win_stat: better support for links (#33005)

Jordan Borean 7 years ago committed by GitHub
parent bbe976113d
commit e3f44b74bd
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -6,55 +6,10 @@
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.FileUtil
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.LinkUtil
# C# code to determine link target, copied from
$symlink_util = @"
using System;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Ansible.Command
public class SymLinkHelper
private const int FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 2;
private const int FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS = 0x02000000;
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetFinalPathNameByHandleW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int GetFinalPathNameByHandle(IntPtr handle, [In, Out] StringBuilder path, int bufLen, int flags);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "CreateFileW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern SafeFileHandle CreateFile(string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess,
int dwShareMode, IntPtr SecurityAttributes, int dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile);
public static string GetSymbolicLinkTarget(System.IO.DirectoryInfo symlink)
SafeFileHandle directoryHandle = CreateFile(symlink.FullName, 0, 2, System.IntPtr.Zero, CREATION_DISPOSITION_OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, System.IntPtr.Zero);
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(512);
int size = GetFinalPathNameByHandle(directoryHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), path, path.Capacity, 0);
if (size<0)
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); // The remarks section of GetFinalPathNameByHandle mentions the return being prefixed with "\\?\" // More information about "\\?\" here ->
if (path[0] == '\\' && path[1] == '\\' && path[2] == '?' && path[3] == '\\')
return path.ToString().Substring(4);
return path.ToString();
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $symlink_util
function Date_To_Timestamp($start_date, $end_date)
If($start_date -and $end_date)
function DateTo-Timestamp($start_date, $end_date) {
if ($start_date -and $end_date) {
return (New-TimeSpan -Start $start_date -End $end_date).TotalSeconds
@ -80,98 +35,116 @@ if (Get-Member -inputobject $params -name "get_md5") {
$info = Get-FileItem -path $path
If ($info -ne $null)
$result.stat.exists = $true
# Initial values
$result.stat.isdir = $false
$result.stat.islnk = $false
$result.stat.isreg = $false
$result.stat.isshared = $false
If ($info -ne $null) {
$epoch_date = Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970"
$result.stat.creationtime = (Date_To_Timestamp $epoch_date $info.CreationTime)
$result.stat.lastaccesstime = (Date_To_Timestamp $epoch_date $info.LastAccessTime)
$result.stat.lastwritetime = (Date_To_Timestamp $epoch_date $info.LastWriteTime)
$result.stat.filename = $info.Name
$result.stat.path = $info.FullName
$attributes = @()
foreach ($attribute in ($info.Attributes -split ',')) {
$attributes += $attribute.Trim()
$result.stat.attributes = $info.Attributes.ToString()
$result.stat.isarchive = $attributes -contains "Archive"
$result.stat.ishidden = $attributes -contains "Hidden"
$result.stat.isreadonly = $attributes -contains "ReadOnly"
If ($info)
$accesscontrol = $info.GetAccessControl()
$accesscontrol = $null
$result.stat.owner = $accesscontrol.Owner
$iscontainer = $info.PSIsContainer
If ($attributes -contains 'ReparsePoint')
# TODO: Find a way to differenciate between soft and junction links
$result.stat.islnk = $true
$result.stat.isdir = $true
# Try and get the symlink source, can result in failure if link is broken
try {
$result.stat.lnk_source = [Ansible.Command.SymLinkHelper]::GetSymbolicLinkTarget($path)
} catch {
$result.stat.lnk_source = $null
# default values that are always set, specific values are set below this
# but are kept commented for easier readability
$stat = @{
exists = $true
attributes = $info.Attributes.ToString()
isarchive = ($attributes -contains "Archive")
isdir = $false
ishidden = ($attributes -contains "Hidden")
isjunction = $false
islnk = $false
isreadonly = ($attributes -contains "ReadOnly")
isreg = $false
isshared = $false
nlink = 1 # Number of links to the file (hard links), overriden below if islnk
# lnk_target = islnk or isjunction Target of the symlink. Note that relative paths remain relative
# lnk_source = islnk os isjunction Target of the symlink normalized for the remote filesystem
hlnk_targets = @()
creationtime = (DateTo-Timestamp -start_date $epoch_date -end_date $info.CreationTime)
lastaccesstime = (DateTo-Timestamp -start_date $epoch_date -end_date $info.LastAccessTime)
lastwritetime = (DateTo-Timestamp -start_date $epoch_date -end_date $info.LastWriteTime)
# size = a file and directory - calculated below
path = $info.FullName
filename = $info.Name
