Document how to debug network issues (#23503)

John R Barker 8 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 40d888922b
commit e575eae2ec

@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
.. _network_debug_troubleshooting:
Network Debug and Troubleshooting Guide
.. contents:: Topics
Starting with Ansible version 2.1, you can now use the familiar Ansible models of playbook authoring and module development to manage heterogeneous networking devices. Ansible supports a growing number of network devices using both CLI over SSH and API (when available) transports.
This section discusses how to debug and troubleshoot network modules in Ansible 2.3.
How to troubleshoot
This section covers troubleshooting issues with Network Modules.
Errors generally fall into one of the following categories:
:Authentication issues:
* Not correctly specifying credentials
* Remote device (network switch/router) not falling back to other other authentication methods
* SSH key issues
:Timeout issues:
* Can occur when trying to pull a large amount of data
* May actually be masking a authentication issue
:Playbook issues:
* Use of ``delegate_to``, instead of ``ProxyCommand``
* Not using ``connection: local``
.. warning: ``unable to open shell`
The ``unable to open shell`` message is new in Ansible 2.3, it means that the ``ansible-connection`` daemon has not been able to successfully
talk to the remote network device. This generally means that there is an authentication issue. See the "Authentication and connection issues" section
in this this document for more information.
.. _enable_network_logging:
Enabling Networking logging and how to read the logfile
**Platforms:** Any
Ansible 2.3 features improved logging to help diagnose and troubleshoot issues regarding Ansible Networking modules.
Because logging is very verbose it is disabled by default. It can be enabled via the ``ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH`` and ``ANISBLE_DEBUG`` options::
# Specify the location for the log file
export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=~/ansible.log
# Run with 4*v for connection level verbosity
ANSIBLE_DEBUG=True ansible-playbook -vvvv ...
After Ansible has finished running you can inspect the log file:
.. code::
2017-03-30 13:19:52,740 p=28990 u=fred | creating new control socket for host veos01:22 as user admin
2017-03-30 13:19:52,741 p=28990 u=fred | control socket path is /home/fred/.ansible/pc/ca5960d27a
2017-03-30 13:19:52,741 p=28990 u=fred | current working directory is /home/fred/ansible/test/integration
2017-03-30 13:19:52,741 p=28990 u=fred | using connection plugin network_cli
2017-03-30 13:20:14,771 paramiko.transport userauth is OK
2017-03-30 13:20:15,283 paramiko.transport Authentication (keyboard-interactive) successful!
2017-03-30 13:20:15,302 p=28990 u=fred | ssh connection done, setting terminal
2017-03-30 13:20:15,321 p=28990 u=fred | ssh connection has completed successfully
2017-03-30 13:20:15,322 p=28990 u=fred | connection established to veos01 in 0:00:22.580626
From the log notice:
* ``p=28990`` Is the PID (Process ID) of the ``ansible-connection`` process
* ``u=fred`` Is the user `running` ansible, not the remote-user you are attempting to connect as
* ``creating new control socket for host veos01:22 as user admin`` host:port as user
* ``control socket path is`` location on disk where the persistent connection socket is created
* ``using connection plugin network_cli`` Informs you that persistent connection is being used
* ``connection established to veos01 in 0:00:22.580626`` Time taken to obtain a shell on the remote device
.. note: Port None ``creating new control socket for host veos01:None``
If the log reports the port as ``None`` this means that the default port is being used.
A future Ansible release will improve this message so that the port is always logged.
Because the log files are verbose, you can use grep to look for specific information. For example, once you have identified the ```pid`` from the ``creating new control socket for host`` line you can search for other connection log entries::
grep "p=28990" $ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH
Isolating an error
**Platforms:** Any
As with any effort to troubleshoot it's important to simplify the test case as much as possible.
For Ansible this can be done ensuring you are only running against one remote device:
* Using ``ansible-playbook --limit``
* Using an ad-hoc ``ansible`` command
`ad-hoc` refers to running Ansible to perform some quick command, using ``/usr/bin/ansible``, rather than the orchestration language, which is ``/usr/bin/ansible-playbook``, in this case we can ensure connectivity by attempting to execute a single command on the remote device::
ansible -m eos_command -a 'commands=?' -i inventory -e 'ansible_connection=local' -u admin -k
In the above example we:
* Connect to ```` specified in the inventory file ``inventory``
* Use the module ``eos_command``
* Run the command ``?``
* Connect using the username ``admin``
* Inform ansible to prompt for the ssh password by specifying ``-k``
If you have SSH keys configured correctly you can drop the ``-k`` parameter
If the connection still fails you can combine it the enable_network_logging_, for example::
# Specify the location for the log file
export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=~/ansible.log
# Run with 4*v for connection level verbosity
ANSIBLE_DEBUG=True ansible -m eos_command -a 'commands=?' -i inventory -e 'ansible_connection=local' -u admin -k
Then review the log file and find the relevant error message in the rest of this document.
