win_dns_client DHCP improvements + more (#66451)

* Fix DHCP support in win_dns_client + more

* Fix bugs and test failures, add changelog fragment

* Add idempotency tests for DHCP

* Address review feedback; dedup address-family code

* Remove legacy function

* Remove old reference
Brian Scholer 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent e3d5dc0ed0
commit be26f4916f
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- Checks for and resolves a condition where effective nameservers are obfucated, usually by malware.
- Fix detection of DHCP setting so that resetting to DHCP doesn't cause ``CHANGED`` status on every run.

@ -4,18 +4,16 @@
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
# FUTURE: check statically-set values via registry so we can determine difference between DHCP-source values and static values? (prevent spurious changed
# notifications on DHCP-sourced values)
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ConfirmPreference = "None"
Set-Variable -Visibility Public -Option ReadOnly,AllScope,Constant -Name "AddressFamilies" -Value @(
Set-Variable -Visibility Public -Option ReadOnly,AllScope,Constant -Name "AddressFamilies" -Value @{
[System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6 = 'IPv6'
[System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork = 'IPv4'
$result = @{changed=$false}
$params = Parse-Args -arguments $args -supports_check_mode $true
@ -43,6 +41,54 @@ Function Write-DebugLog {
Function Get-OptionalProperty {
Retreives a property that may not exist from an object that may be null.
Optionally returns a default value.
Optionally coalesces to a new type with -as.
May return null, but will not throw.
$InputObject ,
$Name ,
$Default ,
Process {
if ($null -eq $InputObject) {
return $null
$value = if ($InputObject.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $Name) {
} else {
if ($As) {
return $value -as $As
return $value
Function Get-NetAdapterInfo {
Param (
@ -77,35 +123,25 @@ Function Get-NetAdapterInfo {
$cim_params = @{
ClassName = "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"
Filter = "InterfaceIndex = $($_.InterfaceIndex)"
Property = "DNSServerSearchOrder", "IPEnabled"
Property = "DNSServerSearchOrder", "IPEnabled", "SettingID"
$adapter_config = Get-CimInstance @cim_params
$adapter_config = Get-CimInstance @cim_params |
Select-Object -Property DNSServerSearchOrder, IPEnabled, @{
Name = 'InterfaceGuid'
Expression = { $_.SettingID }
if ($adapter_config.IPEnabled -eq $false) {
if (Get-Command -Name Get-DnsClientServerAddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$dns_servers = Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex $_.InterfaceIndex | Select-Object -Property @(
} else {
$dns_servers = @(
AddressFamily = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork
ServerAddresses = $adapter_config.DNSServerSearchOrder
AddressFamily = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6
ServerAddresses = @() # WMI does not support IPv6 so we just keep it blank.
$reg_info = $adapter_config | Get-RegistryNameServerInfo
Name = $_.Name
InterfaceIndex = $_.InterfaceIndex
DNSServers = $dns_servers
InterfaceGuid = $adapter_config.InterfaceGuid
RegInfo = $reg_info
@ -117,6 +153,63 @@ Function Get-NetAdapterInfo {
Function Get-RegistryNameServerInfo {
Param (
Begin {
$protoItems = @{
[System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork = @{
Interface = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{{{0}}}'
StaticNameServer = 'NameServer'
DhcpNameServer = 'DhcpNameServer'
EnableDhcp = 'EnableDHCP'
[System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6 = @{
Interface = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters\Interfaces\{{{0}}}'
StaticNameServer = 'NameServer'
DhcpNameServer = 'Dhcpv6DNSServers'
EnableDhcp = 'EnableDHCP'
Process {
foreach ($addrFamily in $AddressFamilies.Keys) {
$items = $protoItems[$addrFamily]
$regPath = $items.Interface -f $InterfaceGuid
if (($iface = Get-Item -LiteralPath $regPath -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
$iprop = $iface | Get-ItemProperty
$famInfo = @{
AddressFamily = $addrFamily
UsingDhcp = Get-OptionalProperty -InputObject $iprop -Name $items.EnableDhcp -As bool
EffectiveNameServers = @()
DhcpAssignedNameServers = @()
NameServerBadFormat = $false
if (($ns = Get-OptionalProperty -InputObject $iprop -Name $items.DhcpNameServer)) {
$famInfo.EffectiveNameServers = $famInfo.DhcpAssignedNameServers = $ns.Split(' ')
if (($ns = Get-OptionalProperty -InputObject $iprop -Name $items.StaticNameServer)) {
$famInfo.EffectiveNameServers = $famInfo.StaticNameServers = $ns -split '[,;\ ]'
$famInfo.UsingDhcp = $false
$famInfo.NameServerBadFormat = $ns -match '[;\ ]'
# minimal impl of Set-DnsClientServerAddress for 2008/2008R2
Function Set-DnsClientServerAddressLegacy {
@ -155,35 +248,47 @@ Function Test-DnsClientMatch {
Write-DebugLog ("Getting DNS config for adapter {0}" -f $AdapterInfo.Name)
$current_dns = [System.Net.IPAddress[]]($AdapterInfo.DNSServers.ServerAddresses)
Write-DebugLog ("Current DNS settings: {0}" -f ([string[]]$dns_servers -join ", "))
if(($null -eq $current_dns) -and ($null -eq $dns_servers)) {
Write-DebugLog "Neither are dns servers configured nor specified within the playbook."
return $true
} elseif ($null -eq $current_dns) {
Write-DebugLog "There are currently no dns servers specified, but they should be present."
return $false
} elseif ($null -eq $dns_servers) {
Write-DebugLog "There are currently dns servers specified, but they should be absent."
return $false
foreach($address in $current_dns) {
if($address -notin $dns_servers) {
Write-DebugLog "There are currently fewer dns servers present than specified within the playbook."
return $false
foreach ($proto in $AdapterInfo.RegInfo) {
$desired_dns = if ($dns_servers) {
$dns_servers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.AddressFamily -eq $proto.AddressFamily}
foreach($address in $dns_servers) {
if($address -notin $current_dns) {
Write-DebugLog "There are currently further dns servers present than specified within the playbook."
$current_dns = [System.Net.IPAddress[]]($proto.EffectiveNameServers)
Write-DebugLog ("Current DNS settings for '{1}' Address Family: {0}" -f ([string[]]$current_dns -join ", "),$AddressFamilies[$proto.AddressFamily])
if ($proto.NameServerBadFormat) {
Write-DebugLog "Malicious DNS server format detected. Will set DNS desired state."
return $false
# See:
if ($proto.UsingDhcp -and -not $desired_dns) {
Write-DebugLog "DHCP DNS Servers are in use and no DNS servers were requested (DHCP is desired)."
} else {
if ($desired_dns -and -not $current_dns) {
Write-DebugLog "There are currently no DNS servers in use, but they should be present."
return $false
if ($current_dns -and -not $desired_dns) {
Write-DebugLog "There are currently DNS servers in use, but they should be absent."
return $false
if ($null -ne $current_dns -and
$null -ne $desired_dns -and
(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $current_dns -DifferenceObject $desired_dns -SyncWindow 0)) {
Write-DebugLog "Static DNS servers are not in the desired state (incorrect or in the wrong order)."
return $false
Write-DebugLog ("Current DNS settings match ({0})." -f ([string[]]$desired_dns -join ", "))
Write-DebugLog ("Current DNS settings match ({0})." -f ([string[]]$dns_servers -join ", "))
return $true
Function Assert-IPAddress {
Param([string] $address)