# extension = a file
# owner = set outsite this dict in case it fails
# sharename = a directory and isshared is True
# checksum = a file and get_checksum: True
# md5 = a file and get_md5: True
ElseIf ($iscontainer)
$result.stat.isdir = $true
$share_info = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -Filter "Path='$($info.Fullname -replace '\\', '\\')'"
If ($share_info -ne $null)
$result.stat.isshared = $true
$result.stat.sharename = $share_info.Name
$stat.owner = $info.GetAccessControl().Owner
# values that are set according to the type of file
if ($info.PSIsContainer) {
$stat.isdir = $true
$share_info = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -Filter "Path='$($stat.path -replace '\\', '\\')'"
if ($share_info -ne $null) {
$stat.isshared = $true
$stat.sharename = $share_info.Name
$dir_files_sum = Get-ChildItem $info.FullName -Recurse | Measure-Object -property length -sum
If ($dir_files_sum -eq $null)
$result.stat.size = 0
$dir_files_sum = Get-ChildItem $stat.path -Recurse | Measure-Object -property length -sum
if ($dir_files_sum -eq $null) {
$stat.size = 0
} else {
$stat.size = $dir_files_sum.Sum
$result.stat.size = $dir_files_sum.Sum
$result.stat.extension = $info.Extension
$result.stat.isreg = $true
$result.stat.size = $info.Length
} else {
$stat.extension = $info.Extension
$stat.isreg = $true
$stat.size = $info.Length
If ($get_md5) {
if ($get_md5) {
try {
$result.stat.md5 = Get-FileChecksum -path $path -algorithm "md5"
$stat.md5 = Get-FileChecksum -path $path -algorithm "md5"
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "failed to get MD5 hash of file, remove get_md5 to ignore this error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
If ($get_checksum) {
if ($get_checksum) {
try {
$result.stat.checksum = Get-FileChecksum -path $path -algorithm $checksum_algorithm
$stat.checksum = Get-FileChecksum -path $path -algorithm $checksum_algorithm
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "failed to get hash of file, set get_checksum to False to ignore this error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
# Get symbolic link, junction point, hard link info
try {
$link_info = Get-Link -link_path $info.FullName
} catch {
Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Failed to check/get link info for file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
if ($link_info -ne $null) {
switch ($link_info.Type) {
"SymbolicLink" {
$stat.islnk = $true
$stat.isreg = $false
$stat.lnk_target = $link_info.TargetPath
$stat.lnk_source = $link_info.AbsolutePath
"JunctionPoint" {
$stat.isjunction = $true
$stat.isreg = $false
$stat.lnk_target = $link_info.TargetPath
$stat.lnk_source = $link_info.AbsolutePath
"HardLink" {
$stat.lnk_type = "hard"
$stat.nlink = $link_info.HardTargets.Count
# remove current path from the targets
$hlnk_targets = $link_info.HardTargets | Where-Object { $_ -ne $stat.path }
$stat.hlnk_targets = @($hlnk_targets)
$result.stat = $stat
Exit-Json $result

@ -1,20 +1,10 @@
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# this is a windows documentation stub, actual code lives in the .ps1
# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
# this is a windows documentation stub. actual code lives in the .ps1
# file of the same name
ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
@ -73,13 +63,13 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
path: C:\foo.ini
register: file_info
# Obtain information about a folder
- win_stat:
- name: Obtain information about a folder
path: C:\bar
register: folder_info
# Get MD5 checksum of a file
- win_stat:
- name: Get MD5 checksum of a file
path: C:\foo.ini
get_checksum: yes
checksum_algorithm: md5
@ -88,8 +78,8 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
- debug:
var: md5_checksum.stat.checksum
# Get SHA1 checksum of file
- win_stat:
- name: Get SHA1 checksum of file
path: C:\foo.ini
get_checksum: yes
register: sha1_checksum
@ -97,8 +87,8 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
- debug:
var: sha1_checksum.stat.checksum
# Get SHA256 checksum of file
- win_stat:
- name: Get SHA256 checksum of file
path: C:\foo.ini
get_checksum: yes
checksum_algorithm: sha256
@ -120,7 +110,7 @@ stat:
type: complex
description: attributes of the file at path in raw form
description: Attributes of the file at path in raw form
returned: success, path exists
type: string
sample: "Archive, Hidden"
@ -131,97 +121,119 @@ stat:
type: string
sample: 09cb79e8fc7453c84a07f644e441fd81623b7f98
description: the create time of the file represented in seconds since epoch
description: The create time of the file represented in seconds since epoch
returned: success, path exists
type: float
sample: 1477984205.15
description: if the path exists or not
description: If the path exists or not
returned: success
type: boolean
sample: True
description: the extension of the file at path
description: The extension of the file at path
returned: success, path exists, path is a file
type: string
sample: ".ps1"
description: the name of the file (without path)
