Rewrote the precedence docs.

Michael DeHaan 12 years ago
parent f90f571f4d
commit c9a128a5c5

@ -857,30 +857,31 @@ Also see the module documentation section.
Understanding Variable Precedence
You have already learned about inventory host and group variables, 'vars', and 'vars_files'.
If a variable name is defined in more than one place with the same name, priority is as follows
to determine which place sets the value of the variable. Lower numbered items have the highest
1. Any variables specified with --extra-vars (-e) on the ansible-playbook command line.
2. Variables loaded from YAML files mentioned in 'vars_files' in a playbook.
3. facts, whether built in or custom, or variables assigned from the 'register' keyword.
4. variables passed to parameterized task include statements.
5. 'vars' as defined in the playbook.
6. Host variables from inventory.
7. Group variables from inventory in inheritance order. This means if a group includes a sub-group, the variables
in the subgroup have higher precedence.
Therefore, if you want to set a default value for something you wish to override somewhere else, the best
place to set such a default is in a group variable. The 'group_vars/all' file makes an excellent place to put global
variables that are true across your entire site, since everything has higher priority than these values.
You have already learned about inventory variables, 'vars', and 'vars_files'. In the
event the same variable name occurs in more than one place, what happens? There are really three tiers
of precedence, and within those tiers, some minor ordering rules that you probably won't even need to remember.
We'll explain them anyway though.
Variables that are set during the execution of the play have highest priority. This includes registered
variables and facts, which are discovered pieces of information about remote hosts.
Descending in priority are variables defined in the playbook. 'vars_files' as defined in the playbook are next up,
followed by variables as passed to ansible-playbook via --extra-vars (-e), then variables defined in the 'vars' section. These
should all be taken to be basically the same thing -- good places to define constants about what the play does to all hosts
in the play.
Finally, inventory variables have the least priority. Variables about hosts override those about groups.
If a variable is defined in multiple groups and one group is a child of the other, the child group variable
will override the variable set in the parent.
This makes the 'group_vars/all' file the best place to define a default value you wish to override in another
group, or even in a playbook. For example, your organization might set a default ntp server in group_vars/all
and then override it based on a group based on a geographic region. However if you type 'ntpserver:'
in a vars section of a playbook, you know from reading the playbook that THAT specific value is definitely the one
that is going to be used. You won't be fooled by some variable from inventory sneaking up on you.
So, in short, if you want something easy to remember: facts beat playbook definitions, and
playbook definitions beat inventory variables.
Check Mode ("Dry Run") --check
