- `nanvault <https://github.com/marcobellaccini/nanvault>`_ - a standalone tool to encrypt and decrypt files in the Ansible Vault format, featuring UNIX-style composability.
- `OpsTools-ansible <https://github.com/centos-opstools/opstools-ansible>`_ - uses Ansible to configure an environment that provides the support of `OpsTools <https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/OpsTools>`_, namely centralized logging and analysis, availability monitoring, and performance monitoring.
- `TD4A <https://github.com/cidrblock/td4a>`_ - a template designer for automation. TD4A is a visual design aid for building and testing jinja2 templates. It will combine data in yaml format with a jinja2 template and render the output.
- `PHP-Ansible <https://github.com/maschmann/php-ansible>`_ - an object oriented Ansible wrapper for PHP.