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Add toml inventory plugin (#41593)
* First pass at a toml inventory * Make EXAMPLES yaml * Remove unnecessary comment * Small formatting changes * Add ansible-inventory option to list as TOML * TOML inventory improvements, to allow a more simple inventory, specifically related to children * changelog * Simplify logic * Dedupe _expand_hostpattern, making it available to all inventory plugins * Don't make the TOML inventory dependent on the YAML inventory * Quote IP address values * Add more TOML examples * Further cleanups * Enable the toml inventory to run by default * Create toml specific dumper * 2.8 * Clean up imports * No toml pygments lexer * Don't raise an exception early when toml isn't present, and move toml to the end, since it requires an external dep * Require toml>=0.10.0 * Further clean up of empty data * Don't require toml>=0.10.0, but prefer it, add code for fallback in older versions * Ensure we actually pass an encoder to toml.dumps * Simplify recursive data converter * Appease tests, since we haven't limited controller testing to 2.7+ * Update docstring for convert_yaml_objects_to_native * remove outdated catching of AttributeError * We don't need to catch ImportError when import ansible.plugins.inventory.toml * Add note about what self.dump_funcs.update is doing * Address some things * A little extra comment * Fix toml availability check * Don't create an intermediate list * Require toml file extension * Add metadata * Remove TOML docs from intro_inventory to prevent people from getting the wrong idea * It's in defaults, remove note * core supported, indicate very clearly that this is preview statuspull/48174/head
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- inventory - added new TOML inventory plugin (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/41593)
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# Copyright (c) 2018 Matt Martz <matt@sivel.net>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['preview'],
'supported_by': 'core'}
inventory: toml
version_added: "2.8"
short_description: Uses a specific TOML file as an inventory source.
- TOML based inventory format
- File MUST have a valid '.toml' file extension
- Requires the 'toml' python library
example1: |
has_java = false
children = [
vars = { http_port = 8080, myvar = 23 }
host1 = {}
host2 = { ansible_port = 222 }
tomcat1 = {}
tomcat2 = { myvar = 34 }
tomcat3 = { mysecret = "03#pa33w0rd" }
jenkins1 = {}
has_java = true
example2: |
has_java = false
children = [
http_port = 8080
myvar = 23
ansible_port = 222
myvar = 34
mysecret = "03#pa33w0rd"
has_java = true
example3: |
host1 = {}
host2 = { ansible_host = "", ansible_port = 44 }
host3 = { ansible_host = "", ansible_port = 45 }
host4 = {}
host4 = {}
import os
from functools import partial
from ansible.errors import AnsibleFileNotFound, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native
from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import MutableMapping, MutableSequence
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types, text_type
from ansible.parsing.yaml.objects import AnsibleSequence, AnsibleUnicode
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseFileInventoryPlugin
import toml
except ImportError:
HAS_TOML = False
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
'The TOML inventory format is marked as preview, which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards '
'compatible interface.'
if HAS_TOML and hasattr(toml, 'TomlEncoder'):
class AnsibleTomlEncoder(toml.TomlEncoder):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AnsibleTomlEncoder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Map our custom YAML object types to dump_funcs from ``toml``
AnsibleSequence: self.dump_funcs.get(list),
AnsibleUnicode: self.dump_funcs.get(str),
toml_dumps = partial(toml.dumps, encoder=AnsibleTomlEncoder())
def toml_dumps(data):
return toml.dumps(convert_yaml_objects_to_native(data))
def convert_yaml_objects_to_native(obj):
"""Older versions of the ``toml`` python library, don't have a pluggable
way to tell the encoder about custom types, so we need to ensure objects
that we pass are native types.
Only used on ``toml<0.10.0`` where ``toml.TomlEncoder`` is missing.
This function recurses an object and ensures we cast any of the types from
``ansible.parsing.yaml.objects`` into their native types, effectively cleansing
the data before we hand it over to ``toml``
This function doesn't directly check for the types from ``ansible.parsing.yaml.objects``
but instead checks for the types those objects inherit from, to offer more flexibility.
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return dict((k, convert_yaml_objects_to_native(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [convert_yaml_objects_to_native(v) for v in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, text_type):
return text_type(obj)
return obj
class InventoryModule(BaseFileInventoryPlugin):
NAME = 'toml'
def _parse_group(self, group, group_data):
if not isinstance(group_data, (MutableMapping, type(None))):
self.display.warning("Skipping '%s' as this is not a valid group definition" % group)
if group_data is None:
for key, data in group_data.items():
if key == 'vars':
if not isinstance(data, MutableMapping):
raise AnsibleParserError(
'Invalid "vars" entry for "%s" group, requires a dict, found "%s" instead.' %
(group, type(data))
for var, value in data.items():
self.inventory.set_variable(group, var, value)
elif key == 'children':
if not isinstance(data, MutableSequence):
raise AnsibleParserError(
'Invalid "children" entry for "%s" group, requires a list, found "%s" instead.' %
(group, type(data))
for subgroup in data:
self._parse_group(subgroup, {})
self.inventory.add_child(group, subgroup)
elif key == 'hosts':
if not isinstance(data, MutableMapping):
raise AnsibleParserError(
'Invalid "hosts" entry for "%s" group, requires a dict, found "%s" instead.' %
(group, type(data))
for host_pattern, value in data.items():
hosts, port = self._expand_hostpattern(host_pattern)
self._populate_host_vars(hosts, value, group, port)
'Skipping unexpected key "%s" in group "%s", only "vars", "children" and "hosts" are valid' %
(key, group)
def _load_file(self, file_name):
if not file_name or not isinstance(file_name, string_types):
raise AnsibleParserError("Invalid filename: '%s'" % to_native(file_name))
b_file_name = to_bytes(self.loader.path_dwim(file_name))
if not self.loader.path_exists(b_file_name):
raise AnsibleFileNotFound("Unable to retrieve file contents", file_name=file_name)
with open(b_file_name, 'r') as f:
return toml.load(f)
except toml.TomlDecodeError as e:
raise AnsibleParserError(
'TOML file (%s) is invalid: %s' % (file_name, to_native(e)),
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
raise AnsibleParserError(
"An error occurred while trying to read the file '%s': %s" % (file_name, to_native(e)),
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError(
"An unexpected error occurred while parsing the file '%s': %s" % (file_name, to_native(e)),
def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
''' parses the inventory file '''
if not HAS_TOML:
raise AnsibleParserError(
'The TOML inventory plugin requires the python "toml" library'
super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path)
data = self._load_file(path)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError(e)
if not data:
raise AnsibleParserError('Parsed empty TOML file')
elif data.get('plugin'):
raise AnsibleParserError('Plugin configuration TOML file, not TOML inventory')
for group_name in data:
self._parse_group(group_name, data[group_name])
def verify_file(self, path):
if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path):
file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if ext == '.toml':
return True
return False
Reference in New Issue