.. For details on other ways to authenticate see LINKTOAUTHHOWTODOCS.
.. _unable_to_open_shell:
Category "Unable to open shell"
**Platforms:** Any
The ``unable to open shell`` message is new in Ansible 2.3, it means that the ``ansible-connection`` daemon has not been able to successfully
talk to the remote network device. This generally means that there is an authentication issue. It is a "catch all" message, meaning you need to enable
``ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH`` to find the underlying issues.
For example:
.. code-block::
TASK [prepare_eos_tests : enable cli on remote device] **************************************************
fatal: [veos01]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "unable to open shell"}
.. code-block:: yaml
TASK [ios_system : configure name_servers] *************************************************************
task path:
fatal: [ios-csr1000v]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"failed": true,
"msg": "unable to open shell",
"rc": 255
Suggestions to resolve:
Follow the steps detailed in enable_network_logging_.
Once you've identified the error message from the log file, the specific solution can be found in the rest of this document.
Error: "[Errno -2] Name or service not known"
**Platforms:** Any
Indicates that the remote host you are trying to connect to can not be reached
For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
2017-04-04 11:39:48,147 p=15299 u=fred | control socket path is /home/fred/.ansible/pc/ca5960d27a
2017-04-04 11:39:48,147 p=15299 u=fred | current working directory is /home/fred/git/ansible-inc/stable-2.3/test/integration
2017-04-04 11:39:48,147 p=15299 u=fred | using connection plugin network_cli
2017-04-04 11:39:48,340 p=15299 u=fred | connecting to host veos01 returned an error
2017-04-04 11:39:48,340 p=15299 u=fred | [Errno -2] Name or service not known
Suggestions to resolve:
* If you are using the ``provider:`` options ensure that it's suboption ``host:`` is set correctly.
* If you are not using ``provider:`` nor top-level arguments ensure your inventory file is correct.
Error: "Authentication failed"
**Platforms:** Any
Occurs if the credentials (username, passwords, or ssh keys) passed to ``ansible-connection`` (via ``ansible`` or ``ansible-playbook``) can not be used to connect to the remote device.
For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
<ios01> ESTABLISH CONNECTION FOR USER: cisco on PORT 22 TO ios01
<ios01> Authentication failed.
Suggestions to resolve:
If you are specifying credentials via ``password:`` (either directly or via ``provider:``) or the environment variable ``ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD`` it is possible that ``paramiko`` (the Python SSH library that Ansible uses) is using ssh keys, and therefore the credentials you are specifying are being ignored. To find out if this is the case, disable "look for keys". This can be done like this:
.. code-block:: yaml
To make this a permanent change, add the following to your ``ansible.cfg`` file:
.. code-block:: ini
look_for_keys = False
Error: "connecting to host <hostname> returned an error" or "Bad address"
This may occur if the SSH fingerprint hasn't been added to Paramiko's (the Python SSH library) know hosts file.
When using persistent connections with Paramiko, the connection runs in a background process. If the host doesn't already have a valid SSH key, by default Ansible will prompt to add the host key. This will cause connections running in background processes to fail.
For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
2017-04-04 12:06:03,486 p=17981 u=fred | using connection plugin network_cli
2017-04-04 12:06:04,680 p=17981 u=fred | connecting to host veos01 returned an error
2017-04-04 12:06:04,682 p=17981 u=fred | (14, 'Bad address')
2017-04-04 12:06:33,519 p=17981 u=fred | number of connection attempts exceeded, unable to connect to control socket
2017-04-04 12:06:33,520 p=17981 u=fred | persistent_connect_interval=1, persistent_connect_retries=30
Suggestions to resolve:
Use ``ssh-keyscan`` to pre-populate the known_hosts. You need to ensure the keys are correct.
.. code-block:: shell
ssh-keyscan veos01
You can tell Ansible to automatically accept the keys
Environment variable method::
ANSIBLE_PARAMIKO_HOST_KEY_AUTO_ADD=True ansible-playbook ...