description: The name of the file (without path)
returned: success, path exists, path is a file
type: string
sammple: foo.ini
description: List of other files pointing to the same file (hard links), excludes the current file
returned: success, path exists
type: list
- C:\temp\file.txt
- C:\Windows\update.log
description: if the path is ready for archiving or not
description: If the path is ready for archiving or not
returned: success, path exists
type: boolean
sample: True
description: if the path is a directory or not
description: If the path is a directory or not
returned: success, path exists
type: boolean
sample: True
description: if the path is hidden or not
description: If the path is hidden or not
returned: success, path exists
type: boolean
sample: True
description: If the path is a junction point or not
returned: success, path exists
type: boolean
sample: True
description: if the path is a symbolic link or junction or not
description: If the path is a symbolic link or not
returned: success, path exists
type: boolean
sample: True
description: if the path is read only or not
description: If the path is read only or not
returned: success, path exists
type: boolean
sample: True
description: if the path is a regular file
description: If the path is a regular file
returned: success, path exists
type: boolean
sample: True
description: if the path is shared or not
description: If the path is shared or not
returned: success, path exists
type: boolean
sample: True
description: the last access time of the file represented in seconds since epoch
description: The last access time of the file represented in seconds since epoch
returned: success, path exists
type: float
sample: 1477984205.15
description: the last modification time of the file represented in seconds since epoch
description: The last modification time of the file represented in seconds since epoch
returned: success, path exists
type: float
sample: 1477984205.15
description: the target of the symbolic link, will return null if not a link or the link is broken
return: success, path exists, file is a symbolic link
description: Target of the symlink normalized for the remote filesystem
returned: success, path exists and the path is a symbolic link or junction point
type: string
sample: C:\temp
sample: C:\temp\link
description: Target of the symlink. Note that relative paths remain relative
returned: success, path exists and the path is a symbolic link or junction point
type: string
sample: ..\link
description: The MD5 checksum of a file (Between Ansible 1.9 and 2.2 this was returned as a SHA1 hash), will be removed in 2.9
returned: success, path exist, path is a file, get_md5 == True
type: string
sample: 09cb79e8fc7453c84a07f644e441fd81623b7f98
description: Number of links to the file (hard links)
returned: success, path exists
type: int
sample: 1
description: the owner of the file
description: The owner of the file
returned: success, path exists
type: string
sample: BUILTIN\Administrators
description: the full absolute path to the file
description: The full absolute path to the file
returned: success, path exists, file exists
type: string
sample: C:\foo.ini
description: the name of share if folder is shared
description: The name of share if folder is shared
returned: success, path exists, file is a directory and isshared == True
type: string
sample: file-share
description: the size in bytes of a file or folder
description: The size in bytes of a file or folder
returned: success, path exists, file is not a link
type: int
sample: 1024

@ -1 +1,2 @@
win_stat_dir: '{{win_output_dir}}\win_stat'
win_stat_dir: '{{win_output_dir}}\win_stat'
win_stat_user: test-stat

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.LinkUtil
$params = Parse-Args $args
$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateset "absent","present"
$src = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "src" -type "path" -failifempty $true
$target = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "target" -type "path" -failifempty $($state -eq "present")
$result = @{
changed = $false
if ($state -eq "absent") {
if (Test-Path -Path $src) {
Remove-Link -link_path $src
$result.changed = $true
} else {
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $src)) {
New-Link -link_path $src -link_target $target -link_type "link"
$result.changed = $true
Exit-Json -obj $result

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
- name: make sure symlink file does not exist
src: '{{win_stat_dir}}\file-link.txt'
state: absent
- name: remove win_stat testing directories for clean slate
path: '{{win_stat_dir}}'
@ -25,11 +30,13 @@
$normal_content = "abc"
$normal_files = @(
"folder space\file.ps1"
"folder space\file.ps1",
foreach ($file in $normal_files) {
New-Item -Path "{{win_stat_dir}}\$file" -ItemType File
@ -44,8 +51,9 @@
$wmi.Create("{{win_stat_dir}}\shared", "folder-share", 0)
cmd.exe /c mklink /D "{{win_stat_dir}}\link" "{{win_stat_dir}}\link-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /H "{{win_stat_dir}}\nested\hard-link.ps1" "{{win_stat_dir}}\nested\file.ps1"
