@ -20,40 +20,82 @@ __metaclass__ = type
from ansible.errors import *
from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
from ansible.utils.listify import listify_lookup_plugin_terms
from ansible.utils.boolean import boolean
FLAGS = ('skip_missing',)
class LookupModule(LookupBase):
def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs):
terms[0] = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms[0], variables, loader=self._loader)
def _raise_terms_error(msg=""):
raise errors.AnsibleError(
"subelements lookup expects a list of two or three items, "
+ msg)
terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms, self.basedir, inject)
terms[0] = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms[0], self.basedir, inject)
if not isinstance(terms, list) or not len(terms) == 2:
raise AnsibleError("subelements lookup expects a list of two items, first a dict or a list, and second a string")
# check lookup terms - check number of terms
if not isinstance(terms, list) or not 2 <= len(terms) <= 3:
if isinstance(terms[0], dict): # convert to list:
if terms[0].get('skipped',False) != False:
# first term should be a list (or dict), second a string holding the subkey
if not isinstance(terms[0], (list, dict)) or not isinstance(terms[1], basestring):
_raise_terms_error("first a dict or a list, second a string pointing to the subkey")
subelements = terms[1].split(".")
if isinstance(terms[0], dict): # convert to list:
if terms[0].get('skipped', False) is not False:
# the registered result was completely skipped
return []
elementlist = []
for key in terms[0].iterkeys():
elementlist = terms[0]
subelement = terms[1]
# check for optional flags in third term
flags = {}
if len(terms) == 3:
flags = terms[2]
if not isinstance(flags, dict) and not all([isinstance(key, basestring) and key in FLAGS for key in flags]):
_raise_terms_error("the optional third item must be a dict with flags %s" % FLAGS)
# build_items
ret = []
for item0 in elementlist:
if not isinstance(item0, dict):
raise AnsibleError("subelements lookup expects a dictionary, got '%s'" %item0)
if item0.get('skipped', False) != False:
raise errors.AnsibleError("subelements lookup expects a dictionary, got '%s'" % item0)
if item0.get('skipped', False) is not False:
# this particular item is to be skipped
if not subelement in item0:
raise AnsibleError("could not find '%s' key in iterated item '%s'" % (subelement, item0))
if not isinstance(item0[subelement], list):
raise AnsibleError("the key %s should point to a list, got '%s'" % (subelement, item0[subelement]))
sublist = item0.pop(subelement, [])
skip_missing = boolean(flags.get('skip_missing', False))
subvalue = item0
lastsubkey = False
sublist = []
for subkey in subelements:
if subkey == subelements[-1]:
lastsubkey = True
if not subkey in subvalue:
if skip_missing:
raise errors.AnsibleError("could not find '%s' key in iterated item '%s'" % (subkey, subvalue))
if not lastsubkey:
if not isinstance(subvalue[subkey], dict):
if skip_missing:
raise errors.AnsibleError("the key %s should point to a dictionary, got '%s'" % (subkey, subvalue[subkey]))
subvalue = subvalue[subkey]
else: # lastsubkey
if not isinstance(subvalue[subkey], list):
raise errors.AnsibleError("the key %s should point to a list, got '%s'" % (subkey, subvalue[subkey]))
sublist = subvalue.pop(subkey, [])
for item1 in sublist:
ret.append((item0, item1))