@ -145,29 +145,44 @@ than "/usr/share/ansible". This means anyone can use Ansible, even without
root permissions.
There is potential for a sizeable community to build
up around the library scripts.
up around the library scripts, and you can easily write your own.
Modules include:
Current modules include:
* command -- runs commands, giving output, return codes, and run time info
* ping - just returns if the system is up or not
* facter - retrieves facts about the host OS
* ohai - similar to facter, but returns structured data
* copy - add files to remote systems
* setup - pushes key/value data onto the system for use in templating
* template - takes a local template file and saves a templated version remotely
Service, package, and user modules, supporting puppet-like ensure semantics
are coming soon.
Playbooks are loosely equivalent to recipes or manifests in most configuration
management or deployment tools and describe a set of operations to run on
a set of hosts. Some tasks can choose to only fire when certain
conditions are true, and if a task in a chain fails the dependent tasks
will not proceed. Playbooks are described in (YAML)[http://yaml.org] format.
Playbooks are particularly awesome. Playbooks can batch ansible commands
together, and run some commands only when ansible modifies certain higher
level resources -- such as restarting apache when a configuration file is
replaced. They generate detailed reports of what happend on each node.
See examples/playbook.yml for what the syntax looks like.
To run a playbook:
ansible -r playbook.yml
An ansible-playbook CLI command is pending. Until then, remember that when
using playbooks, the pattern and host list options come from the playbook
and are ignored. Other options still apply.
Future plans
* see TODO.md
* see github's issue tracker for what we're thinking about