cmd.exe /c mklink /H "{{win_stat_dir}}\nested\hard-link.ps1" "{{win_stat_dir}}\nested\hard-target.txt"
cmd.exe /c mklink /J "{{win_stat_dir}}\junction-link" "{{win_stat_dir}}\junction-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /D "{{win_stat_dir}}\nested\nested\link-rel" "..\..\link-dest"
$date = Get-Date -Year 2016 -Month 11 -Day 1 -Hour 7 -Minute 10 -Second 5 -Millisecond 0
Get-ChildItem -Path "{{win_stat_dir}}" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
@ -69,14 +77,38 @@
$item.Attributes = $file_attributes -join ','
# weird issue, need to access the file in anyway to get the correct date stats
Test-Path {{win_stat_dir}}\nested\hard-link.ps1
# mklink.exe and win_file cannot do this right now so we need a custom module
- name: create file symlink
src: '{{win_stat_dir}}\file-link.txt'
target: '{{win_stat_dir}}\nested\file.ps1'
state: present
- block:
- include_tasks: tests.yml
- name: make sure symlink file does not exist
src: '{{win_stat_dir}}\file-link.txt'
state: absent
- name: remove testing folder
path: '{{win_stat_dir}}'
state: absent
- name: ensure test user is deleted
name: '{{win_stat_user}}'
state: absent
- name: ensure testy user profile is deleted
win_shell: rmdir /S /Q {{profile_dir_out.stdout_lines[0]}}
executable: cmd.exe
when: win_stat_user in profile_dir_out.stdout_lines[0]

@ -13,15 +13,19 @@
- stat_file.stat.exists == True
- stat_file.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- stat_file.stat.filename == 'file.ps1'
- stat_file.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_file.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_file.stat.isdir == False
- stat_file.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_file.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_file.stat.islnk == False
- stat_file.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_file.stat.isreg == True
- stat_file.stat.isshared == False
- stat_file.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_file.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_file.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_file.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_file.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_file.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\file.ps1'
- stat_file.stat.size == 3
@ -36,24 +40,7 @@
- name: check actual for file without md5
- stat_file_md5.stat.attributes == 'Archive'
- stat_file_md5.stat.checksum == 'a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d'
- stat_file_md5.stat.creationtime == 1477984205
- stat_file_md5.stat.exists == True
- stat_file_md5.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- stat_file_md5.stat.filename == 'file.ps1'
- stat_file_md5.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_file_md5.stat.isdir == False
- stat_file_md5.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_file_md5.stat.islnk == False
- stat_file_md5.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_file_md5.stat.isshared == False
- stat_file_md5.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_file_md5.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_file_md5.stat.md5 == '900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72'
- stat_file_md5.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_file_md5.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\file.ps1'
- stat_file_md5.stat.size == 3
- name: test win_stat module on file with sha256
@ -64,24 +51,7 @@
- name: check actual for file with sha256
- stat_file_sha256.stat.attributes == 'Archive'
- stat_file_sha256.stat.checksum == 'ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad'
- stat_file_sha256.stat.creationtime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha256.stat.exists == True
- stat_file_sha256.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- stat_file_sha256.stat.filename == 'file.ps1'
- stat_file_sha256.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_file_sha256.stat.isdir == False
- stat_file_sha256.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_file_sha256.stat.islnk == False
- stat_file_sha256.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_file_sha256.stat.isshared == False
- stat_file_sha256.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha256.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha256.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_file_sha256.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_file_sha256.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\file.ps1'
- stat_file_sha256.stat.size == 3
- name: test win_stat module on file with sha384
@ -92,24 +62,7 @@
- name: check actual for file with sha384
- stat_file_sha384.stat.attributes == 'Archive'
- stat_file_sha384.stat.checksum == 'cb00753f45a35e8bb5a03d699ac65007272c32ab0eded1631a8b605a43ff5bed8086072ba1e7cc2358baeca134c825a7'