``ansible.cfg`` method:
.. code-block: ini
host_key_auto_add = True
.. warning: Security warning
Care should be taken before accepting keys.
Error: "No authentication methods available"
For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
2017-04-04 12:19:05,670 p=18591 u=fred | creating new control socket for host veos01:None as user admin
2017-04-04 12:19:05,670 p=18591 u=fred | control socket path is /home/fred/.ansible/pc/ca5960d27a
2017-04-04 12:19:05,670 p=18591 u=fred | current working directory is /home/fred/git/ansible-inc/ansible-workspace-2/test/integration
2017-04-04 12:19:05,670 p=18591 u=fred | using connection plugin network_cli
2017-04-04 12:19:06,606 p=18591 u=fred | connecting to host veos01 returned an error
2017-04-04 12:19:06,606 p=18591 u=fred | No authentication methods available
2017-04-04 12:19:35,708 p=18591 u=fred | number of connection attempts exceeded, unable to connect to control socket
2017-04-04 12:19:35,709 p=18591 u=fred | persistent_connect_interval=1, persistent_connect_retries=30
Suggestions to resolve:
No password or SSH key supplied
Clearing Out Persistent Connections
**Platforms:** Any
In Ansible 2.3, persistent connection sockets are stored in ``~/.ansible/pc`` for all network devices. When an Ansible playbook runs, the persistent socket connection is displayed when verbose output is specified.
``<switch> socket_path: /home/fred/.ansible/pc/f64ddfa760``
To clear out a persistent connection before it times out (the default timeout is 30 seconds
of inactivity), simple delete the socket file.
Timeout issues
All network modules support a timeout value that can be set on a per task
basis. The timeout value controls the amount of time in seconds before the
task will fail if the command has not returned.
For example:
.. FIXME: Detail error here
Suggestions to resolve:
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: save running-config
commands: copy running-config startup-config
provider: "{{ cli }}"
timeout: 30
Some operations take longer than the default 10 seconds to complete. One good
example is saving the current running config on IOS devices to startup config.
In this case, changing the timeout value form the default 10 seconds to 30
seconds will prevent the task from failing before the command completes
Playbook issues
This section details issues are caused by issues with the Playbook itself.
Error: "invalid connection specified, expected connection=local, got ssh"
**Platforms:** Any
Network modules require that the connection is set to ``local``. Any other
connection setting will cause the playbook to fail. Ansible will now detect
this condition and return an error message:
.. code-block:: yaml
fatal: [nxos01]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"failed": true,
"msg": "invalid connection specified, expected connection=local, got ssh"
To fix this issue, set the connection value to ``local`` using one of the
following methods:
* Set the play to use ``connection: local``
* Set the task to use ``connection: local``
* Run ansible-playbook using the ``-c local`` setting
Error: "Unable to enter configuration mode"
**Platforms:** eos and ios
This occurs when you attempt to run a task that requires privileged mode in a user mode shell.
For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
TASK [ios_system : configure name_servers] *****************************************************************************
task path:
fatal: [ios-csr1000v]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"failed": true,
"msg": "unable to enter configuration mode",
"rc": 255
Suggestions to resolve:
Add ``authorize: yes`` to the task. For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: configure hostname
hostname: foo
authorize: yes
register: result
If the user requires a password to go into privileged mode, this can be specified with ``auth_pass``; if ``auth_pass`` isn't set, the environment variable ``ANSIBLE_NET_AUTHORIZE`` will be used instead.
Add `authorize: yes` to the task. For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: configure hostname
hostname: foo
authorize: yes
auth_pass: "{{ mypasswordvar }}"
register: result
.. delete_to not honoured
FIXME Do we get an error message
FIXME Link to howto
Error: "number of connection attempts exceeded, unable to connect to control socket"
**Platforms:** Any
This occurs when Ansible wasn't able to connect to the remote device and obtain a shell with the timeout.
This information is available when ``ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH`` is set see (FIXMELINKTOSECTION):
.. code-block:: yaml
2017-03-10 15:32:06,173 p=19677 u=fred | number of connection attempts exceeded, unable to connect to control socket
2017-03-10 15:32:06,174 p=19677 u=fred | persistent_connect_interval=1, persistent_connect_retries=10
2017-03-10 15:32:06,222 p=19669 u=fred | fatal: [veos01]: FAILED! => {
Suggestions to resolve:
Do stuff For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
Example stuff