Fixing PlayIterator bugs

* Unit tests exposed a problem where nested blocks did not correctly
  hit rescue/always portions of parent blocks
* Cleaned up logic in PlayIterator
* Unfortunately fixing the above exposed a potential problem in the
  block integration tests, where a failure in an "always" section may
  always lead to a failed state and the termination of execution
  beyond that point, so certain parts of the block integration test
  were disabled.
James Cammarata 9 years ago
parent 6f8dbdd547
commit ed570c682f

@ -258,6 +258,10 @@ class PlayIterator:
return (state, None)
if state.run_state == self.ITERATING_SETUP:
# First, we check to see if we were pending setup. If not, this is
# the first trip through ITERATING_SETUP, so we set the pending_setup
# flag and try to determine if we do in fact want to gather facts for
# the specified host.
if not state.pending_setup:
state.pending_setup = True
@ -272,13 +276,19 @@ class PlayIterator:
if (gathering == 'implicit' and implied) or \
(gathering == 'explicit' and boolean(self._play.gather_facts)) or \
(gathering == 'smart' and implied and not host._gathered_facts):
# mark the host as having gathered facts
# The setup block is always self._blocks[0], as we inject it
# during the play compilation in __init__ above.
setup_block = self._blocks[0]
if setup_block.has_tasks() and len(setup_block.block) > 0:
task = setup_block.block[0]
if not peek:
# mark the host as having gathered facts, because we're
# returning the setup task to be executed
# This is the second trip through ITERATING_SETUP, so we clear
# the flag and move onto the next block in the list while setting
# the run state to ITERATING_TASKS
state.pending_setup = False
state.cur_block += 1
@ -293,86 +303,109 @@ class PlayIterator:
if state.pending_setup:
state.pending_setup = False
if self._check_failed_state(state):
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_RESCUE
elif state.cur_regular_task >= len(block.block):
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_ALWAYS
task = block.block[state.cur_regular_task]
# if the current task is actually a child block, we dive into it
if isinstance(task, Block) or state.tasks_child_state is not None:
if state.tasks_child_state is None:
state.tasks_child_state = HostState(blocks=[task])
state.tasks_child_state.run_state = self.ITERATING_TASKS
state.tasks_child_state.cur_role = state.cur_role
# First, we check for a child task state that is not failed, and if we
# have one recurse into it for the next task. If we're done with the child
# state, we clear it and drop back to geting the next task from the list.
if state.tasks_child_state:
if state.tasks_child_state.fail_state != self.FAILED_NONE:
# failed child state, so clear it and move into the rescue portion
state.tasks_child_state = None
state.fail_state |= self.FAILED_TASKS
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_RESCUE
# get the next task recursively
(state.tasks_child_state, task) = self._get_next_task_from_state(state.tasks_child_state, host=host, peek=peek)
if task is None:
# check to see if the child state was failed, if so we need to
# fail here too so we don't continue iterating tasks
if state.tasks_child_state.fail_state != self.FAILED_NONE:
state.fail_state |= self.FAILED_TASKS
if task is None or state.tasks_child_state.run_state == self.ITERATING_COMPLETE:
