@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import pytest
from ansible.compat.tests import unittest
from ansible.errors import AnsibleFilterError
from ansible.plugins.filter.ipaddr import (ipaddr, _netmask_query, nthhost, next_nth_usable,
from ansible.plugins.filter.ipaddr import (ipaddr, _netmask_query, nthhost, next_nth_usable, ipsubnet,
previous_nth_usable, network_in_usable, network_in_network,
cidr_merge, ipmath)
netaddr = pytest.importorskip('netaddr')
@ -502,3 +502,44 @@ class TestIpFilter(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(AnsibleFilterError) as exc:
ipmath('', 'some_number')
self.assertEqual(exc.exception.message, expected)
def test_ipsubnet(self):
test_cases = (
(('', '30'), '64'),
(('', '24'), '0'),
(('', ''), '35'),
(('', ''), '51'),
(('', ''), '36870'),
(('', ''), '6'),
(('', ''), '6'),
(('', ''), '5'),
(('', ), ''),
(('', ), ''),
(('', ), ''),
(('', '20'), '16'),
(('', '20', '0'), ''),
(('', '20', '-1'), ''),
(('', '20', '5'), ''),
(('', '20', '-5'), ''),
(('', '20'), ''),
(('', '18', '0'), ''),
(('', '18', '-1'), ''),
(('', '18', '5'), ''),
(('', '18', '-5'), ''),
(('span', 'test', 'error'), False),
(('test', ), False),
(('', '500000', '-5'), False),
(('', '18', '500000'), False),
(('200000', '18', '-5'), ''),
for args, res in test_cases:
self._test_ipsubnet(args, res)
def _test_ipsubnet(self, ipsubnet_args, expected_result):
self.assertEqual(ipsubnet(*ipsubnet_args), expected_result)
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleFilterError, 'You must pass a valid subnet or IP address; invalid_subnet is invalid'):
ipsubnet('', 'invalid_subnet')
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleFilterError, ' is not in the subnet'):
ipsubnet('', '')