@ -467,6 +467,57 @@ Function Invoke-WithWebRequest {
Function Merge-WebRequestSpec {
Merges a modules spec definition with extra options supplied by this module_util. Options from the module take
priority over the module util spec.
The root $spec of a module option definition to merge with.
$spec = @{
options = @{
name = @{ type = "str" }
supports_check_mode = $true
$spec = Merge-WebRequestSpec -ModuleSpec $spec
param (
$SpecToMerge = @{ options = $ansible_web_request_options }
foreach ($option_kvp in $SpecToMerge.GetEnumerator()) {
$k = $option_kvp.Key
$v = $option_kvp.Value
if ($ModuleSpec.Contains($k)) {
if ($v -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
$ModuleSpec[$k] = Merge-WebRequestSpec -ModuleSpec $ModuleSpec[$k] -SpecToMerge $v
} elseif ($v -is [Array] -or $v -is [System.Collections.IList]) {
$sourceList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]$ModuleSpec[$k]
foreach ($entry in $v) {
$ModuleSpec[$k] = $sourceList
} else {
$ModuleSpec[$k] = $v
$ansible_web_request_options = @{
url = @{ type="str"; required=$true }
method = @{ type="str" }
@ -481,8 +532,8 @@ $ansible_web_request_options = @{
client_cert = @{ type="str" }
client_cert_password = @{ type="str"; no_log=$true }
force_basic_auth = @{ type="bool"; default=$false }
url_username = @{ type="str"; aliases=@("user", "username") } # user was used in win_uri
url_password = @{ type="str"; aliases=@("password"); no_log=$true }
url_username = @{ type="str" }
url_password = @{ type="str"; no_log=$true }
use_default_credential = @{ type="bool"; default=$false }
# Proxy options
@ -494,7 +545,7 @@ $ansible_web_request_options = @{
$export_members = @{
Function = "Get-AnsibleWebRequest", "Invoke-WithWebRequest"
Function = "Get-AnsibleWebRequest", "Invoke-WithWebRequest", "Merge-WebRequestSpec"
Variable = "ansible_web_request_options"
Export-ModuleMember @export_members