- stat_file_sha384.stat.creationtime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha384.stat.exists == True
- stat_file_sha384.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- stat_file_sha384.stat.filename == 'file.ps1'
- stat_file_sha384.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_file_sha384.stat.isdir == False
- stat_file_sha384.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_file_sha384.stat.islnk == False
- stat_file_sha384.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_file_sha384.stat.isshared == False
- stat_file_sha384.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha384.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha384.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_file_sha384.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_file_sha384.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\file.ps1'
- stat_file_sha384.stat.size == 3
- name: test win_stat module on file with sha512
@ -120,24 +73,7 @@
- name: check actual for file with sha512
- stat_file_sha512.stat.attributes == 'Archive'
- stat_file_sha512.stat.checksum == 'ddaf35a193617abacc417349ae20413112e6fa4e89a97ea20a9eeee64b55d39a2192992a274fc1a836ba3c23a3feebbd454d4423643ce80e2a9ac94fa54ca49f'
- stat_file_sha512.stat.creationtime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha512.stat.exists == True
- stat_file_sha512.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- stat_file_sha512.stat.filename == 'file.ps1'
- stat_file_sha512.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_file_sha512.stat.isdir == False
- stat_file_sha512.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_file_sha512.stat.islnk == False
- stat_file_sha512.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_file_sha512.stat.isshared == False
- stat_file_sha512.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha512.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_file_sha512.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_file_sha512.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_file_sha512.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\file.ps1'
- stat_file_sha512.stat.size == 3
- name: test win_stat on hidden file
@ -153,15 +89,19 @@
- stat_file_hidden.stat.exists == True
- stat_file_hidden.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- stat_file_hidden.stat.filename == 'hidden.ps1'
- stat_file_hidden.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_file_hidden.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_file_hidden.stat.isdir == False
- stat_file_hidden.stat.ishidden == True
- stat_file_hidden.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_file_hidden.stat.islnk == False
- stat_file_hidden.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_file_hidden.stat.isreg == True
- stat_file_hidden.stat.isshared == False
- stat_file_hidden.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_file_hidden.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_file_hidden.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_file_hidden.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_file_hidden.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_file_hidden.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\hidden.ps1'
- stat_file_hidden.stat.size == 3
@ -180,15 +120,19 @@
- stat_readonly.stat.exists == True
- stat_readonly.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- stat_readonly.stat.filename == 'read-only.ps1'
- stat_readonly.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_readonly.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_readonly.stat.isdir == False
- stat_readonly.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_readonly.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_readonly.stat.islnk == False
- stat_readonly.stat.isreadonly == True
- stat_readonly.stat.isreg == True
- stat_readonly.stat.isshared == False
- stat_readonly.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_readonly.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_readonly.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_readonly.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_readonly.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_readonly.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\read-only.ps1'
- stat_readonly.stat.size == 3
@ -207,15 +151,18 @@
- stat_hard_link.stat.exists == True
- stat_hard_link.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- stat_hard_link.stat.filename == 'hard-link.ps1'
- stat_hard_link.stat.hlnk_targets == [ win_stat_dir + '\\nested\hard-target.txt' ]
- stat_hard_link.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_hard_link.stat.isdir == False
- stat_hard_link.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_hard_link.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_hard_link.stat.islnk == False
- stat_hard_link.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_hard_link.stat.isshared == False
