Updated test constraints for mock assert_called() and assert_called_once()

Bojan Vitnik 5 years ago committed by Matt Clay
parent afb48414b6
commit a69e9e3470

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ virtualenv < 16.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # virtualenv 16.0.0 and later requi
pyopenssl < 18.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # pyOpenSSL 18.0.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyfmg == 0.6.1 # newer versions do not pass current unit tests
pycparser < 2.19 ; python_version < '2.7' # pycparser 2.19 and later require python 2.7 or later
mock >= 2.0.0 # needed for features backported from Python 3.6 unittest.mock (assert_called, assert_called_once...)
pytest-mock >= 1.4.0 # needed for mock_use_standalone_module pytest option
# freeze pylint and its requirements for consistent test results
astroid == 2.0.4

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ passenv =
xfail_strict = true
cache_dir = .pytest_cache
mock_use_standalone_module = true
# These are things that the devs don't agree make the code more readable
