules/ pylint:relative-beyond-top-level
test/integration/targets/expect/files/ future-import-boilerplate
test/integration/targets/expect/files/ metaclass-boilerplate
test/integration/targets/get_url/files/ future-import-boilerplate

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os.path
import pytest
import ansible.errors
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ from ansible.executor.interpreter_discovery import InterpreterDiscoveryRequiredE
from ansible.module_utils.six import PY2
class TestStripComments(object):
class TestStripComments:
def test_no_changes(self):
no_comments = u"""def some_code():
return False"""
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ def test(arg):
assert amc._strip_comments(mixed) == mixed_results
class TestSlurp(object):
class TestSlurp:
def test_slurp_nonexistent(self, mocker):
mocker.patch('os.path.exists', side_effect=lambda x: False)
with pytest.raises(ansible.errors.AnsibleError):
@ -96,14 +98,14 @@ class TestSlurp(object):
def templar():
class FakeTemplar(object):
class FakeTemplar:
def template(self, template_string, *args, **kwargs):
return template_string
return FakeTemplar()
class TestGetShebang(object):
class TestGetShebang:
"""Note: We may want to change the API of this function in the future. It isn't a great API"""
def test_no_interpreter_set(self, templar):
# normally this would return /usr/bin/python, but so long as we're defaulting to auto python discovery, we'll get
@ -129,3 +131,67 @@ class TestGetShebang(object):
def test_python_via_env(self, templar):
assert amc._get_shebang(u'/usr/bin/python', {u'ansible_python_interpreter': u'/usr/bin/env python'}, templar) == \
(u'#!/usr/bin/env python', u'/usr/bin/env python')
class TestDetectionRegexes:
# Absolute collection imports
b'import ansible_collections.my_ns.my_col.plugins.module_utils.my_util',
b'from ansible_collections.my_ns.my_col.plugins.module_utils import my_util',
b'from ansible_collections.my_ns.my_col.plugins.module_utils.my_util import my_func',
# Absolute core imports
b'import ansible.module_utils.basic',
b'from ansible.module_utils import basic',
b'from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule',
# Relative imports
b'from ..module_utils import basic',
b'from .. module_utils import basic',
b'from ....module_utils import basic',
b'from ..module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule',
b'from ansible import release',
b'from ..release import __version__',
b'from .. import release',
b'from ansible.modules.system import ping',
b'from ansible_collecitons.my_ns.my_col.plugins.modules import function',
OFFSET = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(amc.__file__))
('%s/modules/' % OFFSET, 'ansible/modules/from_role'),
('%s/modules/system/' % OFFSET, 'ansible/modules/system/ping'),
('%s/modules/cloud/amazon/' % OFFSET, 'ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/s3'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('testcase', ANSIBLE_MODULE_UTIL_STRINGS)
def test_detect_new_style_python_module_re(self, testcase):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('testcase', NOT_ANSIBLE_MODULE_UTIL_STRINGS)
def test_no_detect_new_style_python_module_re(self, testcase):
assert not
# pylint bug:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('testcase, result', CORE_PATHS) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
def test_detect_core_library_path_re(self, testcase, result):
assert'path') == result
@pytest.mark.parametrize('testcase', (p[0] for p in COLLECTION_PATHS)) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
def test_no_detect_core_library_path_re(self, testcase):
assert not
@pytest.mark.parametrize('testcase, result', COLLECTION_PATHS) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
def test_detect_collection_path_re(self, testcase, result):
assert'path') == result
@pytest.mark.parametrize('testcase', (p[0] for p in CORE_PATHS)) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
def test_no_detect_collection_path_re(self, testcase):
assert not

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import pytest
import zipfile
@ -35,27 +36,29 @@ from ansible.module_utils.six import PY2
# when gains new imports
# We will remove these when we modify AnsiBallZ to store its args in a separate file instead of in
MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS = frozenset((('_text',),
('common', '__init__'),
('common', '_collections_compat'),
('common', '_json_compat'),
('common', 'collections'),
('common', 'file'),
('common', 'parameters'),
('common', 'process'),
('common', 'sys_info'),
('common', 'text', '__init__'),
('common', 'text', 'converters'),
('common', 'text', 'formatters'),
('common', 'validation'),
('common', '_utils'),
('distro', '__init__'),
('distro', '_distro'),
('parsing', '__init__'),
('parsing', 'convert_bool'),
('six', '__init__'),
MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS = frozenset((('ansible', '__init__'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', '__init__'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', '_text'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'basic'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', '__init__'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', '_collections_compat'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', '_json_compat'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'collections'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'file'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'parameters'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'process'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'sys_info'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'text', '__init__'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'text', 'converters'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'text', 'formatters'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', 'validation'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'common', '_utils'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'distro', '__init__'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'distro', '_distro'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'parsing', '__init__'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'parsing', 'convert_bool'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'pycompat24',),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'six', '__init__'),
MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_FILES = frozenset(('ansible/module_utils/',
@ -84,15 +87,19 @@ MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_FILES = frozenset(('ansible/module_utils/',
ONLY_BASIC_IMPORT = frozenset((('basic',),))
ONLY_BASIC_IMPORT = frozenset((('ansible', '__init__'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', '__init__'),
('ansible', 'module_utils', 'basic',),))
ONLY_BASIC_FILE = frozenset(('ansible/module_utils/',))
ANSIBLE_LIB = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))), 'lib', 'ansible')
def finder_containers():
FinderContainers = namedtuple('FinderContainers', ['py_module_names', 'py_module_cache', 'zf'])
py_module_names = set()
py_module_names = set((('ansible', '__init__'), ('ansible', 'module_utils', '__init__')))
# py_module_cache = {('__init__',): b''}
py_module_cache = {}
@ -107,7 +114,7 @@ class TestRecursiveFinder(object):
def test_no_module_utils(self, finder_containers):
name = 'ping'
data = b'#!/usr/bin/python\nreturn \'{\"changed\": false}\''
recursive_finder(name, data, *finder_containers)
recursive_finder(name, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_LIB, 'modules', 'system', ''), data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set(()).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS)
assert finder_containers.py_module_cache == {}
assert frozenset(finder_containers.zf.namelist()) == MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_FILES
@ -116,14 +123,14 @@ class TestRecursiveFinder(object):
name = 'fake_module'
data = b'#!/usr/bin/python\ndef something(:\n pass\n'
with pytest.raises(ansible.errors.AnsibleError) as exec_info:
recursive_finder(name, data, *finder_containers)
recursive_finder(name, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_LIB, 'modules', 'system', ''), data, *finder_containers)
assert 'Unable to import fake_module due to invalid syntax' in str(exec_info.value)
def test_module_utils_with_identation_error(self, finder_containers):
name = 'fake_module'
data = b'#!/usr/bin/python\n def something():\n pass\n'
with pytest.raises(ansible.errors.AnsibleError) as exec_info:
recursive_finder(name, data, *finder_containers)
recursive_finder(name, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_LIB, 'modules', 'system', ''), data, *finder_containers)
assert 'Unable to import fake_module due to unexpected indent' in str(exec_info.value)
def test_from_import_toplevel_package(self, finder_containers, mocker):
@ -140,10 +147,10 @@ class TestRecursiveFinder(object):
name = 'ping'
data = b'#!/usr/bin/python\nfrom ansible.module_utils import foo'
recursive_finder(name, data, *finder_containers)
recursive_finder(name, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_LIB, 'modules', 'system', ''), data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('foo', '__init__'),)).union(ONLY_BASIC_IMPORT)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('ansible', 'module_utils', 'foo', '__init__'),)).union(ONLY_BASIC_IMPORT)
assert finder_containers.py_module_cache == {}
assert frozenset(finder_containers.zf.namelist()) == frozenset(('ansible/module_utils/foo/',)).union(ONLY_BASIC_FILE)
@ -158,10 +165,10 @@ class TestRecursiveFinder(object):
name = 'ping'
data = b'#!/usr/bin/python\nfrom ansible.module_utils import foo'
recursive_finder(name, data, *finder_containers)
recursive_finder(name, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_LIB, 'modules', 'system', ''), data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('foo',),)).union(ONLY_BASIC_IMPORT)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('ansible', 'module_utils', 'foo',),)).union(ONLY_BASIC_IMPORT)
assert finder_containers.py_module_cache == {}
assert frozenset(finder_containers.zf.namelist()) == frozenset(('ansible/module_utils/',)).union(ONLY_BASIC_FILE)
@ -171,23 +178,23 @@ class TestRecursiveFinder(object):
def test_from_import_six(self, finder_containers):
name = 'ping'
data = b'#!/usr/bin/python\nfrom ansible.module_utils import six'
recursive_finder(name, data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('six', '__init__'),)).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS)
recursive_finder(name, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_LIB, 'modules', 'system', ''), data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('ansible', 'module_utils', 'six', '__init__'),)).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS)
assert finder_containers.py_module_cache == {}
assert frozenset(finder_containers.zf.namelist()) == frozenset(('ansible/module_utils/six/', )).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_FILES)
def test_import_six(self, finder_containers):
name = 'ping'
data = b'#!/usr/bin/python\nimport ansible.module_utils.six'
recursive_finder(name, data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('six', '__init__'),)).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS)
recursive_finder(name, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_LIB, 'modules', 'system', ''), data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('ansible', 'module_utils', 'six', '__init__'),)).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS)
assert finder_containers.py_module_cache == {}
assert frozenset(finder_containers.zf.namelist()) == frozenset(('ansible/module_utils/six/', )).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_FILES)
def test_import_six_from_many_submodules(self, finder_containers):
name = 'ping'
data = b'#!/usr/bin/python\nfrom ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse'
recursive_finder(name, data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('six', '__init__'),)).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS)
recursive_finder(name, os.path.join(ANSIBLE_LIB, 'modules', 'system', ''), data, *finder_containers)
assert finder_containers.py_module_names == set((('ansible', 'module_utils', 'six', '__init__'),)).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_IMPORTS)
assert finder_containers.py_module_cache == {}
assert frozenset(finder_containers.zf.namelist()) == frozenset(('ansible/module_utils/six/',)).union(MODULE_UTILS_BASIC_FILES)