- stat_hard_link.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_hard_link.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_hard_link.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_hard_link.stat.nlink == 2
- stat_hard_link.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_hard_link.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\hard-link.ps1'
- stat_hard_link.stat.size == 3
@ -234,18 +181,22 @@
- stat_directory.stat.exists == True
- stat_directory.stat.extension is not defined
- stat_directory.stat.filename == 'nested'
- stat_directory.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_directory.stat.isarchive == False
- stat_directory.stat.isdir == True
- stat_directory.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_directory.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_directory.stat.islnk == False
- stat_directory.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_directory.stat.isreg == False
- stat_directory.stat.isshared == False
- stat_directory.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_directory.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_directory.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_directory.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_directory.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_directory.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested'
- stat_directory.stat.size == 15
- stat_directory.stat.size == 21
- name: test win_stat on empty directory
@ -261,15 +212,19 @@
- stat_directory_empty.stat.exists == True
- stat_directory_empty.stat.extension is not defined
- stat_directory_empty.stat.filename == 'folder'
- stat_directory_empty.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_directory_empty.stat.isarchive == False
- stat_directory_empty.stat.isdir == True
- stat_directory_empty.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_directory_empty.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_directory_empty.stat.islnk == False
- stat_directory_empty.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_directory_empty.stat.isreg == False
- stat_directory_empty.stat.isshared == False
- stat_directory_empty.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_directory_empty.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_directory_empty.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_directory_empty.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_directory_empty.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_directory_empty.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\folder'
- stat_directory_empty.stat.size == 0
@ -288,15 +243,19 @@
- stat_directory_space.stat.exists == True
- stat_directory_space.stat.extension is not defined
- stat_directory_space.stat.filename == 'folder space'
- stat_directory_space.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_directory_space.stat.isarchive == False
- stat_directory_space.stat.isdir == True
- stat_directory_space.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_directory_space.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_directory_space.stat.islnk == False
- stat_directory_space.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_directory_space.stat.isreg == False
- stat_directory_space.stat.isshared == False
- stat_directory_space.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_directory_space.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_directory_space.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_directory_space.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_directory_space.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_directory_space.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\folder space'
- stat_directory_space.stat.size == 3
@ -315,15 +274,19 @@
- stat_hidden.stat.exists == True
- stat_hidden.stat.extension is not defined
- stat_hidden.stat.filename == 'hidden'
- stat_hidden.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_hidden.stat.isarchive == False
- stat_hidden.stat.isdir == True
- stat_hidden.stat.ishidden == True
- stat_hidden.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_hidden.stat.islnk == False
- stat_hidden.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_hidden.stat.isreg == False
- stat_hidden.stat.isshared == False
- stat_hidden.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_hidden.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_hidden.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_hidden.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_hidden.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_hidden.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\hidden'
- stat_hidden.stat.size == 0
@ -342,74 +305,147 @@
- stat_shared.stat.exists == True
- stat_shared.stat.extension is not defined
- stat_shared.stat.filename == 'shared'
- stat_shared.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_shared.stat.isarchive == False
- stat_shared.stat.isdir == True
