Fixes #5818 Default to all known connection information for the delegate host

James Tanner 11 years ago
parent 658c15930e
commit d355d3c698

@ -298,6 +298,81 @@ class Runner(object):
# *****************************************************
def _compute_delegate(self, host, password, remote_inject):
""" Build a dictionary of all attributes for the delegate host """
delegate = {}
delegate['host'] = host
delegate['inject'] = remote_inject.copy()
# set any interpreters
interpreters = []
for i in delegate['inject']:
if i.startswith("ansible_") and i.endswith("_interpreter"):
for i in interpreters:
del delegate['inject'][i]
this_host = delegate['host']
# get the vars for the delegate by it's name
this_info = delegate['inject']['hostvars'][this_host]
# get the real ssh_address for the delegate
delegate['ssh_host'] = this_info.get('ansible_ssh_host', delegate['host'])
# allow ansible_ssh_host to be templated
delegate['host'] = template.template(self.basedir, this_host,
delegate['inject'], fail_on_undefined=True)
delegate['port'] = this_info.get('ansible_ssh_port', port)
delegate['user'] = self._compute_delegate_user(this_host, delegate['inject'])
delegate['pass'] = this_info.get('ansible_ssh_pass', password)
delegate['private_key_file'] = this_info.get('ansible_ssh_private_key_file',
delegate['transport'] = this_info.get('ansible_connection', self.transport)
delegate['sudo_pass'] = this_info.get('ansible_sudo_pass', self.sudo_pass)
if delegate['private_key_file'] is not None:
delegate['private_key_file'] = os.path.expanduser(delegate['private_key_file'])
for i in this_info:
if i.startswith("ansible_") and i.endswith("_interpreter"):
delegate['inject'][i] = this_info[i]
return delegate
def _compute_delegate_user(self, host, inject):
""" Caculate the remote user based on an order of preference """
# inventory > playbook > original_host
actual_user = inject.get('ansible_ssh_user', self.remote_user)
thisuser = None
if inject['hostvars'][host].get('ansible_ssh_user'):
# user for delegate host in inventory
thisuser = inject['hostvars'][host].get('ansible_ssh_user')
if thisuser is None and self.remote_user:
# user defined by play/runner
thisuser = self.remote_user
if thisuser is not None:
actual_user = thisuser
# fallback to the inventory user of the play host
#actual_user = inject.get('ansible_ssh_user', actual_user)
actual_user = inject.get('ansible_ssh_user', self.remote_user)
return actual_user
# *****************************************************
def _execute_module(self, conn, tmp, module_name, args,
async_jid=None, async_module=None, async_limit=None, inject=None, persist_files=False, complex_args=None):
@ -660,36 +735,15 @@ class Runner(object):
# and we need to transfer those, and only those, variables
delegate_to = inject.get('delegate_to', None)
if delegate_to is not None:
delegate_to = template.template(self.basedir, delegate_to, inject)
inject = inject.copy()
interpreters = []
for i in inject:
if i.startswith("ansible_") and i.endswith("_interpreter"):
for i in interpreters:
del inject[i]
delegate_info = inject['hostvars'][delegate_to]
actual_host = delegate_info.get('ansible_ssh_host', delegate_to)
# allow ansible_ssh_host to be templated
actual_host = template.template(self.basedir, actual_host, inject, fail_on_undefined=True)
actual_port = delegate_info.get('ansible_ssh_port', port)
actual_user = delegate_info.get('ansible_ssh_user', actual_user)
actual_pass = delegate_info.get('ansible_ssh_pass', actual_pass)
actual_private_key_file = delegate_info.get('ansible_ssh_private_key_file', self.private_key_file)
actual_transport = delegate_info.get('ansible_connection', self.transport)
self.sudo_pass = delegate_info.get('ansible_sudo_pass', self.sudo_pass)
if actual_private_key_file is not None:
actual_private_key_file = os.path.expanduser(actual_private_key_file)
for i in delegate_info:
if i.startswith("ansible_") and i.endswith("_interpreter"):
inject[i] = delegate_info[i]
except errors.AnsibleError:
actual_host = delegate_to
actual_port = port
delegate = self._compute_delegate(delegate_to, actual_pass, inject)
actual_transport = delegate['transport']
actual_host = delegate['ssh_host']
actual_port = delegate['port']
actual_user = delegate['user']
actual_pass = delegate['pass']
actual_private_key_file = delegate['private_key_file']
self.sudo_pass = delegate['sudo_pass']
inject = delegate['inject']
# user/pass may still contain variables at this stage
actual_user = template.template(self.basedir, actual_user, inject)
