@ -747,16 +747,20 @@ def install(module, items, repoq, yum_basecmd, conf_file, en_repos, dis_repos, i
(name, ver, rel, epoch, arch) = splitFilename(envra)
installed_pkgs = is_installed(module, repoq, name, conf_file, en_repos=en_repos, dis_repos=dis_repos, installroot=installroot)
# TODO support downgrade for rpm files
if len(installed_pkgs) == 1:
installed_pkg = installed_pkgs[0]
(cur_name, cur_ver, cur_rel, cur_epoch, cur_arch) = splitFilename(installed_pkg)
cur_epoch = cur_epoch or '0'
compare = compareEVR((cur_epoch, cur_ver, cur_rel), (epoch, ver, rel))
# compare > 0 (higher version is installed) or compare == 0 (exact version is installed)
if compare >= 0:
# compare > 0 -> higher version is installed
# compare == 0 -> exact version is installed
# compare < 0 -> lower version is installed
if compare > 0 and allow_downgrade:
downgrade_candidate = True
elif compare >= 0:
# else: if there are more installed packages with the same name, that would mean
# kernel, gpg-pubkey or like, so just let yum deal with it and try to install it