- stat_shared.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_shared.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_shared.stat.islnk == False
- stat_shared.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_shared.stat.isreg == False
- stat_shared.stat.isshared == True
- stat_shared.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- stat_shared.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- stat_shared.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_shared.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_shared.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
- stat_shared.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\shared'
- stat_shared.stat.sharename == 'folder-share'
- stat_shared.stat.size == 0
- name: test win_stat on symlink
- name: test win_stat on directory symlink
path: '{{win_stat_dir}}\link'
register: stat_symlink
# I cannot change modification time on links so we don't check those values
- name: assert symlink actual
- name: assert directory symlink actual
- stat_symlink.stat.attributes == 'Directory, ReparsePoint'
- stat_symlink.stat.creationtime is defined
- stat_symlink.stat.exists == True
- stat_symlink.stat.filename == 'link'
- stat_symlink.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_symlink.stat.isarchive == False
- stat_symlink.stat.isdir == True
- stat_symlink.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_symlink.stat.islnk == True
- stat_symlink.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_symlink.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_symlink.stat.isreg == False
- stat_symlink.stat.isshared == False
- stat_symlink.stat.lastaccesstime is defined
- stat_symlink.stat.lastwritetime is defined
- stat_symlink.stat.lnk_source == win_stat_dir + '\\link-dest'
- stat_symlink.stat.lnk_target == win_stat_dir + '\\link-dest'
- stat_symlink.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_symlink.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\\Administrators'
- stat_symlink.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\link'
- stat_symlink.stat.size is not defined
- stat_symlink.stat.checksum is not defined
- stat_symlink.stat.md5 is not defined
- name: test win_stat on file symlink
path: '{{win_stat_dir}}\file-link.txt'
register: stat_file_symlink
- name: assert file symlink actual
- stat_file_symlink.stat.attributes == 'Archive, ReparsePoint'
- stat_file_symlink.stat.checksum == 'a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d'
- stat_file_symlink.stat.creationtime is defined
- stat_file_symlink.stat.exists == True
- stat_file_symlink.stat.extension == '.txt'
- stat_file_symlink.stat.filename == 'file-link.txt'
- stat_file_symlink.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_file_symlink.stat.isarchive == True
- stat_file_symlink.stat.isdir == False
- stat_file_symlink.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_file_symlink.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_file_symlink.stat.islnk == True
- stat_file_symlink.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_file_symlink.stat.isreg == False
- stat_file_symlink.stat.isshared == False
- stat_file_symlink.stat.lastaccesstime is defined
- stat_file_symlink.stat.lastwritetime is defined
- stat_file_symlink.stat.lnk_source == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\file.ps1'
- stat_file_symlink.stat.lnk_target == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\file.ps1'
- stat_file_symlink.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_file_symlink.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_file_symlink.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\\Administrators'
- stat_file_symlink.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\file-link.txt'
- name: test win_stat on relative symlink
path: '{{win_stat_dir}}\nested\nested\link-rel'
register: stat_rel_symlink
- name: assert directory relative symlink actual
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.attributes == 'Directory, ReparsePoint'
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.creationtime is defined
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.exists == True
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.filename == 'link-rel'
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.isarchive == False
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.isdir == True
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.isjunction == False
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.islnk == True
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.isreg == False
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.isshared == False
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.lastaccesstime is defined
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.lastwritetime is defined
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.lnk_source == win_stat_dir + '\\link-dest'
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.lnk_target == '..\\..\\link-dest'