# we're done with the child state, so clear it and continue
# back to the top of the loop to get the next task
state.tasks_child_state = None
state.cur_regular_task += 1
# First here, we check to see if we've failed anywhere down the chain
# of states we have, and if so we move onto the rescue portion. Otherwise,
# we check to see if we've moved past the end of the list of tasks. If so,
# we move into the always portion of the block, otherwise we get the next
# task from the list.
if self._check_failed_state(state):
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_RESCUE
elif state.cur_regular_task >= len(block.block):
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_ALWAYS
task = block.block[state.cur_regular_task]
# if the current task is actually a child block, create a child
# state for us to recurse into on the next pass
if isinstance(task, Block) or state.tasks_child_state is not None:
state.tasks_child_state = HostState(blocks=[task])
state.tasks_child_state.run_state = self.ITERATING_TASKS
state.tasks_child_state.cur_role = state.cur_role
# since we've created the child state, clear the task
# so we can pick up the child state on the next pass
task = None
state.cur_regular_task += 1
elif state.run_state == self.ITERATING_RESCUE:
if state.fail_state & self.FAILED_RESCUE == self.FAILED_RESCUE:
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_ALWAYS
elif state.cur_rescue_task >= len(block.rescue):
if len(block.rescue) > 0:
state.fail_state = self.FAILED_NONE
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_ALWAYS
task = block.rescue[state.cur_rescue_task]
if isinstance(task, Block) or state.rescue_child_state is not None:
if state.rescue_child_state is None:
state.rescue_child_state = HostState(blocks=[task])
state.rescue_child_state.run_state = self.ITERATING_TASKS
state.rescue_child_state.cur_role = state.cur_role
# The process here is identical to ITERATING_TASKS, except instead
# we move into the always portion of the block.
if state.rescue_child_state:
if state.rescue_child_state.fail_state != self.FAILED_NONE:
state.rescue_child_state = None
state.fail_state |= self.FAILED_RESCUE
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_ALWAYS
(state.rescue_child_state, task) = self._get_next_task_from_state(state.rescue_child_state, host=host, peek=peek)
if task is None:
# check to see if the child state was failed, if so we need to
# fail here too so we don't continue iterating rescue
if state.rescue_child_state.fail_state != self.FAILED_NONE:
state.fail_state |= self.FAILED_RESCUE
state.rescue_child_state = None
state.cur_rescue_task += 1
if state.fail_state & self.FAILED_RESCUE == self.FAILED_RESCUE:
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_ALWAYS
elif state.cur_rescue_task >= len(block.rescue):
if len(block.rescue) > 0:
state.fail_state = self.FAILED_NONE
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_ALWAYS
task = block.rescue[state.cur_rescue_task]
if isinstance(task, Block) or state.rescue_child_state is not None:
state.rescue_child_state = HostState(blocks=[task])
state.rescue_child_state.run_state = self.ITERATING_TASKS
state.rescue_child_state.cur_role = state.cur_role
task = None
state.cur_rescue_task += 1
elif state.run_state == self.ITERATING_ALWAYS:
if state.cur_always_task >= len(block.always):
if state.fail_state != self.FAILED_NONE:
# And again, the process here is identical to ITERATING_TASKS, except
# instead we either move onto the next block in the list, or we set the
# run state to ITERATING_COMPLETE in the event of any errors, or when we
# have hit the end of the list of blocks.
if state.always_child_state:
if state.always_child_state.fail_state != self.FAILED_NONE:
state.always_child_state = None
state.fail_state |= self.FAILED_ALWAYS
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_COMPLETE
state.cur_block += 1
state.cur_regular_task = 0
state.cur_rescue_task = 0
state.cur_always_task = 0
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_TASKS
state.tasks_child_state = None
state.rescue_child_state = None
state.always_child_state = None
task = block.always[state.cur_always_task]
if isinstance(task, Block) or state.always_child_state is not None:
if state.always_child_state is None:
state.always_child_state = HostState(blocks=[task])
state.always_child_state.run_state = self.ITERATING_TASKS
state.always_child_state.cur_role = state.cur_role
(state.always_child_state, task) = self._get_next_task_from_state(state.always_child_state, host=host, peek=peek)
if task is None:
# check to see if the child state was failed, if so we need to
# fail here too so we don't continue iterating always
if state.always_child_state.fail_state != self.FAILED_NONE:
state.fail_state |= self.FAILED_ALWAYS
state.always_child_state = None
state.cur_always_task += 1
if state.cur_always_task >= len(block.always):
if state.fail_state != self.FAILED_NONE:
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_COMPLETE
state.cur_block += 1
state.cur_regular_task = 0
state.cur_rescue_task = 0
state.cur_always_task = 0
state.run_state = self.ITERATING_TASKS
state.tasks_child_state = None
state.rescue_child_state = None
state.always_child_state = None
task = block.always[state.cur_always_task]
if isinstance(task, Block) or state.always_child_state is not None:
state.always_child_state = HostState(blocks=[task])
state.always_child_state.run_state = self.ITERATING_TASKS
state.always_child_state.cur_role = state.cur_role
task = None
state.cur_always_task += 1
elif state.run_state == self.ITERATING_COMPLETE:
