@ -300,7 +300,21 @@ def create_vpc(module, vpc_conn):
module.fail_json(msg = "%s: %s" % (e.error_code, e.error_message))
# Done with base VPC, now change to attributes and features.
# Add resource tags
vpc_spec_tags = module.params.get('resource_tags')
vpc_tags = dict((t.name, t.value) for t in vpc_conn.get_all_tags(filters={'resource-id': vpc.id}))
if not set(vpc_spec_tags.items()).issubset(set(vpc_tags.items())):
new_tags = {}
for (key, value) in set(vpc_spec_tags.items()):
if (key, value) not in set(vpc_tags.items()):
new_tags[key] = value
if new_tags:
vpc_conn.create_tags(vpc.id, new_tags)
# boto doesn't appear to have a way to determine the existing
# value of the dns attributes, so we just set them.