@ -50,13 +50,25 @@ notes: []
# install package foo
- apt_rpm: pkg=foo state=present
- apt_rpm:
pkg: foo
state: present
# remove package foo
- apt_rpm: pkg=foo state=absent
# description: remove packages foo and bar
- apt_rpm: pkg=foo,bar state=absent
# description: update the package database and install bar (bar will be the updated if a newer version exists)
- apt_rpm: name=bar state=present update_cache=yes
- apt_rpm:
pkg: foo
state: absent
# description: remove packages foo and bar
- apt_rpm:
pkg: foo,bar
state: absent
# description: update the package database and install bar (bar will be the updated if a newer version exists)
- apt_rpm:
name: bar
state: present
update_cache: yes