@ -24,18 +24,21 @@ options:
required: yes
- Single or ordered list of DNS servers (IPv4 and IPv6 addresses) to configure for lookup. An empty list will configure the adapter to use the
DHCP-assigned values on connections where DHCP is enabled, or disable DNS lookup on statically-configured connections.
- Single or ordered list of DNS servers (IPv4 and IPv6 addresses) to configure for lookup.
- An empty list will configure the adapter to use the DHCP-assigned values on connections where DHCP is enabled,
or disable DNS lookup on statically-configured connections.
- IPv6 DNS servers can only be set on Windows Server 2012 or newer, older hosts can only set IPv4 addresses.
- Before 2.10 use ipv4_addresses instead.
type: list
required: yes
aliases: [ "ipv4_addresses", "ip_addresses", "addresses" ]
- When setting an empty list of DNS server addresses on an adapter with DHCP enabled, a change will always be registered, since it is not possible to
detect the difference between a DHCP-sourced server value and one that is statically set.
- Before 2.10, when setting an empty list of DNS server addresses on an adapter with DHCP enabled, a change was always registered.
- In 2.10, DNS servers will always be reset if the format of nameservers in the registry is not comma delimited.
See U(
- Matt Davis (@nitzmahone)
- Brian Scholer (@briantist)
@ -66,5 +69,4 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
RETURN = r'''

@ -177,6 +177,17 @@
- set_dhcp is changed
- set_dhcp_actual.stdout_lines == []
- name: reset IPv4 DNS back to DHCP (idempotent)
adapter_names: '{{ network_adapter_name }}'
ipv4_addresses: []
register: set_dhcp_again
- name: assert reset IPv4 DNS back to DHCP (idempotent)
- set_dhcp_again is not changed
# Legacy WMI does not support setting IPv6 addresses so we can only test this on newer hosts that have the new cmdlets
- name: check if server supports IPv6
win_shell: if (Get-Command -Name Get-NetAdapter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $true } else { $false }