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\\Administrators'
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\nested\\link-rel'
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.checksum is not defined
- stat_rel_symlink.stat.md5 is not defined
- name: test win_stat on junction
path: '{{win_stat_dir}}\junction-link'
register: stat_junction_point
- name: assert symlink actual
- name: assert junction actual
- stat_junction_point.stat.attributes == 'Directory, ReparsePoint'
- stat_junction_point.stat.creationtime is defined
- stat_junction_point.stat.exists == True
- stat_junction_point.stat.filename == 'junction-link'
- stat_junction_point.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- stat_junction_point.stat.isarchive == False
- stat_junction_point.stat.isdir == True
- stat_junction_point.stat.ishidden == False
- stat_junction_point.stat.islnk == True
- stat_junction_point.stat.isjunction == True
- stat_junction_point.stat.islnk == False
- stat_junction_point.stat.isreadonly == False
- stat_junction_point.stat.isreg == False
- stat_junction_point.stat.isshared == False
- stat_junction_point.stat.lastaccesstime is defined
- stat_junction_point.stat.lastwritetime is defined
- stat_junction_point.stat.lnk_source == win_stat_dir + '\\junction-dest'
- stat_junction_point.stat.lnk_target == win_stat_dir + '\\junction-dest'
- stat_junction_point.stat.nlink == 1
- stat_junction_point.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\\Administrators'
- stat_junction_point.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\junction-link'
- stat_junction_point.stat.size is not defined
- stat_junction_point.stat.checksum is not defined
- stat_junction_point.stat.md5 is not defined
- stat_junction_point.stat.size == 0
- name: test win_stat module non-existent path
@ -432,9 +468,100 @@
- name: get stat of pagefile
path: C:\pagefile.sys
get_md5: no
get_checksum: no
register: pagefile_stat
- name: assert get stat of pagefile
- pagefile_stat.stat.exists == True
# Tests with normal user
- set_fact:
gen_pw: password123! + {{ lookup('password', '/dev/null chars=ascii_letters,digits length=8') }}
- name: create test user
name: '{{win_stat_user}}'
password: '{{gen_pw}}'
update_password: always
groups: Users
- name: get become user profile dir so we can clean it up later
vars: &become_vars
ansible_become_user: '{{win_stat_user}}'
ansible_become_password: '{{gen_pw}}'
ansible_become_method: runas
ansible_become: yes
win_shell: $env:USERPROFILE
register: profile_dir_out
- name: ensure profile dir contains test username (eg, if become fails silently, prevent deletion of real user profile)
- win_stat_user in profile_dir_out.stdout_lines[0]
- name: test stat with non admin user on a normal file
vars: *become_vars
path: '{{win_stat_dir}}\nested\file.ps1'
register: user_file
- name: asert test stat with non admin user on a normal file
- user_file.stat.attributes == 'Archive'
- user_file.stat.checksum == 'a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d'
- user_file.stat.creationtime == 1477984205
- user_file.stat.exists == True
- user_file.stat.extension == '.ps1'
- user_file.stat.filename == 'file.ps1'
- user_file.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- user_file.stat.isarchive == True
- user_file.stat.isdir == False
- user_file.stat.ishidden == False
- user_file.stat.isjunction == False
- user_file.stat.islnk == False
- user_file.stat.isreadonly == False
- user_file.stat.isreg == True
- user_file.stat.isshared == False
- user_file.stat.lastaccesstime == 1477984205
- user_file.stat.lastwritetime == 1477984205
- user_file.stat.md5 is not defined
- user_file.stat.nlink == 1
- user_file.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\\Administrators'
- user_file.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\nested\\file.ps1'
- user_file.stat.size == 3
- name: test stat on a symbolic link as normal user
vars: *become_vars
path: '{{win_stat_dir}}\link'
register: user_symlink
- name: assert test stat on a symbolic link as normal user
- user_symlink.stat.attributes == 'Directory, ReparsePoint'
- user_symlink.stat.creationtime is defined
- user_symlink.stat.exists == True
- user_symlink.stat.filename == 'link'
- user_symlink.stat.hlnk_targets == []
- user_symlink.stat.isarchive == False
- user_symlink.stat.isdir == True
- user_symlink.stat.ishidden == False
- user_symlink.stat.islnk == True
- user_symlink.stat.isjunction == False
- user_symlink.stat.isreadonly == False
- user_symlink.stat.isreg == False
- user_symlink.stat.isshared == False
- user_symlink.stat.lastaccesstime is defined
- user_symlink.stat.lastwritetime is defined
- user_symlink.stat.lnk_source == win_stat_dir + '\\link-dest'
- user_symlink.stat.lnk_target == win_stat_dir + '\\link-dest'
- user_symlink.stat.nlink == 1
- user_symlink.stat.owner == 'BUILTIN\\Administrators'
- user_symlink.stat.path == win_stat_dir + '\\link'
- user_symlink.stat.checksum is not defined
- user_symlink.stat.md5 is not defined
