@ -533,19 +533,36 @@ class VaultEditor:
# TODO: add docstrings for arg types since this code is picky about that
def write_data ( self , data , filename , shred = True ) :
""" write data to given path
""" Write the data bytes to given path
: arg data : the encrypted and hexlified data as a utf - 8 byte string
This is used to write a byte string to a file or stdout . It is used for
writing the results of vault encryption or decryption . It is used for
saving the ciphertext after encryption and it is also used for saving the
plaintext after decrypting a vault . The type of the ' data ' arg should be bytes ,
since in the plaintext case , the original contents can be of any text encoding
or arbitrary binary data .
When used to write the result of vault encryption , the val of the ' data ' arg
should be a utf - 8 encoded byte string and not a text typ and not a text type . .
When used to write the result of vault decryption , the val of the ' data ' arg
should be a byte string and not a text type .
: arg data : the byte string ( bytes ) data
: arg filename : filename to save ' data ' to .
: arg shred : if shred == True , make sure that the original data is first shredded so
that is cannot be recovered .
: arg shred : if shred == True , make sure that the original data is first shredded so that is cannot be recovered .
: returns : None
# FIXME: do we need this now? data_bytes should always be a utf-8 byte string
b_file_data = to_bytes ( data , errors = ' strict ' )
# get a ref to either sys.stdout.buffer for py3 or plain old sys.stdout for py2
# We need sys.stdout.buffer on py3 so we can write bytes to it since the plaintext
# of the vaulted object could be anything/binary/etc
output = getattr ( sys . stdout , ' buffer ' , sys . stdout )
if filename == ' - ' :
file_data = to_text ( b_file_data , encoding = ' utf-8 ' , errors = ' strict ' , nonstring = ' strict ' )
sys . stdout . write ( file_data )
output . write ( b_file_data )
else :
if os . path . isfile ( filename ) :
if shred :