short_description: Perform common tasks in Nagios related to downtime and notifications.
- "The M(nagios) module has two basic functions: scheduling downtime and toggling alerts for services or hosts."
- All actions require the I(host) parameter to be given explicitly. In playbooks you can use the C($inventory_hostname) variable to refer to the host the playbook is currently running on.
- All actions require the I(host) parameter to be given explicitly. In playbooks you can use the C({{inventory_hostname}}) variable to refer to the host the playbook is currently running on.
- You can specify multiple services at once by separating them with commas, .e.g., C(services=httpd,nfs,puppet).
- When specifying what service to handle there is a special service value, I(host), which will handle alerts/downtime for the I(host itself), e.g., C(service=host). This keyword may not be given with other services at the same time. I(Setting alerts/downtime for a host does not affect alerts/downtime for any of the services running on it.) To schedule downtime for all services on particular host use keyword "all", e.g., C(service=all).
- When using the M(nagios) module you will need to specify your Nagios server using the C(delegate_to) parameter.