@ -460,13 +460,13 @@ class TestGalaxyInitSkeleton(unittest.TestCase, ValidRoleTests):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cli_args, expected', [
(['ansible-galaxy', 'collection', 'init', 'abc.def'], 0),
(['ansible-galaxy', 'collection', 'init', 'abc.def', '-vvv'], 3),
(['ansible-galaxy', '-vv', 'collection', 'init', 'abc.def'], 2),
(['ansible-galaxy', 'collection', 'init', 'abc._def'], 0),
(['ansible-galaxy', 'collection', 'init', 'abc._def', '-vvv'], 3),
(['ansible-galaxy', '-vv', 'collection', 'init', 'abc._def'], 2),
# Due to our manual parsing we want to verify that -v set in the sub parser takes precedence. This behaviour is
# deprecated and tests should be removed when the code that handles it is removed
(['ansible-galaxy', '-vv', 'collection', 'init', 'abc.def', '-v'], 1),
(['ansible-galaxy', '-vv', 'collection', 'init', 'abc.def', '-vvvv'], 4),
(['ansible-galaxy', '-vv', 'collection', 'init', 'abc._def', '-v'], 1),
(['ansible-galaxy', '-vv', 'collection', 'init', 'abc._def', '-vvvv'], 4),
(['ansible-galaxy', '-vvv', 'init', 'name'], 3),
(['ansible-galaxy', '-vvvvv', 'init', '-v', 'name'], 1),