@ -946,6 +946,46 @@ feature produces a large amount of output, it is best used when checking a singl
ansible-playbook foo.yml --check --diff --limit foo.example.com
Passing Complex Arguments From Dictionaries
As a review, most tasks in ansbile are of this form::
- name: ensure the cobbler package is installed
yum: name=cobbler state=installed
However, in some cases, it may be useful to feed arguments directly in from a hash (dictionary). In fact, a very small
number of modules (the CloudFormations module is one) actually require complex arguments that can't be fit
into a key=value system. To pass arguments in from a hash (dictionary), do this::
- name: call a module that requires some complex arguments
module_name_goes_here: asdf=1234
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 3
- fido
- woof
- limpet
- nemo
While complex arguments can be fed to most modules in Ansible, they should only be used where needed. Note
that variable interpolation works exactly as you would suspect, so you can use "${foo}" and so on in values
inside of the dictionary you pass to "args".
If both key=value arguments are given along with 'args', the key=value arguments take priority. This technically
means you can set defaults by using 'args' if you so choose, though that is not the intended purpose of this
Advanced Task Includes